[POLL] What is THE Worst Comic DC Ever Published?

Something I’d like to clarify is that I, personally, am not saying that any of the 6 comics listed is the worst ever, or even bad. I Googled for “worst DC comics”, and those 6 titles are the ones that I saw recurring most frequently on the lists that I found. Similar to what I did for my “best” thread (which, frankly, I’m disappointed more people aren’t participating in, as that was actually the question I was more curious about). I wanted to see if our community could come to a consensus on which of those 6 titles really is the worst comic that DC ever published, or if it’s something else entirely.

Based on the early results, I think that the conclusion I’m coming to is that there’s no such thing as a bad comic, only a comic that you, personally, don’t like.

Except for Heroes in Crisis. Nobody likes Heroes in Crisis.*

*Just kidding. Or am I…? :smirk: