Swamp Thing on the CW?

I hate to be the one raining on everyone’s parade but with the recent announcement that Swamp Thing is now going to the CW, it’s looking more and more like the end of this App. Stargirl on CW, Swamp Thing CW, Harley is on SyFy. Is Titans and Doom Patrole next? If Swamp Thing on CW breathes new life into the show and more seasons are made, I guess that would be worth it. Am I over reacting? Or is their cause for concern?

Sorry if this is old news or something. Figured this would be really great news for everyone who complained about Swamp Thing being cancelled. This is your guys’ chance to get it back! If it can bring in an audience on the CW, it may be able to bring in the budget needed for a second season. So get pumped!!!

Hey @robbywoo1.69881 and @OmniLad - I’ve moved your posts over here to this existing thread. Thanks for your understanding. :heart:




With the new rewards program and the rumored Titans spin-offs, it appears the app isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. There’s a Swamp Thing on CW thread around pointing out that if Swampy hapoens, it’s just to fill in the gaps left by Corona delays.


One never knows what may come in the future, but I got a questionaire the other day on how to improve DCU, also the rewards program was just launched.

If they have any plans of closing shop in the near time they aren’t acting like it.


Swamp Thing is just being licensed to show its first and only season on the CW to fill some holes in the CW’s schedule once the summer hits. Usually they have some pre-taped shows ready to air when May sweeps have finished but since the pandemic hit, they don’t have those shows to air, so they got Swamp Thing and some shows from other networks to fill those gaps.

And as many have said, with new seasons of Titans, Doom Patrol, Young Justice and hopefully more Harley Quinn, plus the rewards program that was launched, this all good news.

Stargirl being on the CW is a co-production and it helps cross promote DC. Because we got Krypton on here, that’s why Syfy is showing the first season of Harley Quinn. I’ve already stated about Swamp Thing. These help bring more awareness to the service and bring money from those licenses towards more content.

I would hardly call a show being licensed out to a network they have a working relation with thanks to Stargirl a cause for alarm and to say this is the end of the app.


I wouldn’t worry at all. As others have said above, there’s significant developments going on with the app, so it doesn’t seem likely that it’s going down.

As for the Swamp Thing news, it’s simply re-airing on the CW. From a financial perspective that can only mean good things for DC Universe. Swamp Thing was just sitting there before, and now it’s making the app money. They can then use that money to create more new shows, or more seasons of existing shows. Depending on what lens you look this through, this could actually mean really good things for DC Universe.


Well said @YoYoFroYo!


Thanks! High fives all around for “Team: It’s not the End of the Universe” :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


Praise from Caesar! :::bows:::


I wouldn’t be surprised if the shows are eventually absorbed by other outlets; I remember being shocked when DCU announced having any originals to begin with, considering the related costs.

But I don’t think that would mean the death of the app. The celeb q&a’s, talk shows, comics, rewards program, community and all of its events, and many other perks still exist.


They can’t stop us, let ‘em try
The DCU will never die


Personally, I think it’s a bit of an overeaction. In my opinion, if all anyone is on here for are the “exclusive originals” then maybe this isn’t the platform for them. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s really not the point of the platform. This is the ALL ENCOMPASSING DC platform. Most of the stuff on here isn’t exclusive, it’s just all together and easily accessible. Plus, bringing these shows to new platforms gets new eyes on them, more fans who maybe can’t afford streaming platforms a chance to legally see them, and higher budgets to be given to the shows. I mean, specifically for all the swamp thing fans who have flooded this community board with complaints of cancellation should be excited. This is it. This is their chance for a second season. There’s really nothing but good coming from the expansion of platforms.


Well said @OmniLad!

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Frankly, if I’m going to get outraged over something Swamp Thing-related on this site, it’s going to be about the absence of the TRUE Swamp Thing live-action series on DCU:

That’s the good stuff right there.


I used to watch it every Friday on USA. The intro always creeped me out but I loved it.


Sorry bout that, didn’t see the original thread. Thanks for cleaning up my mess haha!


I get what you are saying but CW also bought a show from CBS ALL Access (so is it going down too?), a canadian show and a UK TV show.

CW is clearly licensing programming to fill slots either for the Summer or Fall due to gaps now left due to Carona Virus. I doubt that it is anything more then that in Swamp Things case. And seriously Swamp Thing is a year old and cancelled. Not like they are giving CW their primo show. I really don’t think there is anything to it other then CW needed something to air in the slot it will eventually get, and since their other DC shows all do well it seemed like something their audience would respond well too.

I don’t think it is cause for concern.


What would I do without you answering all my… Questions?
I’m actually kind of hyped to show my brothers the show if it’s been toned down a bit.