Superman and Action: Bendis ongoing series Superman 21 Open for Discussion

JO, you the man. Also, if you don’t care for it, that’s on me. Definitely, let us know what you think. Interested in hearing your perspective.

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F*ck Bendis. I don’t know why they hired him. He sucks. He has a couple good series, but those are still riddled with predictable plotlines and shitty dialogue. There’s parts of All New X-Men that are practically unreadable. Even his “best” series, Ultimate Spider-Man, is slowly paced and plagued by mediocre and insanely repetitive dialogue. They should’ve just kept Tomasi on. His run was 1000x better.


Dude, first you don’t need need to F bomb someone to make a point. On your criticism of Bendis, he is a dialogue heavy writer and if you don’t like the way he writes dialogue probably no way you could like one of his books. All New X-men is a good example of that in there was a lot of talking. I read Ultimate Spider-Man in collections from the library, so I was getting entire stories in one shot. I can see how monthly might drag out. Like Tomasi’s Superman a lot, wish they would have found a way to keep him on a title too.


Bendis’s dialogue is bad. The worst in modern comics. And the whole Rugol Zara thing is pretty damn stupid. And whenever Bendis is concerned, an F-bomb is justified. The only benefit he’s given to modern comics is Miles Morales and he never really wrote him well.


Joshua, are you reading Action/Superman right now? Curious if your take that RZ is stupid is based on your general dislike of Bendis or if you’re following the book.


@msgtv I dug the back and forth between Kara and Jon. That was fun. I hope that becomes a consistent thing between them when they appear in books together.


Just a quick spoiler free note on Supergirl 33. This issue continues Supergirl’s close ties to Superman’s current story as seen from Kara’s perspective. Andreyko and Maguire have created a fun Supergirl who feels like a full fledged hero again. If you’ve dropped this book along the way, you may want to give it a try. And look, Kara’s got an axe!

Vroom, we need more Kara & Jon team ups.


@msgtv Is Supergirl #33 part of the previous arc? I was under the impression that #32 wrapped that up and #33 was Kara returning to Earth, so I stopped at #32.

Is #33 the beginning of a new arc?

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33 is part of the House of El slash RZ arc just the very end sets up what Kara’s going to be up to. It’s not essential reading but I thought worthwhile

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Where can i start reading this arc

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Javier this broader story started in Superman 1# 2018 which is available on this app. But, since the app,gets the comics one year after they are published in comic book shops, the final issue is about a year from coming here. I’ve been buying at my local shop.

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Am I the only one not fan boying about Bendis. Superman is my favorite character and he has basically destroyed everything I have loved about the character. He has made Clark a shell of Superman I guess basing his belief about Clark more on Kill Bill than the comics. He has made Clark and Lois relationship strictly physical. They went from being good parents in the Jugens Tomasi run to being really bad parents under Bendis. Now you are going to out his identity congratulations​:clap::clap::clap: Dan Didio you destroyed Lois and Clarks marriage and this is the nail in the coffin. This is DC’s version of One More day suprise suprise written by the same person.


Revspurling your obviously not alone, a segment of the fan base either really doesn’t like Bendis in general and/or doesn’t like his Superman run. Don’t see your criticism of Clark and Lois’ relationship the same way you do. I am concerned about the identity reveal because 1) we’ve been there before with other heroes and 2) we know it’s temporary which lessens any impact. If you’re still reading either book now, come back after the next issue and tell us what you think. This thread isn’t just for “fan boys” (a phrase I really don’t care for) but for anyone who wants to put in their thoughts however they fall.


Revspurling had to look to be sure but One More Day was written by J Micheal Straczynski. Seem to remember reading that ending was dictated to him and he wasn’t happy about it. Maybe somebody else can confirm that.


@msgtv After One More Day ended, I remember reading an interview (in Wizard I believe) with JMS where he said the final ending of OMD was dictated by Joe Quesada and not him.

That’s why Quesada ended up with part of the story credit for Amazing Spider-Man #545, and, being pretty livid about the affair, why JMS left Marvel for a while.


Superman #15. I know this is a spoiler thread, but there was a pretty surprising moment in this ish that I won’t get into until others have had a chance to read it. It was one of two stand-out scenes for me, and something I wasn’t expecting.

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Thanks for no spoilers. I’m on the other side of the state this morning and won’t see anything till tonight.

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Vroom, lifting spoilers for issue #15 so proceed with caution. Any and all welcome to jump in with your thoughts.

First, guessing game time. What were the two standout moments for Vroom? I’m going to say 1) Jor El’s punishment and 2) Zod’s offer of if not friendship at least a truce and a chance at cooperating.
Jor El’s reinsertion into the time stream from when he left it was both the perfect punishment and also takes away any chance Kal El had to build something with his father.
Zod’s offer of a new Krypton in cooperation with the UP was an even better moment for me. It may not last, but Zod believes in Krypton and it makes sense that he would at least try to rebuild without all the conquering and such.
For me, also Jon’s final words of the issue about needing to talk to Damien. This answers one of the questions/criticisms of this run.
Next, I have a criticism of my own for this issue!

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So, the problem with Superman #15 is the Legion. They both literally and figuratively step on this story. Their appearance is exciting. It’s good to see them back, they look new and interesting, they add an element of humor and they set up Jon’s future. But, they diminish Jon and Karl’s accomplishment of creating the UP by being evidence that these space nations had/will say yes. But worse, they crowd out the primary emotional beats of this story 1) Adam tells Kal of his father’s fate, 2) Jor el’s fate, 3) Zod offering new possibilities for Krypton and the houses of Zod and El. More of these, plus Kara and Jon could have made the story even better. The LoS could have been introed in the next issue versus forcing too much development into #15.


My favorite moments from Superman #15:

  1. That splash page money shot of the Legion from early on in the issue.

  2. Jon’s proclamation of Unity Day.

  3. The reference to Damian. We’ve been waiting to see Teen Jon meet up with Damian, so I’m hopeful Bendis sticks the landing.

The surprise moments from this ish:

  1. Jor-El’s fate. Bye bye, Mr. Oz.

  2. Zod’s intent to create a New Krypton.

Could Zod’s intent lead to a current continuity New Krypton saga? Either way, I gather it won’t work out as Superman thinks it might, because most things with Zod hit the fan sooner or later.

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I also wanted to add that the next issue of Action looks like a winner as Naomi will be guest starring in it.

I love the cover too, as you can feel Naomi’s energy literally and figuratively eminating from it.

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