[POLL] What is THE Worst Comic DC Ever Published?

That’s what priest did with deathstroke. He made slade an intentional evil person and he ruined Jericho. Joseph was the one bright spot in the Wilson family and priest shat all over that. He also regulated deathstroke to supporting cast in his own book.

Deathstroke is a literal serial killer for hire… he also brainwashed and raped a teenage girl so yeah sorry Buddy, he’s evil and that’s exactly how he should be portrayed.


Wow man, we do not speak of Ric Grayson


Have you read Wolfman’s run???

Yes. I own it. All of it.

It’s only implied that he had sex with terra it’s never confirmed. And if yes he kills, but if you actually read Wolfman’s run then you would know that he had moral code. He won’t just take any job.

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Normally I’d agree, but it actually felt relevant to bring up for once

Did you mean Nightwing #50? Because I know Dick wasn’t actually in the wedding issue


Hey all, because of the nature of this thread I’m just going to give a friendly reminder to please respect each other’s opinions. I know we can get really heated when discussing things we are passionate about, but don’t forget we can still be kind and friendly while disagreeing.

With that being said, carry on friends :harleyquinn_hqas:


But he took a job to murder a group of other teenagers though…??? Code or not that doesn’t change his actions. That’s like saying “oh I might be a serial killer but at least I don’t do nasty things to children” and that’s IF he didn’t do it which he totally did. There is no reason for Terra to put on lingerie and attempt to seduce him talking about how he said they would be together when the job was done if there wasn’t already something to begin with because otherwise there would be no reason for her to believe it. So by all accounts there’s nothing to redeem.

He took the job because he wanted to push himself and to honor his son’s contract. He was a hunter before he became a mercenary. Taking on meta humans is a challenge that would make him hole. He literally says in the Judas contract that once the military kicked him out, he became depressed. My point is he isn’t intentionally evil in his mind. Which is how marv Wolfman wrote him in his entire run. Does he hurt people, yes. But he isn’t an evil bastard like in preists run.

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It doesn’t matter if he thinks he’s not evil if his actions say otherwise. And they do.
But hey, Batman is an abusive manipulator with a false superiority complex coupled with hypocrisy on the standards he holds certain Batfam members to. But that doesn’t change his own view of himself and people hate to talk about it because nobody wants to admit their fave is a bad person. They can be good at what they do but that doesn’t make them a good person.
Deathstroke was a good soldier, that was his entire thing and why he became who he is but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t or isn’t a bad person. And because of it doesn’t automatically make him a good person or create a character worthy of redemption because there is absolutely nothing he does that isn’t bad. The difference is Deathstroke continues to do evil things and make evil decisions. He is a villain. Batman is a bad person who somehow tries to make his home a better place. He’s still a douche bag but he’s a hero.

I understand that but that’s not how Wolfman wrote him in his series!! He actually regrets not telling the truth to adeline from the start and getting her and his kids involved in his world. He regrets having to kill Joseph and grant becoming ravager. My point is that Wolfman wrote deathstroke with relatable/sympathetic qualities and priest didn’t. I know he kills and that automatically makes him evil but Wolfman went beyond that surface level view of him.


Other: Flashpoint


How so?


Tom Taylor’s Nightwing is the best series right now and the overall best Nightwing comic of all time.


I’m not saying I love it but it’s the only DC monthly that I bother to read. I have dropped all Batman, Superman, Justice League, and books headlined by JLA members (Flash, GL, WW).
If this is the “worst” thread then for me this is the worst era of my DC readership.


I think many of the comics you listed as candidates for the “worst ever” have merits. Either they do something interesting and challenging, or the art is phenomenal. When it comes to comics, writing is only half of it!

Anyway, the worst comic DC ever published is probably Fox and Crow, a “Funny Animal Comic” that was based at the time on a popular derogatory Black stereotype.


I would love a Sanctuary book that was about Sanctuary and didn’t need an event to drive the story. I would hate if King wrote it because he has a good sense for broad themes but tends to put out melodrama and cliches. It would probably be boring without direct action (could flash back to personal events I guess) but a talented character writer who consulted with trauma specialists could give us a compelling indie style book.


@KookieSuperApe . Oh man… I’m going to have to put some serious thought behind this one.


Make this happen, Hollywood!!!