OFFICE HOURS VOL II: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

Will do be free I release u & ty needed that


Glad I could confuse you a bit, :laughing: I did meet Harlan at a con once, back in 2000, but I don’t how much that counts. I always wished that somehow I could have met him at his infamous home, “The Lost Aztec Temple on Mars.” I also admire his attitude/spice.

It’s funny, cause I wasn’t a huge fan of his growing up and only happened to see him speak, cause I was right out side the door when he started. I just stuck around afterward with about ten other people, and got to talk to him and shake his hand. Then I kind of forgot about it, until “Dreams with Sharp Teeth,” where I discovered how loveably cantankerous he was, and I rushed out to find his books, and became an ardent admirer.

Like I said, he was on my mind, which is why I looked him up on here. I like to see when others remember him, because I feel like he’s fallen out of the public imagination, which saddens me. Harlan was barley mentioned in the media when he passed.

As for the deserted island question, I’ll forgo a book, if I can bring all the series of “Star Trek” with me. :grinning: If not, then “ST:TNG” and “LOTR.”




See ya next week in the Iceberg lounge!!! Goodnight everyone!!!


How about a title with an Evil Dead tinge?

Say…“Office Hours Vol. 3: Army of DC Questions”, or something to that effect?

hums “March of the Dead”, by Danny Elfman, from Army of Darkness


DS rewatch is a commitment. So glad you are doing it. It’s soooo worth it.

Did you start at episode 1?
There some really pretty good arcs in the 210 episodes pre-BC. I especially liked the Phoenix one.


Woo! Glad to hear fan dealies are an option of some kind ATM.

If a Denny’s Nerd Gathering™ occured, please make sure a certain someone (cough me :slight_smile: cough) got credit for birthing the idea from his mental womb. :grin:

Servers in DC garb would be schway…especially if one was dressed as Yara Flor. I’d toss a tip o’ tip that particular lady’s way. :wink:

Speaking of meet-ups, I might not make it to CA this Summer or early Fall (as I mentioned a couple months or so ago). It was never my choice to make in the first place though, TBH.

It might still happen. Nothing will be decided for some time, but I just have this…feeling it might not pan out. Again, not my choice in the end, but I’m still hopeful. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Yeah, let’s taco 'bout it! :taco: :drooling_face:

Wanna grab some tacos over at that “100 tacos for $100” joint in Springfield (what was the name of that joint? It wasn’t Krusty Burger…was it?)?

I’ll get the wheelbarrow and you can get WB to cut a check for a hunnerd big 'uns and then…as J. Peterman said to George on Seinfeld…“we dine”.

I didn’t expect this to have traditional Book Club trimmings, since it’s an off the cuff dealio, but thanks for the clarity all the same.

The day can change. I’m thinking Saturday most weeks, but if something happens on a Saturday for someone else, then the DCUICCC can move to Sunday. Easy peasy, lemon squeazy! :+1:t2:

SN: I don’t blame you for not quoting the entirety of that post. I’m a guy who frequently has a lot to say afterall, and you only have so much time. :slight_smile:

As for being proud of you, ALWAYS, Ace. ALWAYS. :vulcan_salute:t2: :clark_hv_4:


Knowing your penchant for tutus, I figured your DC Denny’s Duds™ would be Harley or Ivy (Mera? :man_shrugging:) in a tutu, but shore, you can go as Fran. :superman_hv_4:

contemplates what his DC Denny’s Duds might be

Probably Conner Kent in his black t-shirt and blue jeans. I wear black tees and blue jeans often enough anyway, so it’d be an easy costume.

I would just need to get a new Superboy shirt. The one I had came from Hot Topic years ago, and conversely wore out years ago.

Googles who has black Superboy tees for sale


Dibs on being Hercules in that photo!

I mean, I watched Herc and Xena as they aired and looked at their toys at Kay-Bee, so that earns me Herc’s spot, yeah? Please? :slight_smile:


Say, where are you on X-Files? I’ve thought about getting back into it, recently.

ponders if X-Files WALs would happen in the Iceberg Lounge


I know a guy who can etch it into your private eye-style door with his heat vision, no charge. :superman_hv_4:

Of course, if Sam Spade’s in the office, I might wait until he leaves as that guy’s kinda intimidating at times (and coming from a guy of my size and height, that says summin’). :cowboy_hat_face:


I’ve never seen So I Married An Axe Murderer. It’s on Hulu, yeah?

makes a note to look it up later


An anime WAL in the Iceberg Lounge? **** yeah!

But…I’ll have to miss it, as I’m usually out and about on toy hunts at that time on Tuesday.

If there’s any anime-themed eats, wrap me up a plate of bell peppers and beef, along with a bowl of noodles like Jim eats on Outlaw Star, would you? P/TY. :slight_smile:

would reference food from Sailor Moon, but isn’t familiar enough with it in the same way he is with other anime edibles

BTW @Applejack, I see you’re touting the “Characters of DC Club” title. Is that a new piece of Office Space-style flair?

Finally, I’m glad you’re also a fan of Wonder Girl. The last time a book hooked me like it has at such an early point was Superman/Batman in 2003. That went on to become of my top 3 all-time favorite ongoing series, so it’ll be interesting to see where Wonder Girl goes.

admits that he’s thought of creating a Wonder Girl thread, wherein each issue would be analyzed as they come out

Some day…


I low key kinda like this one


That’s because it’s a subtle, yet clever, reference to Army of Darkness, which is one of cinema’s greatest offerings.

You’ve seen the flick, yes?

adjusts his S-Mart employee smock


Reaganfan78 asked “2. Will Superman78 & Batman89 be on here 3 or 6 month after it’s release?”
and you said " That will also be 6 months after release, I believe - I have heard the production dates for those comics have been pushed, and we should be expecting to see a PR update on that soon. That may change it from 6 months to 3 months if it ends up going Digital First, but don’t hold me to that just yet."


Hope I can make it to some of these, I LOVE classic cinema!!!


It was more than 3, I try to pay tribute to those we lost every week and the end of the first half of my podcast. Paul Soles, voice of Spider-Man 1967 and Hermie the elf, was another…


Yeah so I started Dark Shadows from episode 1 like around Xmas or so. Not sure where I left off, but I fully intend to go back and watch all of it. But I am now finished with season one of The X-Files. Such a tremendous series and holds up incredibly well all these years later.