Special Event: Batman & Robin Watch-A-Long! Wednesday, 12.05.18, 5pm PST/8pm EST

I remember when Patrick Stewart was rumored for Freeze and Julia Roberts was rumored for Ivy. That would have been crash casting.

I wanted to like Uma as Ivy but she really tried too hard to act like Mae West and it was a big turnoff for me. Ivy was a beauty of a redhead but too reliant on imitating Mae West.

She was right about a Poison Ivy action figure coming with Bane (aka “him” as she refers to Bane in the scene in question). Kenner did make a two-pack with those two.


I’m clearing my schedule to chill with all of you watching B&R😆


This will be awesome!


At what time I get out of work at 6pm eastern time

8 PM eastern

My 9 or 10 year old self worshipped this movie. My 15 year old self stared at the screen and acid refluxed in my mouth upon revisiting it.

Having discovered The Dark Knight Returns in 2003, I was looking back at history and scratching my head, wondering how things had ended up where they had, with the franchise taking cues from Frank Miller but ending up in the day-glow back alley, dressed in drag with Schumacher.

That was two years away from Christopher Nolan saving all our lives. Still, this and Batman Forever takes me back in time to my childhood and to the Gotham (besides BTAS) that was the setting for my childhood imagination. There is much to be appreciated in the unique vision realized here, if not so much the acting. Batman Forever and Batman and Robin had a subversive undercurrent of sadomasochism and leather bondage fetishism. The overt homoeroticism probably went over the heads of most middle Americans at the time and, therefore, was probably lost on them. It is hilarious that Hollywood thought this approach would be more palatable for children than the dark esthetic of Tim Burton’s Batman Returns.
They considered this their corrective course? Nipples and codpieces with your happymeal? Choose the proper batarangs and be sure to zip your rubber all the way up before you leave the underground dungeon.

Of course it had no real corruptive influence on me, but I’d image if parents hadn’t been so clueless to the not so subtle subtext of the implications of Bruce and Dick’s relationship, their conservative heads would have spun. It’s less prominent in the story of Batman and Robin than in Batman Forever, but the spirit of it is still there. It’s fun to imagine what the world would have been like if the actors had played it like serious drama, decked out in their absurd gladiator bondage couture. What if Schwarzenegger had delivered “You are not sending me to the cooler” with a flat emotionless Terminator clank equivalent to “I’ll be back,” instead of smirking like a jackass and chewing the scenery.

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@87benlewis.41858, if you’re not at the watch-a-long we’ll be incredibly disappointed.

I wouldn’t. I have a feeling he’d be cranky and negative from beginning to end

Lol. TX85 i used to be able to recite every line beginning to end. I wouldn’t be there just to trash it the whole time. I’m sure we’ll have fun. Not sure if I’ll be able to join though.

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1 more day to go! A while ago I saw that someone posted that we should do a watch along of Superman the movie. I agree with him, what a great way to celebrate 40 years of this classic film as a fans. :slight_smile: Just saying.


The more official watch alongs, the better!


Fair enough @87. I apologize

Idk if I’ll be able to post along as I just have my phone atm… Wish I was home lol :sweat_smile:

I have to chill at a friend’s this evening

Which means that my plans are on ice at the moment.

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I’m so excited to host tomorrow’s event with you all!


Omg, I thought it was 12/4, what a cool revelation!

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@yazov you’re well prepared for tomorrow :slight_smile:

@mrjb is a dangerous host, keep an eye on him!


Hey there. dcu_joe here. Looking forward to tomorrow’s watch-a-long!