Stargirl S1, E11 Reaction Thread - 🚨 WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD 🚨

My first thought of reading this was, then Pat and Shining Knight are safe. I know it is wrong but it did jump into my mind. Along with Starman’s “N,o not you, definitely not you” Maybe that’s why Starman felt that way.

Ok Court, You realize you are not the daughter of Starman’s and oh no I got Henry and Joey? killed. Starman’s daughter or not - you did what you did.


Was Johnny McCracken’s possibly a reference to Johnny Thunder? You know like the crack of lightning?

I’m really interested to see how all this shakes out. I’m guessing the Seven Soldiers were spread throughout history. Starman came out before Pat which is why he aged and Pat didn’t… There’s a lot of possibilities but I’m really interested in Pat’s story. He even says to someone (I think it was Beth) that he would talk about Justin and his connection later.

Overall, I came out of this episode really feeling bad for Mike. He’s the odd man out right now and his face when Pat yelled at him was heartbreaking. Then that line. “What did I do?” My guess is he’s either going to runaway and get snatch up by the ISA or will find one of the trinkets and be pivotal to the fight at the end. I wouldn’t mind seeing someone put on that Dr. Fate helmet.

Also, one of my big questions, as more of a Starman fan, is where is the Shade? He’s been referenced by the Dragon King as a traitor to Icicle. I would love to see him pop up at some point. Maybe he’s literally been hiding in the shadows keeping an eye on the ISA.


The feels were deep in this episode. It was well done.

And father of the year goes to…Pat Dugan for one punching Sam.

Poor Mike. I wouldn’t be surprise if he truly starts resenting Courtney and Pat. Hopefully they’ll bring him in on the loop.

Barbara is slowly starting to getting use to Courtney going to Pat as another parental figure.

It’s great seeing Justin getting his memory back. But for an episode called “Shining Knight” I was hoping there would have been more done with him.

I wonder if Shade will ever make an appearance before the season ends, or might show up in season 2.


Tbey just had the first teaser for season 2 out. The Shade will have a major role to play in it.


Luke Wilson is absolutely this episode’s MVP.

No action. Not a lot of CGI. All humanity and feeling.

I’m not sure I bought the “I need mom and dad with me to believe in myself so the staff will light up again” but…whatever.

This is a great show.


That classic JLI scene came to my mind as well when Pat hit Sam!


This was a filler but still progressed the story. Surprised they only mentioned Yolanda saying a prayer at church for Henry but didnt show Beth or Rick comforting each other or discussing Henry’s death b4 Pat arrived. Wasted opportunity. Last episode they were all visibly affected.
Other than that Brainwave put Icicle in check- BADASS!
Next epi will be action packed!


They’ll probably tell him next episode when brainwave goes after the family


Woah. This episode was heavy Doc. :pleading_face:

A lot of good character development among the group. So much to build upon now heading into the 2 part finale for the season. :sunglasses: :+1:

Good to see Sir Justin get back on his feet. Hopefully he does find his valiant steed and gets his long due face off with Dragon King once more (as he also did in Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. which, given that’s the title for the 2 part finale it might just happen)! Also, Rick’s and Beth’s reactions to him were very funny. “That’s our janitor.” “Why is he holding a sword?” :smile:

Also, yikes! Sam did hold up to the expectations set forth in Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. as well with just a few edits. And wow, Pat! What a punch! I’m sure somewhere “Crusher” felt that and was proud! :joy:

It was also interesting seeing that poster above Courtney and Sam as they ate breakfast (Dial M for… Well, red rum… If you know what I mean). :scream:

Looks like we can all dial H for Hero because they can come from anywhere! :superman_hv_4:

Definitely looking forward to where the story goes with Icicle also knowing Barbara knows and how Brainwave will effectively brain wash most of the country! :astonished: :grin:


Holy crap this episode was terrifying.

Not because it has jumpscares or scary music or blood or other film tropes - but because I care about these characters SO much and I’m afraid for them.

The ISA are three times as frightening as any more powerful or more crazy villain(s).

Hell, he deserves to get punched by Solomon Grundy.

But it was probably more satisfying to see Pat do it.


I wonder, because there was a moment when Brainwave made an expression that just said “Henry Jr always looks like that” when he was talking with Icicle.

I thought it was just the actors doing really well at playing father and son, but who knows.

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All of my thoughts have pretty much been covered. I, too, thought it was Mike coming down the stairs, and I went, “finally!” I’m just wondering, when he finally finds out, whether he’s going to be more pissed or stoked. Not sure if Justin fully got his memories back, or if seeing the staff just gave him a bout of lucidity, but it’s good to see him feeling more like himself, either way. And thank you, Pat, for doing what all of us wanted to do to that scumbag.

Side note, I just found out yesterday that a colleague sadly passed away. That made the assembly feel all the more poignant – minus the telepathic threat part, anyway.

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The best part about Arthurian lore is how much it’s canonical with lot of comic stories. It didn’t take long to sell me on it in Transformers 5 that’s how much it is.

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I didn’t think I would enjoy this series… Wow! Was I wrong! Holy #TEAMSTARGIRL! I love it so much!

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Absolutely. I knew he wasn’t a good guy but I wasn’t expecting that. Geez. How low can he go?

Poor Mike. I know people don’t want him to get the pen, but I think it would be great. Brainwave attacks the house and suddenly Mike has the pen in his hand? I’m getting goosebumps thinking about the possibilities. His “What did I do” line hurt me really bad. And honestly was the stand-out one-liner of the episode for me.

This was a great ‘calm before the storm’ episode. They have no idea what is coming. But I am hoping that Sir Justin remembers what the ISA is planning and that can give them an edge. As of now, I don’t think they have enough to beat the ISA. Though, realistically, they just need to take out Brainwave because there is no other telepath who can take that part of the plan, and the plan will be ruined because of it. Luckily, everyone hates him right now, so it shouldn’t be hard for someone to want to take him out. Having the power to, is another issue, but I’m sure something cool will happen.


Mike has seen the worst of it, he’s completely in the dark and now he has a target on his back like the kid can’t catch a break


3 of 11 episodes have no Stargirl costume. I sure did not expect that Very faithful tot he comics overall with a heavy character focus. In addition still plenty of set up for the last two episodes.


Sam Kurtis was every bit the creep I knew he would be. I kept picturing the Lying Cat from the “Saga” comic after every line of his dialogue. Glad they kept the bit with the locket from the Stars and STRIPE series. And it was nice to see Pat put him in his place.

Sir Justin has his memory back! Woohoo! Anxious to see the Shining Knight in action. Nice thematic connection between Justin’s story and Courtney realizing her worth as a hero (though the Arthurian purist in me was thinking “Arthur’s deathbed? You mean he wasn’t taken on a boat to Avalon to be placed under an enchanted sleep?”).

Someone tell Mike already! Why is he the only one still in the dark? He was kind of obnoxious in the early episodes but the kid has been growing on me and showing some real character development as the season has progressed.


That’s bit of a mystery. They may have said something in a deleted scene but we do not have any clarification.

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that reminds me of a hilarous scene in this Brave and the Bold episode when the villain gets taken out in 1 punch and guy makes fun of him for it