Superman for a Day or Batman for Life

Now trying to imagine how my mom would react to me showing up on her doorstep as a 6ft+ muscly dude. The billions might help :sweat_smile:


Superman for a day, but just before the day ends, Iā€™ll spin the Earth backwards through time and it will be that day again.


Definitely Batman, Superman have this Boy Scout thing about him that I feel like Iā€™m will ruin his reputation. I will be the one human that go crazy with power. Forcing The entire human race to do my bidding. This include but not limited to making statues of me out of pop tarts lol yeah maybe itā€™s not such a good idea.


All of that ending in a tyrannical rule depends on one thing. Are we allowed to eat the pop tarts? Lol. Welcome to the community!


Thanks, I donā€™t know it depends. You have to join my league of Nations. Each ruler of a specific area will have their pop tarts statue made of them. Youā€™re allowed to eat said statue. So join me on the dark side we have pop tartsā€‹:smiling_imp:


Batman for life always.

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Itā€™s a deal. I will join the Darkseid.

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Knowing you canā€™t handle the responsibility is responsible in itself! Also, welcome to the community! -C

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Batman for life

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Superman for a day hands down. I love Batman but I wouldnā€™t want to go through what he goes through every day. Getting to be Clark Kent for just a day would be a dream come true, considering I try to be him on a daily basis.