Tech Tuesday: The Castaway. Which DC Universe Gadget Will Save You?


I’m not sure that coyotes are what you’d find on a desert island, but the plan is sound!

The task was to get rescued, I guess you got rescued from a life of irritation :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Let’s take a look at the situation!

Survival is the rule of 3s:

3 seconds without hope
3 minutes without air
3 hours without shelter
3 days without water
3 weeks without food

  • Hope is found internally, you just need a will to live
  • Air is also not an issue here
  • Shelter is already on the island! It may need a little patching up, but it’s better than nothing.
  • Water is pretty easy to find on islands. Coconuts, for example, have water inside them. You can crack them with your axe! Most plants have water inside them, trees included. Otherwise, you can produce a water still using sticks, palm leaves and a rock.
  • Food is also fairly easy. You can eat coconut flesh after drinking, you can create a spear for fishing and then use your axe to cut down trees to make a fire and then cook it.

The end goal for survival situations is to get rescued, so you just have to survive long enough for another ship to see you. Creating a big fire as a signal is a great way to do this. The axe is a great tool!


Water is your friend! So is Wilson :slight_smile:

Was the ship an… icebreaker? :smirk:


This might not be a great idea from a waterproof perspective :grimacing:

He was hungry! :octopus:

@Reaganfan78 stole it

Finally, something that works out!

Nice, nice. Stick with it!

Success! Enjoy those home comforts and stop going on vacations!


She finally has a name! Success!

Maybe the previous inhabitant left it as a gift for the next unlucky visitor!

An easy win! Didn’t need to craft a crazy sail thing at all!

RIP to anyone else that lands on the island I guess :joy:


Great start!

Great middle!

Great ending! Exactly what I’d planned for the weather wand.

A satisfying epilogue :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I guess I can’t fault you for littering. You’re stranded after all!

How curious… I suspect one of us may be cultured in the ways of sitcoms :eyes:

Aquaman is such a regular hero in Tech Tuesday, it’s truly remarkable. I’m here for it!

This is smart. I get the feeling that the tour group might have been there between September 26, 1964, to April 17, 1967 and then again for a little bit between '78 and '82.

Steer clear! (Excuse the pun)


Ladies and gents, it finally happened. A one-liner winner!


Listen here. The Poop Deck is very serious business!

You’re clearly hacking here…

Love the reference!

Lois will be in our hearts.

This is one of my top 5 moments of Tech Tuesday. Just saying.

Woah there. anxiety increases

Mildly creepy. Just mild though.

For sure. Interested to see who this mysterious specter is!


How do you come up with these?!


I don’t know but I am always here for @Alec.Holland’s comments. They are fantastic!


ik!!! btw @Alec.Holland bonus points for the puns


maybe it’s the mysterious Spectre

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Thank you, thank you :slight_smile: The responses are one of my favorite parts of the week!





giphy (10)


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wait i thought it was a desertED island…

I believe it’s meant to be a deserted desert island! Similar to:


there are trees = there are coyotes

that’s my motto…

AHA! Knew it!

i take things very seriously…

I know a thing or two because I’ve seen a thing or two…



@Kelex roll 1d6

:game_die: 1