Thoughts on Shazam! Movie?

Just Shazam last night what’s everyone’s thoughts it was good but wasn’t as good as man of steel aquaman or the dark knight saga


It’s pretty darn great.


It rocks.


My one word review: Fun


Not super great but a solid start. Looking forward to seeing more Mr Mind !


It was a fun movie I don’t know if I would try and compare it with any of the other DC movies I am just waiting for Black Adam to show up


I honestly feel like they Crushed it on this movie. It was fun and light with some deep and meaningful undertones. It had a great cast and Zachary Levi is the ONLY choice for this role. He was perfect. You can tell Zach cares alot about the character. He embraces every aspect of the superhero on and off the screen. A very humble man who seems to really appreciate the fan support, and care about the community. Definitely pleased, and happy DC and David Sandberg knocked it out of the park. Can’t wait for Mr. Mind and Black Adam!!


Two Monopoly dollars says the teaser poster for Shazam 2 is just Black Adam with an arched eyebrow.


I think the Shazam movie had a great story but there were issues:

  1. Seems like a cash grab
  2. Christmas movie that’s out of season.
  3. Quality lacking in comparison with Aquaman
  4. I truly feel the WB will be the downfall of DC. It seems they have no plan for upcoming films
  5. Superman cameo are dealt like being spit in the face (at least for me)
  6. This level of “fun” in films is only a repeat of history, like Batman in the 90s with Kilmer and Clooney.
  7. … there is much more, but I’ve gotta go for now.
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I loved the cameo at the end

I loved that they showed Black Adam


It’s definitely a step in the right direction for the DCEU, but it did have its problems. I didn’t like that they gave Sivana the same power set as Shazam (aside from absorbing/releasing the sins) since Black Adam who we already know is going to show up at some point, has that exact same power set.

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I agree @westlake

Some are not able to distunguish a cash grab from a quality movie, like Batman V Superman or Aquaman. Shazam is a cash grab (my opinion). I liked it, but do feel robbed. As a DC fan, I feel betrayed, and feel like history is repeating itself.

WB really needs to release the Snyder cut… and integrate Shazam’s “fun” personality in future films.

Community room moderator: I do not blame DC, but do hold WB accountable for what they did to Zack Snyder and his work. End of rant. WB lost focus of its core audience in the effort of trying to appeal to the widest audience possible for $$$$$. Greed.

Shazam for me is a 7/10, with 10 being the best rating.


@Jbyrd821 Can you explain what you mean by cash grab? Shazam is a movie focused on a lesser known kid hero character with a relatively small budget (i.e. investment). BvS threw two of DC’s biggest names together (plus some others) and had a massive budget. I would expect BvS to grab way more cash - and it did. It just didn’t grab as much as anticipated after the opening weekend. Although, even for most other superhero movies making over $800 million wouldn’t be considered a failure.

I guess I just considered Shazam to be a smaller movie for a smaller character. I mean Shazam was fun, but I actually enjoyed seeing Billy (the kid) accept the family around him and step up to be a hero more than the straight goofy stuff. On the other hand, I think what happened to Justice League felt more like a ‘play it safe, try to appease the largest audience possible’ situation.


Shazam is the lowest grossing DC Movie since they started the DCEU with Man of Steel, and I am baffled how a movie about a character less had heard of or were familiar with is a blatant cash grab in a way Superman vs Batman clearly isn’t. The movie was made for 100 million, I just don’t get how it is a blatant cash grab. And all the movies are about making as much money as possible, the entire reason the DCEU exist is to try and replicate the money machine the Marvel Cinimatic Universe has. That is how movies work, it’s a business. Not like these are indy movie passion projects, nor do they try to be. But a movie about a B list hero to follow up the Justice League tied in movies hardly feels like a cast of “and NOW they sold out”

Although with all due respect, that comment feels like it was mostly made to once again talk about the Snyder cut.


A “cash grab” for me is a movie that is easily forgotten about after you pay to see it…

Look, I enjoyed Shazam. Do not misunderstand. I fear WB does not have direction and is afraid to boldly step where it was headed before Zack’s departure, because it didn’t match with the success of Marvel right from the start. My opinion.

People are still actively talking about Man of Steel like it just came out. Shazam is a movie that will have a short “shelf life” in the stores - wait and see. Yes, it was a smaller budget and I understand that. The movie is or should’ve been a Christmas movie, which raises concern about their direction.

No clear, official statement about anything has been made about DC’s future, so there’s that…

The larger majority of DC fans are aware of what WB did to Snyder’s work and push for the release of the Snyder cut.


I thought Shazam was awesome.


Every movie is an attempt at a cash grab if we’re being honest about things.


Enjoyed the movie the only negative thing I have to say is I never felt like SHAZAM and billy were the same person. You could tell it was two completely different people rather then this kid actually transforming into an adult. Their personalities didn’t match at all.


Yes, and every movie is a cash grab. I understand how business works. Businesses are in business for profit. Many bought into Aquaman, because they knew Snyder was involved. Aquama is still connected to Zacks original plan for Justice League; James Wan even references Zack when he is asked. The marketing and timing of Aquaman was correct and the trailers were adequately spaced out. Shazam was out of season and the marketing was very limited. I ENJOYED Shazam. I look forward to the sequel, however, I am hesitant as a DC fan for films going forward, as many others are as well. It SHOULDN’T BE LIKE THAT.

From looking at pics being distributed of Birds of Prey, it appears we may get the same headless treatment as we did in Shazam.

Something needs to change.