So I’m watching Smallville for the first time

I’m very late to the Smallville TV series party. Never watched one episode when it originally aired. Right now I’m watching one episode per night and am halfway through season 5. Jonathan Kent just died. I really wish I would have watched it with younger eyes. Adult experiences are completely ruining it for me.

Each time a vehicle gets wrecked (which is frequently) I think about the insurance premium that will go up per month. Did they have comprehensive or just collision?? With all the claims the Kents have made how can they afford insurance??? I bet that monthly premium is just through the roof!

Or, the frequent flyer miles at Smallville Medical Center. EVERY TIME I see someone being treated there my mind goes to co-pays and deductibles. Is this an In-Network facility?? Are those doctors part of my network?? No wonder the Kent’s were always struggling with finances.

I think that I now have grown to hate Smallville. But, I have to see it through. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Right now you’re in the middle of the Smallville dark age. Basically every episode is the same kryptonite monster of the week with very little else of importance happening (Jonathan dying is one of the biggest blows to the show in my opinion, he just made every scene he was in better.) Once you get to season 7 or so things pick up and it really becomes a proper DC show instead of a “modernization” of superman.


That’s not to say that the annoying stuff vanishes, Lana still hangs around with zero character change and Clark never stops being a self-centered meat head. But the show that surrounds these annoying elements gets way better and makes for some of the best live-action superman out there.


Yeah, the Lana Lang stuff seems to be on repeat a lot. I was glad to see the Lois character finally show up and the initial adversarial dynamic between her and Clark.

I’m also liking how Lex Luther is being portrayed. More of an antihero than villain. And, speaking of him, I found Michael Rosenbaum’s podcast “Inside of You” not long ago. That is very enjoyable. He has had past cast members from Smallville on talking about the show. I’m liking his character more and more with each show.


Rosenbaum is by far the best part of that show (especially towards the end) and I think he’s the best live-action lex ever. Lois also gets really good by the end and they do a really good job developing the Lois and Clark relationship


I was late to Smallville also. Finished it about 4 years ago. Great show. Especially liked the Dukes of Hazard episode with Tom Wopat.


My favorite episode involves the Legion.



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I introduced a friend to Smallville several years ago and she would periodically text me saying practically the same thing every time, “Why is the Lana drama still happening?! When will it go away?!?!?!” :laughing:
Michael Rosenbaum is practically my favorite Lex Luthor with Gene Hackman as a close second. I loved Erica Durance as Lois! If I even think about re-watching, I would start season 4 cause I need Lois to be involved even if it’s only for a few moments. The character development for her and Lex is my favorite. (Although idk if Lex qualifies as “development”) And I love seeing Clark finally realize how awesome she is once he gets his head out of his rear.


Durance killed it.


I love how she went from this…

To this…


Omg you’re killing me. How do u get hotter & younger as u age?


Of all of the people that have played Lois, Erica Durance is my favorite. I just like the way they are portraying her. But again, I’m only up to season 5. I’m looking forward to her development as the episodes click off.

One other thing that I have noticed is how everyone that has a fight scene seems to be an ultimate fighting champion. Especially with Lana… and if I’m remembering correctly didn’t Lex give her a lesson or two that seems to have turned her now into Ronda Rousey?!? I guess there are times that you just have to suspend belief and go with it. If only it was that easy every time I think about those co-pays and deductibles when I see the Medical Center…


That was a good episode. Liked the car scenes. Took me back to the early 80’s.

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You’re so right. It completely changes how you look at things. You can’t just be in the moment when you’re so focused on wondering who’s going to pay for that?!
I haven’t seen this show, I have no idea if it’s any good, but I would like to give it a try. The concept sounds hilarious!


I saw it, I thought it had great potential but it was never really realized. Ironically, there are some funny comic-book-universe insurance deductible jokes in a couple episodes.


Oh great… another show that I’ll now have to watch to keep that anxiety level up. Maybe I need to set an appointment to see the doct… never mind… I haven’t met my deductible yet.


I don’t believe I’ve reached those episodes yet. Unless I’ve already forgotten them. Which season?

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Tonight’s episode was titled “Hypnotic”. At this point I’m expecting a “meteor effected person” each night. Not a fan of the episodes where Clark is under the influence of someone else. But, it appeared that this girl with her large necklace stone ended up being a one and done character. The sheriff’s office would investigate in the event of death in early episodes but it seems they are being phased out a bit.

One thing that was FINALLY put to rest was the Clark/Lana thing. Hopefully now he’ll start buying Lois Lane some Chick-O-Sticks. That ought to start warming her up to him.

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Season 8!

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