Peek At PPB's Home Office Collection

This is beautiful! I’ve seen some of your collection before but I didn’t know it was this vast, and that’s only one room!

Shout out to all the Slytherins! From: a loving Hufflepuff :yellow_heart: :black_heart:


Beautiful collection.

It’s impossible for any piece to compete with those :heart:-letters though. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What a collection @Pretty.Poison.Bombshell! :superman_hv_4:
Is that also a little Chevy Impala in the bottom left of the first picture? :thinking:


Hi! Ok, first: “Aks” made me read your whole post like Marisa Tomei, so points for that. :facepunch:t3:
Second: I’m acquainted w/ southern hospitality, so know that I’d accept all the sweet tea, red rice or fried pies necessary to satiate your impulses.
Now. I’m immediately curious about the death eater masks, which Buffy issue that is up next to Widow, and what the deal is w/ that Cap & WW picture??..but that’s all. Dont want to be greedy. Plus, I may be weird sometimes, but trust me, no one here has come face-to-face w/ my inner nerd yet. They may have seen her out of the corner of their eye, like the Chupacabra, but that’s it! Shes the one who wants a guided tour thru the museum & will play pen pals w/ you on this until she’s heard every story. We can’t let her off the leash :laughing: Omg, no. Not w/ all that Ivy.
Ps. Is that a SKATEBOARD on the wall?!
If so, :raised_hands:t3: Bring it in. :hugs: Go team!


Love your collection thanks for sharing! I bet you put together some awesome Bday parties for the kids with that kind of taste. Love the harry potter stuff as well, was a big potter fan as a kid. Also love the the pink kitty thing from the lego movie she was hilarious. I will say though, don’t think I don’t see Swamp Thang back there strugglin to stay up. do you have a stand for that DCU JLU WW? I remember people online saying they were hard to pose. I will admit they are a bit more challenging but I’m a master poser. :sunglasses:

I can swing by and set some stuff up for ya…I usually take signed Lynda Carter photos or monopoly money for payment :grin:

They have that Ivy/HQ statue at my shop and it looks great for sure, but as a ivy fan do think thats kinda like giving her a chopped off head? :grimacing: (Mr. Bombshell might be on to something about that online shopping :stuck_out_tongue:)


While the cost is free, are donations accepted?

pulls out a crisp fiver


So you collected the Black and White Batman figures as well? Did you complete the set?


That sure is, @ajm08g! To be exact it’s a very specific 1967 Chevrolet Impala - good eye!


Hahahaha - after you pointed it out, I HAD to go back and re-read it myself and yep, total Marisa Tomei voice!

The death eater masks we actually got from Universal directly. However, the autographs were gotten through happenstance and a Con. All of our autographs (the total number is staggering) have been gotten by myself, Mr. PPB, or both in person, so they all have stories attached to them. Really what makes them priceless.

The Buffy next to Widow is B.T.V.S - Wolves At The Gate: Part 4. Here’s a better image of the cover.

As for the image of Cap & WW - it was specifically drawn for me by legendary comic artist, Allen Bellman. When we first met and he found out I was retired from the Army, he created that piece to capture everything I was in a cute and humorous way. It is one of my most cherished pieces.

Alright, three questions down. What else ya got? :wink:

P.S. Yes, that is a skateboard deck on the wall with an original painting on it!


I wish I could pose mine like that! It took all I had to stand her up on her own! I have to ration out my patience and by the time it gets to posing (or even just making them stand up), I’m generally run dry. So, shout out to you! (Even though I am super jelly!)

As much as I’d like to take you up on your offer, I’m pretty possessive over my Lynda Carter AND my Monopoly money, since they are all collectibles. (I’m starting to wonder if I have a collectible problem? :thinking: Nah!)

That beautiful statue of Ivy and Harls was a gift from a gorgeous human being! I think Harls is the only one who could get away with the chopped off head. :wink: (And Mr. Bombshell is never right…even if he is! :stuck_out_tongue:)


Donations are ALWAYS accepted! Gotta keep my addicti…I mean collecting hobby going!


I almost did! I think I’m missing only one or two. :frowning:

However, I have collected all but one rare of the little 3" figures in front of them!


I got all but one. It was so frustrating. I got three of one. But couldn’t find the one I wanted the most.


Cap and WW:

I can see why. I admired it for several long minutes and was hoping for a fitting story. You delivered. No more words. Just :purple_heart: Thank you.
All the HP items are awesome and that Buffy comic is an excellent choice for display (I have a story about that scythe!). As for autographs, which is the most prized or was the hardest to get? …and were labyrinths or riddles involved? :grin:

Oooh, you’re reeling me in—dang it. (scooches closer) I also want to know what that comic is on the top right w/ the spider, and whats happening on the top shelf of that cabinet? (shiny things, Ahh!) :star_struck:

Edit: I found the WW car—she’s going to love it.


As a fellow addict, I completely agree. :poisonivy_hqas:

sticks two crisp finskis inside a brand-new Poison Ivy cookie jar


Love the collection and Home Office, PPB! Hopefully I can get there one day :robotman_dp: :green_heart: :poisonivy_hqas:


Right?! Same thing here. Luckily, I have a hubby and seedlings to pass an extras to. :wink:


Nice. I wish I had family members who really shared my affinity for DC and collectibles.


Well @Behemoth, when you have kids, feed them a steady diet of DC early-on, and that itch will be scratched.

No, no, no, scratch that idea. Just take the time, money and effort that would go into having/raising kids and blow it on DC stuff for yourself instead.

Spending scratch on DC stuff beats the hell out of spending it on Pampers. :smile:


That’s actually a hard question because there are so many, but if I had to choose my most prized…it would have to be my autograph from Adrianna Caselotti, who was the voice of Snow White in the original animated movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Unfortunately, no labyrinths or riddles involved on that one.

The spider comic in the top right was another cover done by my best friend, Tommy (mentioned above). It is for a small publication entitled Black Widow: G.E.U. The inside art was done by another friend, Bill Marimon, and the story done by our friend, Mitch Hyman.

The shiny things are all Silver Surfer, some autographed by Doug Jones, who played him in the movie, and others, along with the coming next to the curio, is autographed by Stan Lee.

Yay! I’m so glad you found the WW Hot Wheels! I also have the ones for Harley and Joker.

Alright, keep 'em coming! I know you got more than these! :wink: :smiley: