WB/Discovery Cancellations Are Now Taking Effect! What Would You Like to See in the Future


How about an Icon & Rocket film? Or maybe a Steel or Hardware film?

Oh yeah, they could of course do any of those. To me though at this point they would just feel like another generic super-hero movie or TV series, and Marvel has that market cornered.

And add to it, they would feel like just another generic super-hero movie or TV series… and they’re not even a Marvel movie or TV series, so they wouldn’t have that going for it; that built-in audience.

Of course, this is just my opinion on it. And I feel that way because I don’t feel that they would really do anything with those characters to set them apart. They’re certainly not going to do anything controversial with them. And so they don’t really have any other hook to them. They’re Black characters and that’s great and all, but what more is there to it?

That said, one could ask what does someone like Duke Thomas have going for him? The answer would be nothing really, other than the Batman connection. And that would really be the only reason to do something with him.

I think you would get the same returns with characters like the Question, Jonah Hex, Green Arrow, Nightwing, etc. They would be pretty cheap to make and the returns could be substantial. Maybe a Red Hood film in the same vein as Dredd and the Daredevil tv show.

Yeah, the Question I think would be absolutely great. Vic Sage or Renee Montoya, or someone new.

An adaption of the SANDMAN MYSTERY THEATRE Vertigo series from the 90s I think would be great. A lot of people may want to see that.

In one thread I said wanted to see an adaption of Vertigo’s BEWARE THE CREEPER. I would absolutely love to see that… naturally. :smiling_face:

I’m looking forward to that Dead Boy Detectives series on HBO Max. As well as the Constantine series. And I love who the rumored lead is…

If he gets the role I imagine they’ll be some backlash, but such is life.

Anyway, there are plenty of things Warner Bros. and Discovery can do as HBO Max series with DC properties that won’t cost them an arm and a leg. Batman is just of course the biggest and most obvious thing that they have, and pretty much know will work… well, except Batwoman. :smiling_face:

(Even with something Batman-related you just can’t put out anything. You do actually have to try and make it good.)

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