OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night!


I don’t want to turn Office Hours into a debate. And I’ve refrained from commenting in your “How DC Comics Has Failed to Support Black Voices” thread, because (most of the time) I’d rather keep my mouth shut and be thought of as a fool than open it and be known as one. But I feel the need to respond to this.

DC is an entertainment company, and DC Universe is an entertainment platform. I see no reason why DC or DC Universe, or any other entertainment company, would or should be under any kind of obligation to issue any kind of public response to any political issue, whether it be the one that is currently gripping the US or any other. I have no problem with political entertainment, but my personal feeling is that corporations (and in particular entertainment corporations) should remain as apolitical as possible, regardless of the righteousness of the cause, and regardless of the personal feelings of the CEO or any other employees.

Political statements issued by entertainment corporations make my skin crawl. They are unnecessary at best and obnoxiously pandering at worst. Literally no one except white supremacists disagrees with the message of the protests. If DC or DC Universe hasn’t issued a statement, the assumption should be that they agree with the protests, not disagree with them. They should not be compelled to make a public statement simply due to social pressure. Compelled speech is just as pernicious as compelled silence.

Frankly, if DC or DC Universe hasn’t issued a statement, I applaud them for being brave enough to stay out of it and stay above the fray. Political issues are for the individual citizens of a nation to decide and figure out, not to be dictated by nameless, faceless corporations (and particularly those that deliver our movies, TV shows and comic books to us). Simply put, I don’t want a company telling me how it feels about a political issue (and, by inference, how I should feel about a political issue), even if we agree on that issue. And no company should feel obligated to do so.