Titans Episode 4: Thoughts and Reactions?

I’m really enjoying the show. Raven and Starfire have grown on me to a point that I get excited to them on screen. Dick Grayson is a great character. Gar is awesome.

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Definitely the best episode so far. The Doom Patrol felt more like their comic counterparts than the Titans do.

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Found myself getting a little emotional at times. I wish there were more episodes released…

Definitely sold me on the Doom patrol themselves. Only one I didn’t care for was the chef. But Dalton will probably be much better in the role if his role in Hot Fuzz is any indication.

Episodes one and two are great action. 3 was okay. I liked certain scenes. 4 was fun. Felt like a good comic book sprang to life.

Sometimes I am afraid I will end up saying something related to the story of Starfire in this show. I know it is a mistery… but… they are not giving us anything… and if we will be here waiting for (I don’t know you… but I waiting for another “F… Batman” line)
As i was saying, being here every single week to see if starfire finally receives a rol here and not receiving anything, sucks!

We need to start accepting it: The starfire issue is already discussed and it won’t change… but if we don’t get anything to kinda feel inside her skin, its all in vain. Her character feels like a weight to carry around just because she is starfire. It gives me a vibe of she is always holding her piss off side and when she is not doing it, feels so fake.

They live on the Street, whom I hope is a member of version of Doom Patrol. Few dumb stereotypes, but the world building is excellent, and the character designs were an exciting preview of a show I look forward to even more than the great one, Titans is becoming. Donna in episode 9!

The chef getting into a hilarious cycle of getting crippled and recovering only to be crippled again should become a running gag, like Ray in Archer.


Why is everyone written so unlikable? You know Robin? Yeah let’s make your favorite character into a wiener stabbing, face slashin’, eye stabbin’, breaking and entering with assault POLICE OFFICER. Also why does the chief sound like Tommy Wiseau doing a Christoph Waltz impression? Also the continuity…hunter gets shot in the shoulder, gets up and no wound. What? Run out of cgi blood? That being said, the rest of the Doom Patrol looks great. Needs more Thad Castle, 3/10.


To be honest, RedClay, I see where they’re going. Raven and Robin have a central growth arc of dealing with their own darkness. It is classic for these arcs to start with the character stating an Erroneous Thesis- some sort of philosophy or world-view that will be proven wrong in the arc, and cause them to grow.

Dick’s Wrong Thesis was partially stated when he told Rae that she was on her own. That was turned over in this episode, but he is still dealing with a lot of darkness. Clearly, Dick has let Gotham get to him, and it’s caused a schism with Bruce. He is going to have to take that darkness and transform it into something else before he can become Nightwing.

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I thought episode 4 was awesome. I just wish all the episodes were released so we good binge watch it like other streaming shows. A little hint next time for season 2. But overall, a good, but VERY different Titans. :heart:

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Looking forward to all the original content that is coming. Really liking Titans!!

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Thought it was a great episode. Can’t wait for the Doom Patrol series. Glad The Chief has been recast with the great Timothy Dalton as his current actor was the weakest of the bunch.

It tickled… It was aiight :smirk:

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I :heart:d it. It gave us more of a look at Beast Boy and what he likes. The only part that grossed me out was when we saw Rita in bed. :nauseated_face: Otherwise, AAAAAHHHHHH!!!:smile::smile::smile:

Best show on tv well actually not on tv lol puts any marvel show to shame


It has been a great series.Can’t wait to see more


I can’t get enough of that cooking and dinner scene! Great episode


Was disappointed when I thought Starfire and Negative man we’re going to fight and then they didn’t. Thought that would look cool.

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Well, at least now I’m really looking forward to the Doom Patrol show! As far as this show goes, however, I’m still waiting for it to improve. There’s a lot to like about Titans, but I just can’t get past an ultraviolent, super-dark Dick Grayson who acts NOTHING like Dick Grayson. They’ve really done the character a huge disservice.

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