Titans, Doom Patrol or Swamp Thing - Which series premiere is your favorite?

This is a tough one! I absolutely adore all three shows and each one had an amazing introduction to their world.

That said, I am leaning towards Swamp Thing’s premiere. They had a very difficult story to adapt to the big screen with a lot of elements that could have threatened the believability of the world they were making. It never did. I found it expertly crafted, personally.


same, all three are worthy(!), but there’s something about being first-- staying up til 3am to catch the Titans premiere was just magic … this much new quality content so quickly is once in a lifetime

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Doom patrol


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I definitely think Doom Patrol had the best premiere out of all of them.


DOOM PATROL by far SWAMP THING had a nearly perfect pilot, but DP was jaw-dropping.

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  1. Doom Patrol: I thought it was the perfect start. Kinda everything I wanted Titans to be (focused on characters and their relationships and building the story)

  2. Swamp Thing: High production values. I don’t think this show is my cup of tea to keep watching, but that’s not an insult towards its quality. Just not my kind of show.

  3. Young Justice: Its becoming a little bloated, but still an enjoyable cartoon. Solid return after a long hiatus.

  4. Titans: I thought episodes 1-3 were decent, but mostly set up. Not fun but could be justifiable. I loved episodes 4-5, the show went off course with the rest, getting way too sidetracked before an awful finale.

Doom patrol blew my mind. So unfiltered and adult, and it felt so human for it. Swamp thing was awesome with the touch of body horror. Titans was ok. What I’m loving is these stories really take a mature look at these characters and show that they aren’t 100% superheroes. Some heroes are made from monsters.

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Titans was the best premiere episode, it very much clickEd what Grayson was struggling with very quickly. It was designed to setup his arc as a major theme of the series and did so very well.

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I’m here for Doom patrol and its proven to be even better than the trailers showed. I also enjoy the back catalog of other shows.

Doom Patrol. Hands down. Swamp Thing is well done but we’ve only seen 2 eps. Titans wasn’t bad just weak.

Swampthing, then Titans. Doom Patrol didn’t really do it for me.

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Doom Patrol is my favorite so far, I loved how it could make you laugh sometimes because of all the dumb shit that happened. Also, I’m extremely exited for Titans when it come back because of the cliffhanger and can’t wait to see where it leaves off. Swamp thing is a great series and it would be sad if they ended up canceling it.

Doom Patrol

my go too comedy drama

Doom Patrol

my go too comedy drama

Doom Patrol

my go too comedy drama

and i just realized i hit post three times

Doom Patrol was obviously the best, swamp thing is fantastic so far but cancelled, titans was a mess… dick Grayson was disappointing as hell… much better portrayal in young justice…


Doom patrol