OFFICE HOURS SWAMP EDITION: Ask DC Universe Infinite Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

I’m not a huge fan, I’m not sure I could even name a horror movie from that era!

I can definitely make a suggestion for it! Feedback is always useful in anyway we can receive it :slight_smile:

None on my radar currently, but DC has also never stated that there won’t be any more to come. Stay tuned!

The same thing that gets so many people to subscribe on a monthly basis! Tons of new comics including early access releases exclusive to DC Universe Infinite. New events, new friends to make when we open internationally and so much more. If you’re a DC fan, there’s 100s of great reasons to subscribe with more being added almost daily!


I actually picked it up after seeing this message! Thank you for the heads up :slight_smile:


You’re very welcome. So glad you got it, enjoy!:smiley:


Hi @Alec.Holland how are you doing? Any new DCUI news this week?


Yup! The Bigfoot Creatures are my favorite. Mostly because I couldn’t believe that I was seeing them in a DC Show!

He could totally work in a live-action format, you’re not wrong!


Sorry to break your heart, but I don’t have an NFL team :grimacing:


Hey Angel!

Currently, the DCBC has been put on the back burner. AJ was a big driver for this particular project and in her absence, there’s not enough bandwidth to do everything that’s needed to make it work. It’s one of the first things I’ll bring up to the new CM when they’re appointed though!


Are we live now?

checks himself in the mirror, licks the tips of his right pinky and thumb to simultaneously smooth out the rare errant hairs in his eyebrows, then splashes on some Bod body spray

As Freddy “Boom Boom” Washington said on Welcome Back, Kotter:

“Hi there!”

reads OH for a bit, while also being completely confident that he looks and feels good

@Alec.Holland Are you a Kotter fan? John Sebastian (singer of the song that opened the show) fan, maybe?

I enjoy Kotter and Mr. Sebastian.


Psst…you’re on the air @vroom! :grin:


Do you have any sports or teams that you like? Or are you not a sports person?


Hey Vroom!

Eagle-eyed as always! Unfortunately I don’t have a line to contact the team behind HBO Max and so this would have be directed towards their customer service.


Thankfully this has been rectified as Kookie pointed out. I believe that the team is still working out some kinks in the system, so do be patient (but also let us know!) if there’s any future issues.


I am?!

pops in a mint

Hello, TV land!

hears a stagehand whisper “It’s Office Hours, ya dork!”

Hello, Office Hours!

My arms are tired, as I just flew into town.

hears “That joke really sucked, McBane!” come from the crowd

Yeah, well…Grizzly Adams had a beard!


I try to read the new Superman Red and Blue comic, sadly after my little fight with Alfred, he left me with a blank screen on each pages.:slightly_frowning_face:


I made it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: sorry I’m late :alarm_clock:


Hey Kookie,

I’ve been a fly on the wall for a bunch of conversations in the past week regarding missing issues with Aquaman #56 included in that list. From what I can gather, there’s a weird tagging issue on the backend and in a few exceptional cases, the issue isn’t accessible despite being added to the platform successfully.

I can’t give an ETA as I believe the team still has to co-ordinate with a 3rd party, but I’d expect that it should be resolved within a week.

All I can do in the meantime is apologise for the inconvenience, I know it’s frustrating that we’ve had so many issues of late.


I actually found myself at Outback last week with a rather large sirloin in front of me which was sublime :ok_hand:

Both of these sound fantastic. I might go for tacos this evening now…

Something you should try cooking is a risotto. Not because it’s necessarily difficult, but it’s a lengthy process. Teaches you patience in cooking!


My four eagle eyes are always watching. :sunglasses: :slight_smile:

If I contact them, will they likely do something with the info or just say “Thank you for your email.” and sit on information that’s to their benefit?

The optimist in me hopes the info would be passed on.

The realist in me knows how Customer Service departments lose sight of things at times, and that things that should get done don’t always get done.

As Kevin McCallister said with regards to microwave dinners, “I’ll give 'em a whirl.”

Fingers crossed the errors get fixed! :crossed_fingers:t2:


Tomorrow! I have the thread ready to go :slight_smile:

AJ and I had this conversation like 8 seconds before she clocked out for the last time. From what I can gather, there’s legal issues surrounding adding comics that are intended for children onto a non-age-gated service with content that is rated as Mature.

The team has tried to find workarounds a couple of times, but nothing concrete yet. I’ll be sure to add this to my weekly feedback report for the team!


No I haven’t! Is it as good as it looks? :eyes: