OFFICE HOURS VOL II: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

Oh, absolutely! How fun would it be to see her disguised in a Harley cosplay at a con?


Hello Oracleā€‹:woman_red_haired:,
You donā€™t mind me calling you Oracle? If you do I apologize Iā€™ll go back to Applejack, kind of started calling Moderators by their characterā€™s name like @MAN.OF.STEEL Superman.
The only thing is if I call @Alec.Holland Swamp Thing, thatā€™s sound kind of mean.:thinking:
Maybe Iā€™ll go back calling Moderators by their regular username.


Funny you should ask that, I was just reading over the Roll Call topic and read my response to that less than an hour ago.

I moved around a lot as a kid and my brother was my main babysitter. Heā€™d take me to arcades and comic shops after school and I loved the foil X-Men trading cards, especially Rogue and Storm. The arcade game too, of course. He collected comics like Ninja High School, Spawn, and Batman that I would sneak. Being interested in games and comics is how I met new friends and it all just kind of snowballed from there :rofl:

I donā€™t think youā€™ve shared your own origin story, what got you into the world of comics? Or maybe just DC in general?


:rofl: When worlds collide!!


You, friend, really know how to sell a good time! It isnā€™t entirely foreign for folks from the DC Community to meet up- itā€™s definitely happened on more than one occasion. I say keep dreaming it into reality :slight_smile:


Youā€™re too sweet Kookie, thank you for clarifying the deep curiosity as the source- though impatience isnā€™t all bad, either! I saw an interesting Tik Tok recently about how we can channel certain feelings into others (anxiety > excitement, anger > passion) . We say a lot that fans that take the time to complain are our most passionate. Anyway, I do appreciate your effort to explain. But also know that we trust your heart is in the right place, weā€™ve all been around the block a few times together :slight_smile:

Okay, first! For Publication Date errors, my understanding that is a deeper issue with the backend metadata, rather than a ā€œfix one at a timeā€ matter; as in, itā€™s a system issue that has to be fixed that is more complex than my understanding can convey. I just know that itā€™s not a typo, itā€™s being generated by tech.

As for 1-3, I just opened up ye olde spreadsheet to see what reasoning might be behind certain errors. If you can provide me specific issues I can tell you exactly what the reasoning is, but for some:

  1. Issues out of place on series page - everything I looked for reported as ā€œout of placeā€ on the series page is noted as fixed.

  2. Misattributed writers- this is most likely because the information impacts many more services than DC Universe Infinite, so a larger effort needs to be made to ensure all services are updating in parity.

  3. This looks like itā€™s awaiting another level of approval from higher ups- Iā€™m sure once these traps have been run a few more times, the coordinator who is looking at these errors will be granted more trust to make these calls, but for now I think theyā€™re still getting their stability and want to make sure with the higher-ups.

Hope this clears things up!




Hey thatā€™s interesting, Iā€™m sure the publishing team would appreciate that! What editors are you most interested in?


Live footage of ajm! Lookit that smile :grin:

The last word I got, the devices were almost 100% rolled out. Weā€™re aiming to post the release notes tomorrow. It looks like most of the work done was behind-the-scenes improvements to a lot of the errors reported on the launch of DCUI.

The Comics History disappearing is disturbing. What device is that one? Is that still happening?

My particular section on my laptop is called ā€œDive Back Inā€, I donā€™t have a History :thinking: Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s different per device.

Oooooh yes, that has been an initiative Iā€™ve been working on for about 2 months! Itā€™s been a lot of work, but Iā€™m really happy to see so many new faces joining :slight_smile: Looking forward to seeing you in the discussion!


Aha! I was there for that!

plays foghorn in celebration


Why not? :wink:


swan dives into treasure chest full of doughnuts


This cat perfectly summarizes the ā€œinternet famousā€ vibe.


Scott Peterson, Dennis Oā€™Neil. The only two I can think of. But thereā€™s so many great editors in DC both in the past and present that help make sure we read a great stories in any comic series.:slightly_smiling_face:




I havenā€™t!! Truth be told Iā€™ rather prefer Spider in his full suit getup, but I do dig the accessories he comes with here, and the sculpt/expressions look pretty good. And I guess this way we get all the cool tattoo detail work.

Side note, I recently took my friend to vision therapy and those glasses are legit!! Theyā€™re used to help people build their eye muscles. I just thought they were a cool-looking accessory.




I live here now


Disco is back, baby!


Someone may have beat me to this already, but this oneā€™s gotta be dedicated to our resident DJ: