The Flash Trailer Is Out NOW. What Are Your Thoughts?

There will be an advanced screening of it at cinemacon tomorrow


Oh cool! Wish I could go


It airs from 4:45-7:15 (I cannot tell what time zone that means). So if you are not going but want to find online details or reactions, that is when they should be dropping.


Elon couldn’t have picked a worst time to mess up twitter…wanted to follow the hashtags on news but you can’t do that or search anything without an account now :upside_down_face:

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:0_flash: :00_superman: :thumbs_up_batman:


Looks awesome, can’t wait!


Thanks for reminding me that I made this thread lol. Can’t wait for the trailer to be out. Thanks for the tip :thumbs_up_batman:


I take back that one comment I made where I said I’m not too excited for this movie.

I’m very excited now


You’re welcome


The “gawd, I can’t wait ta see dis movie” bandwagon, is a little to crowded for me. Not that every teaser/trailer isn’t better than the one before it, because they are. And yes I will be paying my good money to see this on a big screen. Probably more than once (which is exactly what WB/Discovery wants us to do). And like everyone who grew to love Keaton as Batman, I’m going primarily to see him, back in the role.

My concerns, are these … what happens if this flic make a gazillion $$$ worldwide? How does that affect their decisions on future projects going forward? They’ve already said that Batman Beyond isn’t going anywhere. But what happens if critics and fans all give Keaton an A+++ rating? Will they rethink that decision? I hope so. At his age, Keaton is perfect for the aged role of Terry McGinnis mentor. And we all know it!

And what happens to Erza Miller? Does this movie redeem him, or is the writing still on the wall where he’s concerned? Likewise Sasha Calle. What if she’s not just knockin’ out bad guys, but also her role, right outta the park. Gunn is savvy enough in the ways of Hollywood to know that decisions made before the $$$ is counted, can be reversed. I hope that’s true, at least where Batman Beyond is concerned. Mr. Gunn says that the Flash is the best super-hero movie he’s ever seen. Let’s hope that’s true!


Poster is a huge improvement, now that the focus is on the literal alleged main subject of the film. I think it’s a better trailer than the first one. Since they pushed this out back to back fairly quickly, I’d like to see them do a feature that they also release to cinemas. For say mid to late May.


All fair questions. Hell, Paramount did Friday The 13th Part 4: The Final Chapter. It made money and…they proceeded to make 4 more films after that lol


Lol, that’s hilarious. Like the “increasingly inaccurately named Hitchhiker’s Guide Trilogy”. :wink:

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New Line followed suit in 1991 with Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare, for Part 5 didn’t make much. And in an interview the director denied any possibility of Freddy coming back, saying he was dead. There was even a kinda PR event with a funeral for Freddy. Come 1994, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, lol.