[Superman Fan Club] Presents: The Event of the Year, Week 1 September 5, 2023! Weekly Digital Releases of Superman Silver Age Comics!

[Superman Fan Club] Presents: The Event of the Year, Week 1!

Welcome to The Event of the Year, as starting today, September 5th, 2023, DC Universe Infinite will be releasing digital versions of Superman Silver Age Comics week after week for a month and maybe two or three!!

Week 1: September 5

Superman #122

Superman 122

Superman 122879×1279 367 KB

(Adventure 282 will be featured with the [Legion Fan Club] the same week here).

(link is blurred to avoid spoilers for this year old story)


My favorite story this issue was:
  • “The Secret of the Space Souvenirs”
  • “Superman in the White House”
  • “The Super-Sergeant”
0 voters

Why did you choose that story as the best?

Please share any favorite panels from this time around below.

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2023 - best year yet to be a Superman fan!


“The Secret of the Space Souvenirs” was hands down my favorite story of this issue because it was the story with the clearest “miracle conceit” in it. The “miracle conceits” (a term coined by Alan Moore) of the Silver Age Superman stories were when the tales seemed to stumble upon a really honest message about the human condition almost by accident. “The Secret of the Space Souvenirs” does this kind of beautifully. So, what do I think this story says about the human condition?

Well, we all want to appear humble in life. We don’t want others to think we’re too egocentric, too full of ourselves, too conceited…
Clark Conceited

Secretly, though, most of us feel that we do have something special. We feel like there is something we excel at and will, hopefully, be remembered for. We want to do something great and get credit for it. Some of us practice our interviews with ESPN or E! in front of the bathroom mirror even when we know that scenario is unlikely or impossible. Ultimately, many of us really want to be remembered for our contributions long after we’re gone while, at the same time, not wanting it to look like that’s what we want for fear of being seen as conceited.

Sometimes, we may not even be consciously aware that our actions are motivated by the search for that kind of fame. It’s not something we’re actively thinking about as we’re pursuing it. It’s more like this strange compulsion guiding our every move.
Superman Compulsion

Yet, behind these actions, in our unconscious minds, there is that wish, that hope that we will be loved and remembered for the things we do.

And that’s “The Secret of the Space Souvenirs” in a nutshell. Now you might say, “Wait, Moth, Superman was being mind-controlled by the people from the 50th century to do those things. He didn’t really want a monument of himself in the future. Superman isn’t conceited.” First, here’s the thing, Superman is kind of conceited. There’s ample evidence of this throughout the Silver Age stories, and, in fact, there’s evidence of this in “The Super-Sergeant.”

In that story, Clark Kent gets sent by the Daily Planet to cover the story of the Super-Sergeant in the guise of a temporary GI. In this role, Clark is asked to be a “regular GI” in a KP potato peeling contest against the powered Super-Sergeant. Naturally, Clark had to hide the fact he had super powers during the contest to protect his secret identity. Just look how happy he is about that:
Clark Peeling Potatoes
:laughing: That look on his face…

This is a recurring scenario in Silver Age Superman stories. He’s constantly being put in these humbling situations where he knows he’s capable of more, but just can’t show it in the situation. In these scenarios he almost always looks frustrated by the fact that people are about to see him as “lesser” than he sees himself. I feel like most of us have been put in situations where we can relate. And, yes, this is a bit “conceited,” but it’s also just “human.” At the end of the day, almost all of us have egos and Superman is no different.

Which brings me to my second point about “The Secret of the Space Souvenirs.” The surface plot tells us that Superman was compelled by the people of the 50th century to collect those artifacts to spell out his own name. However, the subtext of it is that our egos compel our every day actions without us always being aware of it. That’s why we overdo a project at work or put too much into preparing a party for our family members. We unconsciously need to be seen as good at what we do, as good people. We need to be remembered like that. Superman was spelling out his own name and one of the artifacts was even shaped like his face! How could the subtext of this story be anything other than Superman’s unconscious need for being loved and remembered mirroring our own? And, yeah-sure, we’re going to give Superman the “people of the 50th century controlled me” yarn just like we reassure ourselves we’re really working hard for the “good of our customers” or we spent so much on the party because we “just want our family members to have a good time.” We don’t want to see Superman as conceited just as we don’t want to see ourselves as conceited.

But… hey… most of us are kind of conceited, and… well… that’s okay because so is Superman. And that, folks, is a miracle conceit.


Thanks @TheCosmicMoth , no argument there, for sure you are hitting the nail right on the head when it comes to the character and inner life of the Silver Age Superman.

We’re all in good company with our appreciation and enjoyment of these late 50s / 1960s tales. Alan Moore celebrated this with his run of Supreme and Grant Morrison has on many occasions pointed out some of the very stories we’re going to read this month with great admiration.


Thanks, @Don-El! That inner life is what really interests me about these stories and I’m over the moon that these issues are getting digitized!

It is fairly likely that “Superman in the White House” at least partially inspired Grant’s President Superman character from Earth-23.


All three stories this time were super fun and absolutely Silver Age all the way!

I chose “Superman in the White House”, and here’s one of reasons why:

3 Cent stamps in the future, wow.


So, my favorite was clearly “Superman in the White House”. I mean, how can you not love an innocent feel-good-about-America Silver Age story? That’s one of my favorite things about these older comics (especially going back into the Golden Age when you get that REALLY cheesy USA-lovin’ JSA stuff) is that they’re a stark contrast to all the news today that bombards you with SO much negativity - corrupt politicians, ever growing divisions, scandals, etc etc.

Sure, things weren’t as hunky-dory in our country as shown in these comics. Racism, sexism, and homophobia were rampant back then. But the comics THEMSELVES portray a lovely alternative universe America where everyone seems to mostly get along and politicians and the military are upstanding people for the most part. It’s a nice daydream.

Also it had the best line of the comic: “Thanks, Mr. President! You’re bringing super-glory to Old Glory with your great deeds!”

So, thoughts and observations about the stories! I always babble on in these things about pointless crud so forgive me.

The Secret of the Space Souvenirs
1 - I LOVE that their initial reasoning for turning down Superman’s contribution was that they don’t have any more room, not that… you know… a SINGING FRIGGIN SPACE ROCK doesn’t belong in a time capsule specifically for “things typical of the 20th century”. Speaking of singing friggin space rocks, my immediate impression was that it was singing Elton John’s Rocket Man. You know full well it was.

2 - I have those giant snowflakes out in my shed with all the other Christmas decorations, I didn’t know they were harvested from Pluto. TIL. (and at $30 each, definitely a steal)

3 - “The people of Atlantis were tiny, only six-inches high!” Superman big-dissing Aquaman.

4 - They should’ve kept this design for Martian Manhunter because wow. That would’ve been fun.

Superman in the White House
1 - I like the contrast between the usual “Superman takes command” stories we see now. Usually when Supes becomes leader of the free world it’s some alternate universe evil-Supes or him losing his mind over something like… in TAS when Lois dies and Superman goes full authoritarian. That kinda thing. Good president Superman is a breath of fresh air.

2 - Jimmy is such an innocent little cinnamon bun, that his only concerns about a superhuman in the White House are tiny things like “But how are you going to shake hands with all these people?!” Poor kid, I love him.

3 - A budget deficit of $387 million, I am shook. Also the idea of Superman just going down to get sunken gold or… I dunno, gold from a planet made of solid gold (because you know he would) whenever the reserve needs replenishing kinda is the reason we get inflation? Superman’s $100 bills with his face on them suddenly can’t buy anything more than a dinner mint and he’s all confused.

4 - How can we forget about Clark Kent getting all uppity and resigning as VP because he’s upset there’s no chance of Superman dying, and he… WANTS Supes to die eventually so he can become president? Like DANG dream-Clark, that is some harshness. Jimmy’s subconscious doesn’t think much of you, does it?

5 - I don’t even know what to say about the press secretary’s government-issued car not even having the word “official” spelled properly on it. I mean, it kinda suits Silver Age Jimmy in a fun way, but still… lol.

The Super-Sergeant
1 - LOVED seeing Johnny Thunder’s thunderbolt making a cameo appearance as Superman’s power transfer ray. I wonder how much they had to pay him to play that part?

2 - Also loved how Supes just casually tosses the box of kryptonite into a random river, just assuming it’ll still be there when he comes back in the future. I mean, it’s not like it’s important and deadly or anything, right? Not like some spies slinking around the base might want to get their hands on that, right? RIGHT?

3 - Speaking of the kryptonite… If Captain America there gained all of Superman’s powers, why does exposure to kryptonite remove them permanently? Wouldn’t that mean kryptonite also removes all Superman’s powers permanently? I mean, I’m used to silly Silver Age plot holes, but they usually describe some kind of cheesy outlandish reasons for said plot holes. This one’s just hanging out there leaving you wondering what the heck.

4 - Nice to see Superman canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church. I knew it would happen someday.


Good Silver Age times, and the rainstorm of newly digitized Superman Silver Age wonders is just beginning!

Working backwards, seeing Superman with yet another shock helmet on makes me wonder if that wasn’t being prophetic of all of us in modern day having our brain scrambled by microwaves with our cell phones to our ears LOL.

That statue of a Martian in modern days would probably be the basis of a body horror movie.

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The only Kryptonite variant that could permanently remove Superman’s powers would be Gold Kryptonite. However, that’s not what’s going on here.

Green Kryptonite weakens Superman by removing his powers as it slowly kills him. However, once Superman is away from the Kryptonite his powers recharge thanks to how his Kryptonian body soaks up that yellow sunlight. Since Sgt. Jones is not Kryptonian, he can’t use the sun recharge his super powers after they are drained by the Green K.

So… technically not a plot hole even if the science of the whole thing is really fuzzy.


I didn’t think of that at all, but I like that explanation, thanks!

Speaking of Captain America, please forgive me as I digress a bit, but did everyone see that he just married the Warrior Nun in real life? It was a private ceremony at his house and he invited some of the others from his world famous movie to attend.


I did! They wanted it kept so quiet that the guests had to actually sign NDAs, and cell phones weren’t even allowed there. I say good for them :+1:


This is a good way to explain it, I’m accepting it as canon!

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Way behind on these, but I’m gonna try to catch up. :smiley:

“Secret of the Space Souvenirs” was just kinda there – I dunno if the whole “conceit” thing that @TheCosmicMoth was talking about was intentional, but I can see what he’s putting down. Ultimately, it was a mystery whose solution was rather bland to me. Kudos to Lois for being involved in more than just trying to get Superman to marry him and solving the mystery before Superman could, though the whole “I won’t tell you anything until later” thing was hilariously awful. Though to be fair, that probably doesn’t even hit the top 25 of the most toxic things Silver Age Lois and Superman did during that time.

The story’s versions of Atlanteans and Martians were funny, because I looked it up to make sure, and both Aquaman and Martian Manhunter were around for years at that point, so either DC at that time didn’t care about continuity or connecting the universes, or someone just thought it would be funny?

“Superman in the White House” was funny – I don’t know if it’s because of more modern stories where Superman gains political power, or just my cynicism towards politics in general, but I was just waiting for the twist of Superman going evil and becoming a cruel dictator. I mean, that happens enough in the Silver Age for it to be a possibility!

The Super Sargeant was probably the one I liked best because it was the one that felt the most like a story and not just a series of mishaps. That said, the whole reason Superman let the Sargeant be involved was hilariously flimsy.


Glad you can see it! But, yeah, it likely wasn’t intentional. However, that’s what makes them the “miracle conceits.” The whole miracle is that they’re there when they weren’t necessarily intended to be and arguably have no business being there considering the lack of literary focus during the era. I’d argue some of them were intended, but probably not his one.

If you’ve ever heard me rant on this subject before then I apologize for repeating myself, but the whole reason they are there is because of Mort Weisinger. He was the Superman editor throughout the Silver Age and he kept tight creative control of all the plots and scripts. This allowed Mort’s personal hang-ups and anxieties to bleed into the stories. chief among these hang-ups were his professional frustration at “only” being a comic book editor at this point in his career and his fears that people would remember Superman long after he was forgotten (probably justified).

Anyway, long story short, the miracle conceits that came about because of this are what make the Silver Age stories my favorite to analyze. They give you a glimpse of the little anxieties and frustrations that most of us have to some degree but maybe are afraid of or uncomfortable about admitting. This makes Silver Age Superman recognizably human to me which is ironic since these stories usually get blasted for Supes being unrelatable. My stance is that they make him relatable by, intentional or not, admitting the more unflattering characteristics of the modern ego whereas the relatability of characters from the Bronze Age onward was more defined by depicting people the way they want to see themselves and not necessarily how they really are.

:laughing: Sorry, I love to rant on this subject and you gave me an opening.

Nope. Not even close.

Yeah, modern stories definitely train you to think that way. This story was channeling more of Kennedy’s Camelot than Watergate, though.

Many of these stories started with a whacky concept (sometimes suggested by children who were fans) like a soldier with Superman’s powers and then the plot was built around justifying the concept and making it work within the rules of Superman.