:renegade_robins: Russian Robin! (August 16-30)

Red Robin 18

The BatFam has two months of Tim and Steph content left before Barry messes up everything. Continue to enjoy the adventures of Batgirl and Red Robin, and try to ignore the looming shadow of Dan DiDio reaching for the reset button!

Give us your thoughts in the comments below! And join the club today!

Schedule: 2023-08-16T05:00:00Z2023-08-30T05:00:00Z


I. The Rabbit Hole

  • Red Robin #18-20
  • Teen Titans #92
  • Red Robin #21

II. The Lesson (Pt. 2)

Poll: Is it time to bring back the name “Team Batgirl”?
  • Yes! I adore that name!
  • Nah. It doesn’t work for me.
0 voters

Thanks for stopping by! See you next time, @RenegadeRobinsClub!


Team Batgirl is a really excellent name!

On a scale of 1-10, how likely is a Red Robin two-volume set like Steph’s Batgirl run got?