Tech Tuesday: The Castaway. Which DC Universe Gadget Will Save You?

Welcome back to the next episode of Tech Tuesday ! The place to live out your own heroic fantasies with some of the coolest gadgets, weapons and gear available in the DC Universe.

The Setup

Tom Hanks fans will fare well this week! You were on a cruise across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe. Definitely a real cruise journey you can take (don’t look it up, it’s rare).

You’re sitting on the Poop Deck with a Daiquiri when the moment strikes and you need to use the bathroom. You stand up and begin making your way to side door to enter the stairwell and head towards the bathrooms.

As you reach the door, it swings open unexpectedly as a pair of kids race outside. The door catches you and, before you know it, you’re over the edge and in the freezing cold waters. You call for help, but no one can hear you over the drone of the engines. Your voice fails at about the same time as the ship disappears out of sight.

It’s not all bad though… There’s a desert island! It’s not huge, but it has tree cover and even the run down remains of a small shack. Kelex takes pity on you and offers you one item to help you survive your ordeal so you can make it home and track down those kids never take a boat ride again.

How It Works

We need Kelex’s assistance! Use Kelex to roll for a random number out of 6. You can do this by commenting and saying “@Kelex roll 1d6”. Our friendly resident chatbot will then give you a number out of 6. This number indicates which Gadget you’ve received based on the list of gadgets below. If you’re unsure of how the gadget works, we’ve left a short description for each gadget to help you!

Now, all you need to do is take a look at the gadget and tell us how you would use it to save the day. You can be as creative as you like. I’ll be taking the best 5 answers in a poll and sharing them with you in the next installment of Tech Tuesday :slight_smile:

Gadget Details

1. Weather Wand - A wand capable of controlling the weather

2. Aero-Discs - Small discs worn on the feet that allow the user to fly.

3. Justice Battalion’s Food Capsules - An entire crate of capsules that provide the same nutrition as a full turkey dinner!

4. The Ibis-Stick - A small source of almost unlimited power, capable of casting any mystical effect the wielder desires.

5. Atomic Axe - An axe capable of cutting through pretty much anything you throw at it!

6. WILDCARD - You get to choose your item!


@Kelex roll 1d6

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:game_die: 3


food capsules!!

winner winner, turkey dinner! get it?


I’d eat one of the capsules. (you made it plural, so I’m assuming there’s more than one.) Then, I’d use another pellet to attract some coyotes. Using a stick – there’s gotta be at least one on a desert island – I’d stab the coyotes. I’d use the same stick to skin them and use their fur for warmth. I’d start a fire by rubbing 2 sticks together and then cook the coyote meat for food. Then, I’d make my own civilization – population: me – and live happily ever after. Well actually, just long enough for Hawkman to realize I stole his pellets and come looking for me.


The details never lie :wink:


lol. i assumed you would’ve put like 3x or something like that

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@Kelex roll 1d6


:game_die: 5


Well I had a 50/50 chance I guess. I suppose I’m going to die. Not sure how an axe, even a special one, would help.


I have at least 23 Tom Hanks movies! Wilson!
@Kelex roll 1d6


:game_die: 1


Waking up on a uncharted Island after a 3 hour tour, I look around, “HELLO?! ANYBODY! Help! HELP!” No answer but the sound of a haunting waves.
While the ocean is peaceful, the water is continually with its rushing sound of waves.
Then I see 2 FedEx boxes coming to the shore, when I open the first box it was a weather wand, when waving it, it began to pouring rain! Now I’m soakin and wet as I open the next box, it was a volleyball.
As I pick up the wand and wave it, the rain stop! “You know Wilson, I wish the ocean turn to ice!” As I wave the weather wand at the ocean it turn to ice as I slide off the Island to make my escape, few days later, hungry and tired Wilson was sadly gone, How I cry for hours. As I was losing hope, I’ve finally see a ship! I’m save! :grinning:
The End!


Was this inspired by Lex in Smallville?

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@Kelex roll 1d6


:game_die: 3


@Detective7 are you doing this?


I’m still thinking on what to do.


What is it with me and vacations? The hotel was a failure, and now the cruise has been corrupted.

Not sure how a door got the better of me, but to prevent this from ever happening again, I motion to putting a ban on all doors on cruise ships. For the time being…

@Kelex roll 1d6


:game_die: 4


Hmm, the Ibis-Stick, eh? Time for this castaway to cast some spells.

Time to do what Sherward Schwartz couldn’t do:

:00_legion: :heavy_plus_sign: :motor_boat:

:ocean: :motor_boat:
:snake: :plate_with_cutlery: :motor_boat:
:snake: :yum:

My boat was eaten by the Krakken? Okay, next try.

:00_legion: :heavy_plus_sign: :airplane:

:cloud_with_lightning: :night_with_stars:
:cloud_with_lightning: :zap: :airplane:

My plane got struck down by lightning? Good, because I don’t know how to fly it. Where’s that weather stick when you need it?

:00_legion: :heavy_plus_sign: :tokyo_tower:

:tokyo_tower: :satellite: :radio:
:radio: :left_speech_bubble: :desert_island:

Signaling the nearest radio,…

:left_speech_bubble: :00_legion: :desert_island:
:sos: :left_speech_bubble: :00_legion:

…relaying my current predicament,…

:safety_vest: :wave: :00_legion:
:00_legion: :houses:

…and waiting for the emergency responders to take me home safely.
