OFFICE HOURS: Ask DC Universe Your Questions Every (UPDATED) TUESDAY Night!


My first musings have to do with Clubs. From what I’ve read regarding the Clubs, applications for new clubs are closed until Jan. 6th (which is rapidly approaching and I’m hoping that I get an answer before then, but I’m not sure if you’re going to actually do Office Hours this week…). I’d like to know what the procedure is gonna be to apply for a club once that opens? Will there be an actual form to fill out? Where should we head on Jan. 6th to submit our Club ideas?

Also, what if two people submit the same idea for a club? Assuming that the idea is good enough to approve the application, would the club go to the first person to submit the idea? If you approve someone’s idea for a club, but someone else had submitted the same idea like…let’s say a day…after them; then would you give the club to the first person who submitted the idea, but maybe give the two of them the opportunity to work on the club together if they both thought that was fair and both wanted to? I could definitely see two people with the same idea either doing a fantastic job working on a club together, or trying to kill each other lol, so I’m not sure that last idea is the best, but I’m just throwing that out there.


I’m also interested in the answer to this question. I’ve had a paid subscription to DCU since the very beginning. Heck, I’ve been a My DC member since March 2017. And I probably would’ve picked a different handle for myself when DCU started, but my Charlie Sheen’s Dealer login carried over from before DCU existed and now I don’t really wanna change my name because I feel like then people wouldn’t recognize me lol. But I digress - my point is that I’ve always paid monthly rather than annually, but I’ve paid for my subscription every month, consecutively, since DCU launched. I had simply assumed that the annual badge counted no matter how you paid, so I’d be interested to know what the final say on this is.

While we’re on the subject of badges, I’d also like to make a note about the Completed Your Team Training and Welcome to the Justice League badges. I’ve done both the Tutorial and the Advanced Tutorial, but I notice that it hasn’t awarded me with either badge. I also noticed that no one has been awarded those badges yet though, so I’m assuming that there’s definitely a bug there lol. (I posted a reply in the Community Software Updates Profile Bios are Back + Badges thread with this information, but I decided that it was probably better to post it here.)

Lastly, I’d like to weigh in with my two cents regarding @LifeNoob98 post several months ago suggesting a name change for the DCU Mods from Alpha Lanterns to something else with less “emotionless a-hole” connotations lol.

I couldn’t agree more with this post because I had the exact same thought when I first read #12 - " Respect the Alpha Lanterns." - in the Code of Conduct. The Alpha Lanterns were pretty much a horrible mistake on the part of the Guardians and it does seem sad to impose that name onto our awesome moderators.

So here’s my suggestion for a new name; why not call them “Honor Lanterns” instead of Alpha Lanterns. The Honor Lanterns are the members of Green Lantern Corps who are considered leaders and hold ranks above the regular Green Lanterns. I think I get what was meant to be implied by calling them Alpha Lanterns - basically, the decisions of the moderators are final and not to be argued with - but “Honor Lanterns” just feels more appropriate to me.

Ok, I think that’s it for my Office Hours inquiries/comments. Looking forward to participating in the next Office Hours session! As always, thanks for everything you do to make our Community so awesome!