WB Exclusive Rights To Golden Age Era Heroes' IP Set To Fully Expire In Thirteen Years


I hope by then we’ve moved past the whole “let’s make a horror movie about the new public domain character” thing by then because I really don’t want to see 15 different movies about the Evil Cursed Nightmare Demon Monster Bat-Man


“a 10-year plan . . .”

“Driving home that copycat-Marvel strategy is the naming of DC’s first batch of streaming series and films, dubbed “Chapter One,” a blatant homage to “Phase One” of Disney’s now iconic Marvel Cinematic Universe.”

They gonna put a pair of red hot pants on the WB Frog next?

Warner Bros. Studios is rolling over in its grave.






All these characters going public domain is definitely gonna be a good thing, WB has proven to me many times that they are complete Idiots who have idea what fans want.

I’m excited for all the Superhero games that are gonna come out of this, soon anyone can try there hand at cracking the code to making a great Flash or Superman game,

Of course I’m probably gonna be too busy being shot at by Russians in WWIII to play games by the time the 2030s roll around so I’m not gonna get too excited for anything lol.


In a way I am excited to see Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, et. al. entering the public domain. I’m picturing a team up between classic pulp and Golden Age comic book characters. For example, a team consisting of The Shadow, Doc Savage, Superman, Batman, Captain America, and Wonder Woman…


That would be cool. :+1:


Now I see why the Titans leveled up in front of the JL. DC will def return JL to leader status soon but you can see that DC def got their minds on the future. :face_with_monocle:


Not going to work. Dick enters public domain before Wonder Woman. Beast Boy and wonder Girl enter a little over 20 years after them. Wally West gives only 3 more years after Barry enters. Aqualad gives less than 20 years after Aquaman.

The best method is to keep using golden agers more, not less, so the popular image of them is not the 1940s version.


does his nightwing persona enter public domain tho ?
nightwing was robin at one point but hasnt been for years so i can see dc still using him


its probably also why dc is pushing jon kent so much or why they wanted to make a yara flor show
they should continue pushing yara flor shes the more entertaining of the two i mentioned


I’m 100% on board for good (or even decent) Golden Age Wonder Woman, but I dread what we will actually get.

I’m interested in a League of Extraordinary Public Domain Characters. WW needs to rescue Steamboat Willie. :rofl:


I don’t think so. None of Disney’s Mickey Mouse imagery post Steamboat Willie has entered the public domain so I can’t see why Nightwing would.


yeah so they can still push nightwing and whatever people do with robin wont matter because hes not robin


I am not too worried about the amount of schlock that will come out once the Golden Age characters start going into public domain. My reasoning is that a lot of classic characters are already in the public domain (Allan Quartermain, Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, et. al.) and most of them have not fared too badly. Okay, there are bad Sherlock Holmes books and movies out there, but then there are a lot out there that are remarkably good. And I don’t think we have to worry about a Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey situation with Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman. I think WWHB and the upcoming “Steamboat Willie” horror movies are just built on the shock of characters thought to appeal to children being used for the horror genre. A Superman or, especially, a Batman horror movie just wouldn’t have the shock value. Anyway, I am looking forward to interpretations of the characters that DC generally won’t do in live-action movies. A Batman movie set in 1939. Wonder Woman fighting Nazis in WWII. That sort of thing.

The one thing that makes me sad about the characters going into public domain is that so much of their mythos won’t for years. I would love to write a take on Barbara Gordon, but she won’t go into public domain until 28 years after Batman and her dad and 27 years after Robin does.


Nightwing identity is way later, but I doubt it will matter. Will not be hard to just use Dick and come up with a new name and costume, but just call him Dick and let the readers assume it is Nightwing.

Does not matter, as Conner does not enter public domain until past 2100. If they were really pushing Jon Kent for that reason they would stop the headlines that try to make people think he is Clark.


i didnt mention conner
im saying they are pushing jon and it may be due to the fact that superman enters public domain in 13 years



Also- continuity seems like it’s gonna’ feel some after shocks with this as well.


It will definitely shake things up!

