Short look at the Birds of Prey movie.

I think she was an original creation for the show but she showed up in Paul Dini’s Detective Comics run from what I remember. Maybe it was just a quick cameo appearance. Its been a long time since i read it.

I loved the costume test. It was a nice way of showing us all of the main players in the story and giving us a small glimpse into their personalities. In comics and animation, the characters don’t really change clothes because they can’t sit there and draw so many costumes and animate new designs constantly. I like that in live action they’re actually exploring more of their personalities through different choices in costumes. I mean I don’t wear the same outfit every single day the way a cartoon does. I adored the Black Canary run that had her as a singer (got the music they put out for Black Canary). Zsasz is looking good :heart_eyes:



I loved that Canary run too. I just read it on here in the Batgirl of Burnside Hill issues under Batgirl new 52. I want her Bombshells statue so bad. It’s her singing into a Shure microphone. There those classic looking big mics like Elvis used. It’s definitely a cool one.

Someone made music based on Black Canary’s most recent solo book? I didn’t really like that series, but I could be interested in music that shares a relation to it.