Superman Shelved for Supergirl: HAS EVERBODY LOST THEIR MINDS!!!?

I actually did not think Justice League was all that bad. No, it was not perfect, and there are not many shows and movies that I cannot point out many flaws and imperfections within them, but JL was not at all as bad as many other DC based movies I have seen.

Just my opinion, of course.



@macjr, agreed. To me, Justice League was flawed, but fun. It’s certainly not the all time cinematic trainwreck some make it out to be. For that, I recommend people see the movie Monster A-Go-Go. Then you’ll know a genuine cinematic misfire (to put it charitably).



One…Supergirl is better than Superman period. Two… I find Superman very boring. He has the Privilege of having Male Privilege AND White Privilege. Supergirl always has to prove herself because of that and Girls like seeing a Strong Feminist figure that don’t need no Superman…Ex Wonder Woman.

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I’ve tried to watch Supergirl, but the Toxic Feminism ruins it for me. I get that the show is centered around Supergirl, but it’s just foolishness to bring Superman on and than suggest he’s somehow less than Supergirl.


It’s a classic story.

When the show starts, Supergirl is constantly messing up, and ultimately needs to be saved by Superman. Then she finds mentors who train her. She grows as a person and as a hero until she becomes the hero the world needs her to be. She steps up to the challenge.

Having done that journey she now takes on the role of mentor herself.

Too many are reading too much into it. Superman still is awesome. He has the same powers as his cousin. In this interpretation, Kara is the one with military training. The show is about her.

This is a classic storytelling spin. It’s not toxic because it’s a girl who makes the heroes journey.

There is a quote from Supergirl:

“Now the world needs you to fly Kara.”

I personally think that quote is even more relevant for the real world than for the context of the show. People need to see more female heroines until the notion that they might be the best earth has to offer comes just as natural. Captain Marvel is facing the same stuff, and I really liked that Zachary Levi went after it.

Now the world needs you to fly Captain Marvel, Supergirl, Batwoman, Nia and who comes after that.


@timelady365.32923, it is the view that one sex is better than another that I find to be a problem.

It is true that too many men have viewed women as second class citizens for the majority of humanity’s time, and is still a big problem today. However, many women take their rebellion to far, and thus hurt their cause, by making women seem too demanding and just wanting to take over the top dog position, and make the men the second class citizens, who they would then treat just as bad, or worse, than the men who wronged them.

No man is better than any woman, but it is also true that no woman is better than any man.

We are two halves of the same species. We need each other to exist (naturally anyway). Each of us has strenghts and weaknesses, but together we are one human whole. Neither half being better than the other.

Women who treat men like trash are just repeating a repugnant way of thinking and being. Becoming more manlike-themselves. Becoming their enemy, for those who think of men as enemies.

Equality is a much better solution. Getting all men to understand and believe this is a problem, but in time, I believe it can be achieved, as long as men are not constantly feeling like they are being attacked and devalued. It is like one person deciding that they no longer like their left side, and begin to hate it so much that they want to cut it off. If they succeed, they end up killing themselves too.

Again, equality is the better solution, in all respects, whether gender or ethnic heritage, living in peace and working together is the best path forward.

So for me, I want to see both Superman and Supergirl movies, kicking ass and taking names, with neither being the better of the two.