The Dark Underbelly of Comics: Dynamite Entertainment and Being Attacked by Comicsgaters

By this logic you could claim that any group is a “hate group”. It also seems to be an easy way to dismiss anyone that doesn’t agree with you.

Person X doesn’t agree with my philosophy of Y therefore person X is only a “token” of whatever group disagrees with me and should not have their opinion heard or taken seriously.

In fact it seems quite reasonable to assume that it would be an argument used by bigots by definition, which I believe is also quite common.


Not if you actually understand what a hate group is. This is quickly turning into the old, “How can you say that you’re opposed to intolerance if you’re intolerant to intolerant people?” diatribe.


I think the key is to use that logic in the context of what ComicsGaters have done and said.


How can I judge a comic based on that page alone, you would of gone after The Boys the moment it came out. I don’t think you should of been harassed for staying your opinion. I can’t support your opinion on this page alone and certainly don’t support people who go after people who create from a place of humor and sadness automatically for being


I’m both unimpressed and un-offended by the sample page. It seems like a hacky attempt at Garth Ennis satire. None of its jokes land properly but it’s not a hate crime either.

That being said, something broke in Van Sciver’s brain five or six years and he’s become a psycho who is only motivated to “trigger the libs” his every waking moment. Comicsgate is a toxic movement on social media because they copy the harassing playbook of gamergate. While I have no problem with that book existing, I get why established comics creators are putting the pressure on Dynamite to cut ties with the individuals that have been harassing them.


how the ■■■■ did that get pass the publishers?!


i aggree with you.


@martinalguy.71309 The Boys is adult oriented (violent, sexual content, adult language) but that alone doesn’t put it on the same level as this waste of a comic.


I’m glad that actual fans are standing up to the hate, and letting Dynamite know what’s going on. But it really does seem like Dynamite is a lost cause at this point. Giving the comicsgaters/fandom menace guys money only encourages them, and I for one want no part of it.


Dude, ■■■■ Comicsgate


It didn’t get “passed them,” They have been supportive of comicsgate before, this is just the furthest they have gone.


Hey man! Thanks for taking the time to respond to my novel sorry here’s another one :laughing:.

Thanks for providing the link to that article I had not read it. I kinda just read comics I like and don’t pay much attention to the behind the scene stuff and I’m oblivious to any social media stuff like the milk shake thing. My nose is normally buried in research papers. I hope I didn’t come across as defending any of the people who were making ugly comments or that they were justified. Even if the intent of that comic page was to be harmlessly funny it wasn’t that funny in my opinion. I don’t deny that there are hateful people in the world, I just often don’t want to believe people have that kind of hate in their hearts. While it doesn’t excuse what they’ve said I just try to consider the possibility that it is coming from some pass trauma or them lashing out because they feel like they are being told that because they don’t like the quality of writing in stories that feature diverse characters that they themselves are bad people or against diversity.
Between family members and friends, I know war changes a person and once home, it’s hard to readjust to the world. Many of them have a fighting spirit, they feel like they need to keep fighting and don’t know how to channel it. I wonder if this Meyer fella is struggling with some type of PTSD, with his military background I’m sure he’s seen some bad stuff.
Whenever I do see people going back and forth on sensitive topics like these, often among the name calling I will see folks call into question the others mental state. But it doesn’t seem to be brought up as a concern but only to discredit and attack. This is really alarming to me; proper mental health care is a real issue. It’s not my area so I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think it’s too unreasonable to assume that people who have these opinions towards people of color or sexual orientation may be suffering from some form of mental illness/mental block possibly brought on from pass trauma (not my area of study but I’m not saying their crazy, just that they may be suffering from something IDK). Attacking them seems dangerous, it may bring them to cause harm to themselves or others.
On a lighter note, Super excited to get some news about Dragon Prince! Have you checked out Cursed on Netflix? I really liked it and hope to hear announcement’s for a second season soon. Check it out if you haven’t man, I think you’ll like it.


I’ve been a Dynamite reader for years. Big Red Sonja, Vampirella, Dejah Thoris, John Carter, Shadow, Green Hornet and Project Superpowers reader. But this Cecil stuff it’s distasteful and Dynamite has angered many readers. And now Mark Russell is leaving Dynamite I don’t really blame him but I’m sad to see him leave Red Sonja, his Sonja stuff is wonderful. Also Gail Simone had a historic Red Sonja run and that sold well for Dynamite. Then they turn around with this Comicsgate tyranny and they usually give Simone endless trouble. I don’t know Dynamite they punctured themselves and I don’t know if it’s a wound that will heal anytime soon


Saying things like “plus he looked kinda black and I dont want to add to his oppression” is racist. It pokes at the BLM movement and racial inequality which is not something to be joked about right now when so many people are dying or arrested for fighting against injustice in the justice system and the police forces that were supposed to protect the citizens from said injustice. Its not funny. Its overtly racist and harmful to the movements at hand. Theres no reason to make racist jokes because you can’t come up with real comedy. You don’t get to say its not offensive just because you personally aren’t offended by it. Understand that and accept that “jokes” made at someone else’s expense aren’t jokes. Its targeting and its bullying and it needs to stop.


I believe it’s been said that the writer of this comic has literally harassed Gail online in the past, which makes it sting even more.


Thank you for sharing this story! I had no idea this was going on and it is really terrible. I hope that one day all people can have fair representation in comics so that we can all enjoy them! Also this has shown me how important for us to support the creators affected by this!


I’ll be sure to buy this book so I can make my own decision.


You should definitely do that.

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UPDATE: After multiple creators left Dynamite, Dynamite decided to pull there support for Cash Grab. I responded of course.

Of course, as I write in my tweet, after all the hate I got from Cecil and Comicsgate for my complaints, Dynamite releases this BS statement as damage control. However, Dynamite already pissed off Anti-Comicsgaters. Now, Dynamite has pissed off Comicsgaters by pulling support.

So Ethan Van Shriver, the Leader of Comicsgate, revealed details to punish Dynamite. I think it’s easiest for you guys to read this article from Screen Rant for more details.


Your response to the tweet is being drowned out by all the 'Gaters saying, “First, you supported Black Lives Matter, and now this? You’re betraying your customers!”