The Superman Thread

Imagine the Full House crossover!

Jesse gets amnesia and then wakes up in Ultraman’s suit. He goes over to a mirror, looks himself over and as his memory slowly starts to come back, he says “Have mercy!”

Call it “Enter: Uncle Jesse!”, and it would be the episode that fans talk about for years on-end.

Suffice to say, the Perfect Strangers and Kalling Around mash-up would write itself.

Larry: “Balki, you and the Injustice Superman have switched bodies! You look like him, but you’re you!”

Balki: “Don’t be ridiculous!”


This just sounds better and better.


I’m already envisioning the Kalling Around/Pinky and The Brain crossover.

Brain: “Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?”

Pinky: “Well I think so Brain, but…would nacho chips suffice as safe water skis for us as we ski through nacho cheese?”

Brain: “No, you poster child for the proper use of prophylactics! We’ll steal Ultraman and the Injustice Superman’s powers! Then, we’ll defeat Superman and the Justice League and with that…the world will be MINE!”

Pinky is blowing bubbles with his spit while Brain speaks

Pinky (channeling Jon Oliver): “Cool.”

It’d be the Kalling Around/Pinky and The Brain/Last Week Tonight with Jon Oliver mega-crossover! :partying_face:


I don’t think there’s any 80s or 90s sitcom that wouldn’t benefit from this crossover.


Mama’s Family and Kalling Around is producing some…interesting ideas, oh yes.

Mama (watching TV news): “Vinton, why the hell is Superman being a jerk?”

Vinton: “That’s not Superman, mama. Its his doppelganger from another Earth.”


I was picturing a Golden Girls crossover where Sofia thinks one of the evil Kals is a kid she gave up for adoption, but now I think one where Blanche is dating both of them at the same time and trying to keep them from finding that out would be better.


Great Rao, a Kalling Around and The Golden Girls mash-up would be great! The possibilities for it are endless.

Blanche (to Ultraman): “Well, hello, tall, powerful and handsome.”

Ultraman (sneering): “Get away from me.”

Sophia (to Blanche): “Whoa. When alternate universe Supermen say no to you, you know you’ve had it.”

Rose (to Ultraman and the IS): “Do either of you know Mighty Mouse? I always liked him.”


There’s no way that would happen without someone sarcastically referring to Rose as Brainiac.


Dorothy would absolutely call her “Brainiac”, while you know that Sophia would drop “Bizarro” at some point.


I thought that proof of concept was really interested - save I did not at all like either the hair or body design for their Not-Quite-Nic-Cage version of Kal-El. But its a far more creative and imaginative use of the Fair Use/Transformative fan work concept than we have seen since I think that Park Bench movie from right around the time the Murderverse erupted from the Cult Leader in 2013?

That and this very short van Viersen Golden Age homage comic are some of my favorite fan works, although I know a lot of people were very fond of that agricultural workers movie, also from around the middle of the past decade

That and also loving Telos would make you one of DiDio’s unicorns!

It’s absolutely bat-crap cray cray and fabulous for that very reason. Some of the most run story-time read alongs I ever participated in those years and something that I thought was so enjoyable that I own the collection.

It features villainous team-ups, a BAMF Superman, a kid and dog for absolutely no real reason, and as you can see, a veritable team of supermen team up, and so much Neal Adams Being Neal Adams that if you loved Batman Odyssey, you should at least check this out. As @moro stated, if you appreciate Adams on art, the art is really ‘absolutely fantastic.’

@millernumber1 I also, from the exchange you had with @moro (and BTW, since I think I missed saying it elsewhere, happy belated B-Day, big guy), but from all the various tweet pronouncements Gunn has made and his referencing of All Star (and i suspect he’s going to be taking some concepts from Waid’s limited series with Yu (even though the Cult Leader and Goyer already did steal a few things from that for MoS, what I think Gunn might take is the stuff beforehand, the search for identity - in a different way: How Clark becomes a Hero and Why Actually Does He Make The Choice To Help Humanity.

All that said, I personally still have nearly NO faith in a take by Gunn, particularly if he’s not going to a leveling influence of a different director, because it will be solely his voice, by and large. And there’s nothing in his specific public comments or his past work that makes me feel good about this aspect of it.

The nice thing about owning those Adventures TV episodes via iTunes purchase, even if you paid more, is that if you own stuff from Apple (e.g. music or individual episodes) and they get remastered, you will get THAT. I own some digital DC via iBook and I don’t think they remaster the books when DC remasters them from the printed omnibuses like they do in DCUI, but then again, DC doesn’t/didn’t provide those to Crapazom or CMX either, so they don’t have the remastered files. Whereas with the video, if the owners provide it to Apple for sale, and you own the same thing, they will give you the higher quality file the next time you go to download it or watch it, etc.

In my case, I no longer see the need to own some physical stuff. I’d rather pay, for example, $200 for that Flash and Superman statute racing we both own, for display in my apartment, versus pay $200 for a fancy 4K SteelBook of DVDs, for example, particularly if the main purpose of either outlay is for display and public enjoyment.

  • Anime-esque.
  • Stylized S design.
  • Trunks!
  • Are those boots nearly knee high?
  • Is that two tones of blue I see in the suit?
  • Yellow belt under a continuous red loop? Looks like just the buckle is peaking from underneath.
  • I like the badass entry/landing.
  • I also like the Clark to Superman transformation. Never gets old.
  • I’m dissecting this way too much.

Like I said elsewhere, I like it when artists give unique takes on the classic costume, and they do that here, so no complaints on my end. Bring on the show!


So when 2025 comes around, there’s a great chance that alongside the comics we’ll have this My Adventures with Superman abimated series, Superman and Lois on television, and Superman Legacy hitting the big screen. Things are definitely looking up for us Superman fans :smiley::grin:


Shhh… don’t jinx it :slightly_smiling_face:.

I actually don’t have my hopes up that Superman & Lois will get renewed. Every time I read something about the CW, it’s about how they’re moving to lower cost unscripted stuff. As for this show, it’s pre James Gunn, and he’s mentioned that he wants the same actors playing the characters in animation and live action, so we’ll see where it goes.

Nonetheless, right now really is a good time to be a Superman fan. Hoping WBD and DC build on that in times to come.


SUPERBOY PRIME #ItsPrimeTime Baybeee !
images (1)


I really like that art. I still want Jimmy to be the one in a bow-tie but I’m glad I have something to point to for all those trolls taking smack about Lois and her art and characterization based purely on an EFFING still.

But my, that is a very pretty version of Superman and a still very pretty version of Clark, even more so than the Tomorrowverse.


@KushingtonPrimeWhoFraggz That second one shows such dynamism and I’m not even a Prime-boy like so many others.

I was already aware and planning to go see Superman the Movie in a big screen at my local (literal neighborhood) Regal later this month, but I just got the Crown Club email letting me know that they are also playing the Donner Cut (double bill, but separate admission, brief intermission in between; I noticed some theaters are doing separate showings on different days but they are all in nose bleed parts of my area so neighborhood theater it is or not at all) and both films are only going to be $5 a piece (not sure if that’s the Crown Club members or the retail price, but the loyalty membership sign up is free and you can do it on line, in advance of any purchase). I’m still not sure about seeing the Donner Cut in a theater, given that some of it is a combination of unfinished material and even Donner himself wasn’t fully happy with the finished product, but I can’t remember now what those were and how it appeared on my flat screen, much less how much it might bother me in a theatrical presentation.

Also, I’m not sure I want to sit through 4+ hours worth of Superman, without being in the comfort of my own home, bathroom, fridge, and pause buttons.

What Would Y’All Do?


The old Superman movies? Watch at home :slightly_smiling_face:.



Let me guess…

You read more Justice Society


How did you know?