The Nightwing Thread

Look everybody - it’s Dick! All jokes (briefly) put aside, if you are a fan of the first Robin, one of the founders of the Teen Titans, and the protector of Bludhaven…then you are in the right place to share that love!


Can’t wait to learn more about Dick

But seriously, since I got my comic nerd card revoked by @CassTheStreet :smile:, I now have no shame in saying that I haven’t read any Nightwing comics.


Surprising! I would reccomend his current book, which technically kicked off right at the beginning of the Rebirth era





i saw cass in the image so i had to click
but i recognize this guy from superman

i loved his work on superman im hoping he comes back to it


you can be a comic nerd without reading EVERYTHING
dont let someone shame you just for not reading someone popular


I own Nightwing comics, and I’ve read numerous amounts of comics with Dick in them, but I have yet to read any of his solo runs (despite owning one).

Well I guess that’s not true. I’ve read select issues from certain runs to present obscure characters for Obscurity of DC


Dang! I didn’t even recognize her in that image and I’m the guy who used it


my eyes are tuned to find her or other characters i enjoy in images
kon and cass
like this is from the death of the justice league promotional image


I get that! @CassTheStreet and I were joking around, but I do have to admit. I’ve been reading from DC for a decade and still haven’t read ONE issue of anything Aquaman. I gotta read at least one lol


Speaking of women who show up in Nightwing’s book…Shawn Tsang AKA Defacer

Early in the Rebirth era, DC brought Dick back to Bludhaven. As he settled back inand got familiar with some of the people, he befriended Shawn who used to be a criminal but was now focused on community work following her prison sentence. The two began a relationship that unfortunately didn’t last long.

I’m sure we’ll get to a debate regarding Babs and Starfire soon enough. But I want to say that these two were pretty cute together. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. The reason they ended is understandable and felt grounded. But it still hurts, even after all this time


same tho
i have not read anything aquaman like at all
blackest night doesnt count but i own that and everyone was cool there even characters i find boring like barry allen


No shame at all, I was teasing @TheMidnightGhost during a WAL that was for Aquaman. The only Aquaman book I have read is Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis.


that one was turned into a movie wasnt it ?


I don’t believe so. But I don’t know everything that DC has done on that side. :thinking:


I remember making this thread ages ago. Time to bring it back


Dick Grayson is an awesome character! I really liked Dixon’s run on Nightwing, as well as Seeley, Higgins, Humphries, Jurgens (yes, even Jurgens, who turned some real lemons into some passable lemonade with cool ideas like the Nightwings!), Percy. And I do want to shout out the Grayson teams for a really, really solid read!


This Nightwing/Huntress crossover mini-series confuses. You have one cover that shows them fighting, and then the next they are kissing. Then there is a final cover where it implies there is a bad break between them but in reality, they are still good friends. Why are you trying to confuse me comic?!

In all seriousness, this limited series is a solid team-up between the two. The two team up to investigate a mafia member who allegedly killed a woman during a time when he couldn’t have. You notice the differences between their approaches and philosophies right away. But throughout their investigation, they do manage to trust each other. Maybe a bit too much. Seriously Dick, keep your Grayson covered!

In case you are wondering, yes I do have a double standard here. I disapprove of Dick getting with Helena. But I will cheer on Helena for getting some! The context is that Dick and Babs weren’t together at the time and Helena revealed that she decided to get comfortable with DIck to break into the Bat Family circle to try and learn some of their secrets. But she found she liked him too much to go through it. You would think this would make Dick mad when she confessed this at the end of the story. But he admitted he liked being played more than usual when she did it. Yea…I bet he did!

Again, sorry, I can’t help myself with this dude! The point I’m trying to make is that this is an enjoyable story with a solid crime-related plot but more entertaining for the dynamic between the vigilantes. Go check it out.


Another storyline to check out is Year One. While this is a story that shows him being a Bat Prick, it mainly focuses on following Dick after he has been fired as Robin. We have guest appearances from Superman, Deadman, Babs, and a team-up Jason Todd. In the final issue, Dick gets the suit that originally debuted in the Teen Titans: Judas Contract storyline - the Disco Suit! But this story also shows it was created by Alfred, which makes it bittersweet since our favorite butler is currently dead in the DCU. Highly reccomend for any newcomer!