The Superman Thread

Occasionally, I do posts on my favorite Superman stories from the Silver Age that haven’t yet been digitized. Here are the links:

The first two are pretty short. The third is the longest, but got the most reads. No pressure on reading any of them, though!


Noted! I didn’t see it on the DC homepage when I was writing the post Tuesday morning, so I’ll edit it in.

Thanks for the 411. :+1:t2:


I thought there were parts of the Annual which were fun, even if I have not been reading the concurrent stuff, I had some ideas of what the on-going plot threads were. The main story is a bit weak in other parts and while I conceptually liked the idea of different artists for the different Daily Planet staff reporters, none of the artists really got a script that gave them much to work with, save for the Livewire/Parasite prison showdown.

I had forgotten about Red Cloud and I think DC would be better off forgetting about most of Bendis’ regrettable OCs.

As I mentioned before, I’m trade waiting on Lost and it’s going down the pile below everything else, including re-reads.

We have a new teaser trailer for episode 7 of The Best Superhero Cartoon In The Universe after the other one, this one definitely has what would appear to be spoilers - fun spoilers but spoilers nonetheless - I spoilered the trailer not because the headline is a spoiler but the image ‘thumbnail’ itself will be:

EDIT: and we have a VERY spoilerrific clip from last night episode of The Best Superhero Cartoon In The Universe which I am blocking off the thumbnail to since it’s an image we’ve seen before:

OH, and Episode 4 is now free on the Adult Swim site I posted earlier, above, for the bargain hunters who don’t want to wait for it to drop fully on HBO Max to get a month’s subscription, or who have already used up their free trial.

I’ve got it playing in the background right now just so Adult Swim counts it as an eyeball. Even though we have a nebulous second season already ordered, I figure it doesn’t hurt. And it’s not like it costs me extra internet!


I finely read worlds finest 17 good ending
I’m going back to digital I’m willing to wait a month for floppies but it seems to be taking longer and longer to get to me


The promo trailer for Episode 8 of The Best Superhero Cartoon In The Universe has a minor spoiler for episode 6 (and, to an extent, of course, 7, however, the title of the episode feels like a spoiler (when you go to the YT page for the Adult Swim channel) but what can you do:


I wonder if worlds finest could go back to its legacy number all mark has to do is make it to 27 and worlds finest will be at 350 he only has 10 more to go

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only one more day till worlds finest 18 comes out
do you guys think it will be available at 1 am tonight digitally ?

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I really like the show


On google books they come out around 12: 30 Central time. On DC Universe they come out at 11 PM Central.


I’m gonna buy it on amazon when it comes out do you think it will be out around that time


I ditched comixology around a year ago. When I used it they got stuff at 11 PM Central the day before.


I ditched it a year ago to but it works okay now at least on the computer thanks for the info


I just read worlds finest 18 its everything I wanted it to be :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I can’t wait for the next comic to come out


Superman by John Byrne. Iconic!


:boom: New Releases for the week of 8/15/23 :boom:

:heavy_dollar_sign: New to Retail :heavy_dollar_sign:

:batman: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #18 :superman:

Main cover, by Dan Mora.


Darick Robertson

Rafael Albuquerque (Gentle reminder: Blue Beetle opens this week.)

Ariel Colon (1:25)

Meghan Hetrick (1:50)

Foil variant of the main cover, by Dan Mora.

:night_with_stars: Knight Terrors: Superman #2 :scream:

Main cover, by Gleb Melnikov.


Jon “Bog” Bogdanove

John Giang

Mikel Janin (1:25)

Pete Woods (1:50)

:fireworks: New to DCUI Ultra :fireworks:

What are you :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: reading this week, :superman:uper-fans?


So, I recently came across this upcoming release that drops on 8/29


…and have no idea what the dealio is with it. Did Doomsday gain sentience again or is this something else?

Here are some variants for the mag:

Dan Jurgens

Nathan Szerdy

Clayton Crain (Love CC!)


does it do anything


“Oh, most definitely.”

Its shiny and…shiny.

Oh, and its reflective, too…because of how shiny it is.


The VERY spoilery promo for Episode NINE of The Best Superhero Cartoon In The Universe: