Support for Whitney Moore

I’m not surprised. He’s had this reputation about him for a while, but finally people are speaking out.

In regards to the discussion on whether or not his work should be removed from this service…I’m of two minds about it: on the one hand, while I’m not a fan of his work, someone else might be. If they can make an informed decision and separate the art from the artist, then by all means. On the other hand, as these accusations keep rolling in and the situation unfolds, it’ll be harder by the day to keep his stuff available.

I guess as more information rolls out, we’re get a better understand of how things will proceed.


I believe the accusations and I am very glad and proud of Whitney for coming forward. It takes real guts to do that.

What I hope for is evidence to bring criminal charges and convict. Landis is entitled under the constitution, as are we all, to due process. Unfortunately the social media posts don’t provide sufficient evidence to bring him to trial.

The court of public opinion certainly has spoken. I just want Landis and anyone else who who do such vile things prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but, the evidence required to do that needs to be greater than what I have yet seen. I hope that changes.


At the very least, no studio will want to touch his work.

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Rowan Polanski seemed to find work for a long time despite clearly being a predatory scumbag. Seems times have changed but Hollywood has been looking the other way on a lot of things for a LONG time. Hope not though.


By hope not I mean hope they won’t want to work with him.

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The WORLD has been looking the other way, even accepting a lot of things, basically forever

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Regarding Roman Polanski, he skirted responsibility for his actions by never again stepping foot in the US once his accusations were publicized.