OFFICE HOURS VOL II: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

If Batman89 and Superman78 meet!
Batman89: Hey you, I want to talk to you.
Superman78: Excuse me, just a minute.
Batman89: No, now.

Batman89: Just who do you think you are flying into my town, and wearing that colorful suit?!

Superman78: Because I’m Superman. What’s your excuse?

Batman89: Nice additude, want to work as a team?

Superman78: Sure, catch you later Bruce Wayne!

Batman89: Maybe I made a mistake to work with him.
This could be just a beginning…

The End…


Lois Lane Meets Alexander Knox
Lois: So you’re from Gotham Gazette. What’s it like working there to get a big news like today?
Knox: Same as Daily Planet I guess. So is this where we wait for the Office Hours to meet the famous Applejack?

Lois: Yup here she come!

Applejack: Hello everybody, is there any questions?
Knox: Hello Applejack, Alexander Knox from Gotham Gazette, what can you tell us about the new comics of Batman and so called Superman?
Lois: Hey watch it Knox! I don’t go around insulting a creep in a batsuit!

Applejack: Guys please don’t argue by insulting each other. As for your question Mr. Knox, the comics is coming at the end of July, it’s going to be alot of fun to read, especially if you’re a fan of Superman78 and Batman89!
Knox: Fantastic, can’t wait! And I’m sorry for my comment Ms. Lane.

Lois: And I’m sorry you got a Bat problem in your city!

The End…


@Vroom lol I happen to have been given some of those exact Leia once (and R2–My other Star Wars BF when I was little​:sunglasses:) they’re in a storage, but I have 4 of her…err…ME!! :muscle: Do you have any figures now?

Speaking of figures. Guess who showed up today, Applejack?! :00_wonder_woman_gold: :dancer:t2: it really is perfect. Thank you, again! That’s why you get a winker today!
Also been on a bird kick lately, everyone, so: enjoy! :heart_eyes:

Oh! I’m also DEFINITELY gonna need to know more about this Batman 89/Superman thing… I’m all eyes, Cap! :purple_heart:


@Applejack will there be an option soon that allows subscribers to pause their DCUI subscription. :grin:

Unfortunately, I haven’t had to much time to read lately and don’t really want to cancel my subscription.


Obviously I’m very excited about the Batman '89 and Superman '78 news. But I have to ask… if we’re not seeing them until July, what’s the strategy in revealing them now? And, perhaps closer to your wheelhouse, will we be seeing them here on DCUI simultaneously to their widespread digital release?

Speaking of our books… exactly how many issues is Let Them Live slated for? Is it a limited series or an indefinite ongoing?


@Applejack I appreciate the link to both DCUI and HBO Max on the DC website, but do you think the two apps should have a direct link to each other?


Hello Applejack​:woman_red_haired:,
Since last week I’ve made 2 new topics, I think they’re a hit. :grinning:
Have you seen Cheering Up with Animals?
Reason I made that thread is if a person is feeling depress, or sad and need a bit of happiness, my hope is that when a person see all these beautiful pictures of animals, it’ll put a smile on their face and feeling that happiness. If this thread really help somebody, then it makes me happy for them.
And here’s my second topic, U.S. Presidents in DC Comics…

I’ll still be doing alot more editing throughout this year to make it more better and track down every single DC comics that each Presidents are in and probably will add pictures to each Presidents. Anyway hope you like them.:slightly_smiling_face:




Hey @Soreita! How ya been? So. Last week, I mentioned that I was still looking for the perfect WW statue—AJ dropped a link—I squeed at it, then ordered it. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: #impetuous She just arrived, only I still have to select a home for her—Not just any ol’ place for Diana in my world. :00_wonder_woman_gold: :purple_heart: (this calls for some lasso action, definitely)



Slowly but surely I’m getting by, @Razzzcat. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Sounds like life’s treating you well. I’ll have to see what this perfect WW looks like some time! My bishoujo WW showed up a few weeks ago.


Babs just delivered my kitten burrito bucket. Just in time for OH. :grin:


Wonder if Applejack and the Moderators were enjoying reading our (fans) speculation of Superman78 and Batman89 comics? It was fun trying to guess what the news may be.:grinning:


And giggling.


Hi, everybody! I hope this evening finds you well, and that you’re in a comfy chair/snuggled in a blanket/holding a warm cuppa or an cold cuppa. I’m excited to dive in and see how far we’ve come from last week (or what is left to conquer).


For myself, I am about to go put the kettle on, and in a moment I will be posting a big ol’ long message about some proposed changes to Office Hours; it’s very long because it’s conjoined with an overly apologetic explanation of why these changes are being proposed.

I also know that when we last left off, the forums were melting before our very eyes. I did check in and see that reports continued to trickle in; but to best understand our status today, after many fixes have been made, I will be most interested in those reports made in the last 48 hours.

And, if you’re new here, HELLO! Welcome to this moment, this space/time intersection where our fates find each other. Well met! Office Hours is the place where you can post anything you like about the experience of the DC Community or DC Universe Infinite, to receive real-time responses and tinkering :slight_smile: (“Real-time” relative to my typing speed and brainpower.) Questions are answered in the order they are received, so if you posted a question recently, hang tight! We’ll get to it soon :00_doomsday_clock:


I wouldn’t go that far—That’s why the impulse buy! :sweat_smile: So I’ll say: Ditto. :purple_heart:

Ooh. We’ll swap pics in the “Look what I just got” thread s​:eyes:n!



Sometimes you just gotta treat yourself :purple_heart:


Long message time:

To kick us off, I would like to start with something a little different and discuss a new scheduling direction for Office Hours. This is something I’ve been grappling with since November and has been growing in urgency since those first suspicions emerged.

With the changes to DC Universe and the emergence of DC Universe Infinite, my responsibilities in the organization are changing and growing. This is good and bad, depending on how you look at it.

For the past two years, I have been trusted with the rare honor of nurturing and standing sentinel for our beautiful proverbial living room, along with the outstanding moderation team. That will not change. That, in agreement by all involved, from the tippy top to the bitty bottom, will remain a core focus.

However, there continue to be additional responsibilities I am taking on that are humbling, intimidating, exciting, and, in my personal opinion, demonstrate a real investment in a quality experience for all DC fans. Not only is the company focusing on retaining and growing community for DCUI, they have also employed my time to focus on building more long-term community programs, increasing talent appearances, creating a structured network of like-communities to spread our wings of awareness and membership, and align our communication with up-to-the-minute DC announcements; you may have noticed a marked increase in these announcements/sneak peeks/and teasers like we never got as DC Universe, and maybe you also noticed I’m in the forums overall much less. Because of the attention required to building these projects, there is an increased need to cool off my brain in the evenings. I love Office Hours with all my heart, BUT - the later nights and long work days are starting to impact my efficiency and focus.


My point is, this directly impacts my bandwidth for executing Office Hours every week. I absolutely adore being able to run Office Hours on a weekly basis, but for now, in the interest of self-care, I would like to present a few alternatives for the group to chime in on.

With that, I lay before you this poll on which of the following models you would like to see for Office Hours:

  • Remain weekly, keep the topic open all week long, and start an hour earlier at 5:00pm PST. However, a strict 2 hours of time is allotted. This means fewer questions will be answered, and not all questions are guaranteed a response. It also means a hard stop at 7:00pm PST.
  • Move to a monthly rhythm. People can submit questions all month long. On the day, questions are still cherry-picked, and not all are guaranteed answers, but 3-4 hours are allotted.
  • Move to a monthly rhythm. The topic is open and available for questions ONLY for 3-4 hours, but chances are, all questions asked during that window will be answered.

0 voters

Phew!! Well. With all that, I’ll get on with answering your questions- Be aware, some of my responses may seem pathetically tone-deaf with regards to any questions or comments coming in after this announcement, but I think you’re all used to that by now!

Thanks to everyone who chimes in on this, and who knows! Maybe once we’ve hit a rhythm with launching these new programs, things could change back.


I hope that no one mind, but I’m feeling a little like 1989 tonight, gonna drop some cool chunes that came out during that fateful year!

Starting with:


I’m in my comfy chair with my Batman The Animated Series blanket.:slightly_smiling_face:


Not at this time- we’re talking about adding a “log out” button to the forums, but we first want to solve for the challenges folks are having with being prompted to log in frequently. We don’t want to add a complication to that before that solve is in place :slight_smile: