OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night!


Thanks as always @Applejack

Your care and candor is greatly appreciated.

(Guess I’ll be pouring over the privacy policy with CCPA now in effect.)


Hey sorry this is super late just got out work myself but are the free movie goer ticket thingys that are being sent out for birds of brey good for any movie theater or like just certain ones. I’m willing to make the 4 plus hour drive to NYC theater for some free stuff but it would also be cool if I didn’t have to


All the talk about badges reminds me of…
Pokémon! Where Ash trys to earn all the badges to be a Pokémon master!
If Ash trys to get all the badges on here, he could be a DC Universal Master! Gotta catch them all!:man_dancing::penguin:


“Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges…”


Nah, @AlexanderKnox. @Applejack got it right when she listed Val first. :wink:

Thanks for the badge update, AJ! :metal:

SN: The DC Collectibles Oracle figure on your shelf is schway. I came so close to buying the two-pack she’s in on my birthday, but I passed on it, in favor of Kenner goodness instead.

I do want to specify that said Kenner goodness DID include Batgirl however, so I still came out a winner in the “To Buy or Not to Buy a Batgirl?” sweepstakes.


I have a request



I’d put Vic in as a 12 seed, because a 12 almost always takes down a 5 seed. I could easily see Q getting to the sweet 16.


:partying_face:Happy 1st anniversary Office Hour @Applejack, Hope you like the picture I made, it’s not perfect, I did my best.:slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t see any La Croix on here… :relieved:


But would we also get baby spew, dahling?

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Did I see Meta Madhouse is coming back?


Since AJ didn’t get to this, in case you haven’t read the email from this morning yet, they are specific showings in specific theaters across the country; NYC, LA and San Francisco are on Tuesday night, and the others are all on Wednesday. Boston’s is in a brand new Arclight right next to TD Garden… on a night the Celtics are playing at home!


Hello Applejack​:woman_technologist:,
I notice Kelex kept repeating the same quotes over again, I have some quotes idea what he should say, is there a thread that we can add more quotes to him?


:left_speech_bubble: Perry White: “Lois Lane, this is Clark Kent. He’s new to the Planet.” Lois: “Nice to meet you. Welcome to the Planet.” Clark: “Glad to be here, Lois.” — Man of Steel


:roll_eyes:I already know who @Applejack is Kelex! LOL!!!


Thanks for the information


Well, this is my new favorite gif ever.


I’m gonna throw my $0.02 in on this because this item seems to keep cropping up.

Firstly and a very important thing I want to make clear. @OmniLad I am not trying to single you you out as this point of view has come from other quarters as well. Your post seemed to give a very good example of a topic I believe deserves some discussion or at least insight from the mods and some possible options that might serve both sides of this topic. Please, if you feel at all uncomfortable with my use of this quote, please DM me and I will remove it.

It’s clear it’s an opinion and @JeepersItsTheJamags even started with “OK, coming on strong with the title”

While I concur Batman can work in many different styles and iterations. And that there is really isn’t such thing as ““right batman.”

However, I must confess that I don’t see an aggressive tone mentioned. It is a strong opinion, but it certainly is not saying “Hey I’m right and if you don’t agree sod off.”

Why is it that strong (passionate is perhaps a better adjective) opinions are being treated as aggressive? One of the items of fan engagement is relying and building on the passion of fans.

I understand that some people are more “shy” about jumping into something where there is a passionate opinion they might disagree with (or maybe even agree with). However, some of that is that person’s shyness issue. It seems like there is a feeling by some in the community that inclusivity requires watering down strong/passionate points of view. That, in and of itself, creates an excluding environment for members with strong opinions. I have felt this push towards that exclusion.

Is the answer a new community section Everything DC/Discordance. That would at least give a place for strong/passionate positions on everything DC. A place where strong, heated debate can be placed and those that wish to avoid such can do so with fair warning of what that section is for. A “This is a hot kitchen, and it’s likely to generate some high heat” recognition.

There is certainly a subset of members who enjoy strong “heated” debate. (While still staying within community guidelines, of course.)

If the mods and lanterns want to keep out what, I see as “passionate, heated and aggressive opinions” in the general community areas, that’s fine. I can see the advantage to that. However, perhaps adding an “anti-matter universe” in the form of Discordance section would be beneficial and create more inclusive environment for DCU.

@Applejack (and @Pretty.Poison.Bombshell as well) what are your thoughts?

I really would like to find some way of balancing this issue that could be a net positive for the community as a whole.


No worries about singling me out. I agree that aggressive may have been a poor choice of words. I think it has to do with writing. I of all people should know how difficult it is to convey tone in a DCU post (I’m sure you’ve seen it in any of our other discussions haha). I’m not trying to take away from OP’s opinion or make them seem angry. I just think some posts written like that or in that tone can make it difficult for those who disagree to jump in and feel like they’re a part of the community. I suppose it’s not just about the tone in this particular post, but the subject matter as well. Hope this clears my opinion up :).


Sort of an awkward place for me to jump in, since it’s my post being discussed, but I think ultimately opinions like the one I advanced are essentially within the realm of criticism. And I think there’s a firm line between criticizing the work and attacking the artist, and still a further one between either of those and attacking the fans of one or the other. I just don’t feel that a system where people are considered to have hurt each other by expressing an opinion of an external subject too strongly is one that can be fairly enforced.