Superboy (Conner Kent/Kon-El) Appreciation Thread

No worries; I thought you meant the change in behavor - the 1990s from right after Reign all the way to Conner’s own death and return and the version we starting getting with the jeans and tee up to the Boy of Steel/Adventure Comics/Superboy 2010-2011 run that got cut short by New 52 is what I thought you were getting at.

Hey, that’s cool and happens all the time. I started trying to have a conversation about the Wonder Comics version of Young Justice with people here, which is a bit difficult since I’ve been reading now and I don’t have much nice to say about Bendis’ being overly wordy and over-stuffing the run with an excessive amount of characters that it makes his own OCs and even though he only embraced, like Gleason’s Teen Lantern, largely unnecessary because they have nothing to do.

But if you have criticisms, and your complaints are of that nature - meaning you aren’t just going to write: book sucked, but say something like - Conner isn’t 10, why are they drawing him and making him act like he is, etc. That’s all very valid and happens all the time on here.

Superboy - Man of Tomorrow and to the extent Kon appears in any other super book, gets regularly discussed here:

as the issues release. Even though the run is essentially done, we can and will talk about it afterwards. I’ve actually been skimming it but haven’t really REALLY sat down and read it from start to finish in a way that I feel its fair to really be critical or praise it. But I know I will be doing that eventually and so will others, past the issue by issue discussion that happens as issues release. Check it out, you don’t have to comment, if you don’t want to.