Summer Supercation Poll: What Center of Science & Learning Do You Want to Visit?

You leave Themyscira feeling like an Amazon! You’re essentially a yellow belt in your weapon of choice, your skin is warm and glowing from a seaside jaunt, and you’re overall feeling more diplomatic and peaceful- much more than when you left the Bayou!

Now, it’s time for a little cosmopolitan getaway- and what better destination is there than Metropolis? You pull your DC-mobile to the side of a bustling and vibrant street of under the shadow of the Daily Planet’s signature globe and pull out your map.

There are a lot of good landmarks to start your adventure, but you don’t have a lot of time- there’s still so many places to go! So, what center of science & learning do you decide to spend your day in?

*Project Cadmus
*Star Labs
*Metropolis Space Museum
*Superman Museum

We’d love to hear what exhibits you saw, and what you learned on your tour- let us know in the comments below!


I feel like Cadmus would have the most sights to see on the way, what with all the stuff Superman and Jimmy Olsen had to go through to get in there the first time.


Well, first and foremost I’m going to Hobb’s Bay to get a burger and a tall, frosty mug of Soder at Bibbo’s, owned by Mike “Bibbo” Bibbowski. He’s a cool dude, for whom Superman is his “fav’rit” you know.

Then I’ll take a tour of S.T.A.R. Labs. Will Dr. Veritas be in?

I don’t know about Cadmus. The Daily Planet’s had some interesting articles about them lately and the place strikes me as a wee bit sketch.

I saw an ad on the Daily Planet app that the Fleischer Science Symposium has tours and lectures about alien societies and technologies. That sounds like fun too!

Metropolis…the City of Tomorrow… today!


I’m going to Cadmus whelm me zdaddy

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STAR Labs is probably going to be the safest, and coolest place to visit. Cadmus might have cooler stuff, but it sure as heck is not a safe place to be. I can see a space museum anyplace—it’s not specific to Metropolis. I could see one making the argument for the Superman Museum, but I think there would just be more cool tech at star labs to check out.


You people have no sense of adventure. I swear, it’s like you don’t even want to spend your vacation in mortal danger.


At least I didn’t pick the Metropolis Space Museum… Star Labs could at least be the target of some big bad villain while we’re going through the tour.


Although speak of the devil, the Metropolis Space Museum is leading with 58%! I have one question: why? There are Space Museums everywhere! There’s only one Star Labs, one Cadmus, and one Superman Museum. What makes the Metropolis Space Museum so special?


I am old. The Superman Museum was the place to be in the 50’s and 60’s. Those new fangled S.T.A.R Labs and Cadmus had not been built yet. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Why else go to Metropolis if you didn’t want to visit the Superman Museum. And hopefully get to see the big blue boy scout.


S.T.A.R Labs. Think of all that metahuman research. Then I wanna visit CADMUS👍🏻


Superman museum


S.T.A.R. Labs would be fun to visit.


Superman Museum! I’m a tourist.

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S.T.A.R. Labs would be amazing to visit


I for one am happy at the short line of visitors to S.T.A.R. Labs. #flashpass


I haven’t seen any new threads for the polls the last few days, so I suppose I can just post this here:
I voted for Krypto the Super Dog yesterday, because pups are just the best :slight_smile:
I voted Lois Lane today. I think she probably knows the ins and outs of Metropolis the best, though I would want to hang with Jimmy Olson…

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How am I the only one who has voted for Bibbo as tour guide so far?? Guys the ultimate Metropolis/Superman fanboy!!


Retrospectively, Bibbo is also a great choice. I think I must have just glossed over him when I cast my vote.


Metropolis Space Museum. Hands down. Love me some outer space.