Stargirl Season 3 Discussion Thread

It is on HBO Max


Can’t wait to watch it! :smiley:


Humanite’s Plan

Episode 8- nothing

Episode 9

Pat says Sylvester has been doing the work tracking down the cameras. This stops somebody else from potentially tracking them back to the source.

Pat said Sylvester was in a mine in Utah. I presume he was meeting with his team discussing future plans.

I doubt Icicle did the fake symbol to put his family in danger. Humanite was probably the one who did it when away.


Humanite’s Plan

Episode 10

Says when Mike and Jakeem went looking and tells them the Mahkents were framed. While pointing them in the right direction it is information they should be able to figure out anyway, and it portrays himself as the guy they should have been listening to and thinking if only he was there last episode. I They still have to be suspicious of the Mahkent grandparents, since Lily is now furious at them.

Notice he is driving Pat to the Mahkent house. I would think it would be the other way around. I would not be surprised if he has some old beef with them, he wants to get out. At their home he might be trying to agitate Sofus to keep everybody fighting. If Lily was to kill Barbara that would probably aid his plans.

When Mike and Jakeem reappear he immediately suggests the Monster is Grundy to hopefully take their suspicions off Humanite. It does not work, but he had nothing to lose, and for all he knew in the darkness they would think it was Grundy.

When discussing Ultra Humanite he gets them focused on unimportant details like acting rewards. He brings up that “Humanite” punched him in episode 3. Either way they must focus on a new great enemy that ideally results in him leading the team to fight putting him as a key member of both teams. He is the first one to support Star when she suggests uniting with everybody to take down Humanite, as it unites both his teams.

Throughout the episode the Crocks have been messing with his plans. Now they have to go. Based on their history with Jordan I presume this was either his or Dragon King’s plan.

He is not in these last few episodes much. I think he is trying to stay low and let them suspect everybody else.


In episode 11 Humanite set an American flag on fire. Nice detail there.


:rage: Shame on him! :us_outlying_islands:


Ya know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do a better job of hindsight analysis. You are quite the Monday morning Quarterback, @MatthewHecht. And I think we are all the more appreciative for it! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks. The key is to watch for the small details hidden behind humor and pausing it when they are using double meanings. Most creators love disguising dark moments as just comedy. Many of Humanite’s jokes and funny faces are hiding his worries of being caught.

It also helps for analysis to watch on a computer instead of a TV. While less fun to just view that makes it easier to catch small details like how Humanite both checks his scar back in season 2 and then gets a new scar there in season 3 episode 4’s opening.


Humanite’s Plan

Episode 11

I see I forgot to post and covered up my notes with episode 12. He destroys the barn removing a potential lead they had. Other than that he is keeping the focus on Shiv and Icicle instead of himself and doing his roleplaying.

In the banter scene they get into how much he likes being a popular and liked guy,

In hindsight you can see plenty of Jordan’s manipulation of his family like ringing the doorbell and then walking off so they see him leaving them.

In Sylvester’s speech to Pat he makes a big deal about mistakes they made he would have avoided again implying they would be so much better off if he was there this whole time. It is also setting seeds for his weird Pat plan next episode.

Sylvester’s appeal to Stargirl at the end is just as much an appeal to the staff. They know from season 1 going to kill Icicle makes Cosmo more likely to leave Stargirl to join Starman.

Episode 12

The aspiring President wants hordes of fans.

Talk with Artemis removes a short term wildcard and makes sure in a future fight between himself and Icicle she is on his side. It keeps his ally, Icicle, alive in the short term.
I think his legacy speech is just playing the role, but it might be about expanding the JSA for the future, so he has more heroes to lead.
For his angry speech how did he know Zeke would figure it out? Was Zeke in on it? His plan is for Stargirl to retire and give him the full time role. He lets her overhear Pat crying and getting in a bad place to make sure she will miss him.
When he gets the staff I count this is the only time he actually had a shot to slaughter JSA members. For one that highly risks Cosmo leaving him right there, and The Staff only works for him if Stargirl thinks it should, so I think killing her just ends that.

I doubt I need to explain why he takes out Pat. I doubt he trusts anybody else to dispose him of him, and he wants to gloat.

What is with the “You almost had me bit.” I think he genuinely enjoyed his games with Pat and was saying goodbye to them.

At the end of the episode he says the plan and endgame are Icicle’s plan. He at least for now needs Icicle for his brain.


They never did tell us who was feeding that owl. My own headcanon is that it was Ma Hunkel.


He probably fed himself.


Humanite’s Plan

Episode 13

He appeals to Star’s desire to unite good and evil teams to fight a greater evil. Attempted to kill Pat to get her to leave the job of killing to him (I am really wondering if Icicle and Humanite were planning on quickly killing Dragon King).

I love that keeps whining Pat did not follow the plan that would be better for everybody when Pat’s role was dying. Paying attention to the tiny details really made me love the guy’s black comedy.

Notice he never goes after Stargirl due to how much that can mess up his control of the staff. He leaves that job to Icicle.


Season 3 episode rankings.

This was the hardest to rank of all three seasons, as the quality was the most consistent. There was no clear top episode or clear bottom episode, and it was pretty hard to remember exactly what happened each episode. I have seen every episode 3 times, and had time to think this through, so here are my rankings.

13- Infinity Inc Chapter 1 (7). Very good episode and for the second time I can find no bad episodes in a season. The comedy was great, I was amazed at how much better and funnier Jade’s acting was, and the interactions between Shade, Jade, Stargirl and Pat was a major highlight. Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite got plenty of great banter between them. The reason for it being at the bottom is after last episode’s dark ending I just think a more lighthearted one part episode would have been better, and the episode is mostly set-up for the next one.

12- Infinity Inc Part 2 (8). A well made episode that has the problem of never being surprising other than some stuff to set up the spin-off. I have no problem with setting up Infinity Inc, since it makes a good “The Adventure Continues” for us to imagine how it could have gone.

Two major highlights were Mr. Bones and the hooded figure who was also in last episode. I and several others had plenty of fun overly analyzing the hooded figure and trying to tell who he was.

11- The Murder (1). This was a very hard pick to make, and I went back and forth on it. On one hand it is not that interesting of an episode and is almost all set up. On the other hand I love seeing such a large cast in this episode and the happy tone that slowly gets more and more hostile.

10- The Last Will and Testament of Sylvester Pemberton (12). Great title that threw so many people off. This episode was full of major twists. It is not too interesting on a rewatch.

My biggest highlight is Stargirl’s speech to Sylvester early in the episode. The opening flashback is another big highlight.

9- The Suspects (2). Plenty of great small character driven scenes like Tigress saying how she would have killed The Gambler differently, and the Shade/Sylvester/Stargirl dynamic making for some great scenes. I love this episode.

8- The Haunting (11). On a rewatch this is probably at the bottom, but the first time it was fascinating trying to figure everything out and how this is leading to a final battle, especially with the ending with Dragon King and Icicle.

I think the biggest highlight is Cameron trying to both figure out who his dad actually is and trying to play peacemaker.

7- The Evidence (4). This episode moved all over the place on my rankings and could have been both way higher and lower. Fittingly it is in the middle.

There is not much of an ongoing plot for it, but it advances many smaller plots piece by piece like Stargirl and Cameron’s romance which advances heavily, Humanite becoming Starman again, and more pushing Shiv out.

The little character interactions are great this episode like Humanite and Charles’s scenes and Crusher loving his beer.

6- The Thief (5). In reverse of the haunting this is the most improved on a rewatch. This episode is Humanite cashing in on his success getting what he wants out of Rick, Beth, and Yolanda. On a rewatch it is such a work of art seeing him get his way. Last season Eclipso did this because it is fun and went in guns blazing. In contrast Humanite is now very slow and methodical with his methods with each action working to multiple greater purposes (which I maintain include stacking the deck against Icicle and Dragon King for a planned future fight with them that never came).

I have to hand it to Meg DeLacey and the entire crew’s work on Shiv this episode. Her comic relief really elevate this dark episode.

5- The Blackmail (3). Again many great small character moments like Tigress threatening mean boss and the Rick/Cameron feud. I remember how great first seeing Cameron shoot his tire was.

The Supermarket fight is very different from the past big fights. Before they were made to be exciting, but this is much slower, more vicious, and scary for the viewer, and it really can feel like he is actually going to kill them.

Pay attention to Humanite’s speech to Pat at the end. This is when he discovers how to play Sylvester, not as a crazy and laidback uncle type, but a wise father type (who still has some PTSD issues). His portrayal gets notably more convincing after this (thanks for spilling all those details Pat).

4- The Betrayal (6). Artistically this is the best episode of the season, but it is so dark I enjoyed other episodes more. Last episode was Sylvester getting his way. This episode is the result with what happens to the JSA and all the problems this will make for them the rest of the season.

3- The Killer (10). A wonderful episode as Tigress and Crusher show how far they have come. It is refreshingly simple breather episode compared to the ones that sandwich it and how dark they are.

2- The Monsters (9). Another uncomfortably dark fight, and I love it. It feels so different form the other big brawls due to Cosmo not being there, and it is the most brutal fight in the show.

Some major highlights include Sofus saving Rick, Mike and Jakeem finding Dragon King, Paul’s scene, and Crusher and Pat discussing Mike’s mom.

1- The Reckoning (13). The finale is the best. A fast paced and action packed opening followed by a slow and heartfelt second half to wrap up everything while still leaving plenty of mystery for us fans to think of their future adventures.

My top highlight is the recreation of the Justice League of America #10 cover.


They made a mention back in Season 1 that it wasn’t exactly a normal owl.


I am absolutely obsessed with this show and I’m bummed to not see it continue, but at least it ended in a pretty good way. Now then, I want to share something from Anjelika Washington who plays Beth Chapel on the show, since I saw it while doing a deep dive of Stargirl content on Tumblr:


She is beyond, beyond right!! This show did everything right, incredible characters, great villains that never overstayed their welcome, not ridiculous motives, twists that didn’t feel off, just everything right.


Titans crossover is April 20th!!!


I hope DC/WB Home Entertainment announce the BD/DVD set for season 3 soon! I wanna add it to my collection!


I want to go through it frame by frame and take screenshots


I shared this somewhere else but it also applies well here too.

I watch Stargirl for the plot.

The Plot:

I can’t help it, he meets my criteria for fictional character crushes. I have a type.