NYCC 2019: What's Coming for DC Universe

Highly viable. HBOMAX did announce GL and Strange Adventure series. To do GL right, it going to take a bigger budget than DCU shows use. HBO has 75+ million subscribers, their shows can have bigger budgets because they have a large subscriber base, much larger than DCU. HBO was already doing a DC series Watchmen, Epix is doing Pennyworth, ScyFy did Krypton. So other platforms developing DC content is nothing new.

It is worth noting that Doom Patrol didn’t get a second season until HBO picked it up in the condition that they broadcast it simultaneously with DCU. Follow the money and the subscriber base size.

DCU is fine, and not going anywhere. The reality is it’s pretty much business as usual around here. HQ animated series, Stargirl, Bizarro TV and Doom Patrol S2, and the 3 DC Animated films will all be on DCU.

(Who knows and this is pure speculation on my part, but it’s not inconceivable that DCU might get something like Watchmen or GL, for a couple of months, after their initial season is run. Kinda like we did with Krypton. Sometimes partnerships with others can bring extra value. Not saying it’s going to happen, but it’s at least possible.)


Every time I see this thread I’m like



Your sub will be almost over by the time max comes out, maybe chill out and see what happens lol


As I recall (and I just rewatched the promo trailer), pre-launch they promised us:

  • A curated list of comics - this has been wildly exceeded
  • Titans - check
  • Swamp Thing - check, although not as much as I would like
  • Harley Quinn - check as of this month
  • Doom Patrol - check
  • Stargirl - the only missing piece
  • Community - check
  • Shopping - check, I guess, although I spend far less time there than the bosses would probably like :wink:
  • Selected catalog movies and shows - check. The time when we got animated movies in conjunction with the physical media release was amazing, and all too brief, but it was a nice surprise when it happened.

So for myself, other than Stargirl I don’t see that I haven’t gotten what I was promised when I signed up. I am hoping that there will be some firm commitments with definite nouns re: SG before the pre-purchase subscriptions run out next month. But in general, I’ve been very happy.


I honestly don’t care what happens as long as i can still use this community is my favorite part of DC universe you guys rock and i consider my fam


Thoughts on HBO Max…

I’m kinda burnt out on the ubiquity of streaming platforms, but the content seems solid. I hope it doesn’t impact DCU in a negative way


It will

I’m holding out on an opinion at this time. I think it has the potential to become something really good, or they could really drop the ball.

I read somewhere that they are getting all of HBO’s series. My question is how far back are they going. They used to have a show called “Dream On” back in the 90s. (Not very family friendly, fyi). They released the first 2 seasons on DVD and then stopped. I’d love to see the other seasons after all this time.

I’m also curious if they will add some of the Warner burn on demand movies and tv shows. If I’m not mistaken, Night Court is one of the shows that they do this with and no one is streaming it. I’d love to watch them again, especially with Harry Anderson passing a away in the last couple of years.

Other than the possibility of the Green Lantern Series, it’s probably going to be the back catalog that will make my mind up for the service.

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One thing I have kept in mind is that WB still has their back catalog of movies (caveat film decay), from the original Jazz Singer to Casablanca to the Thin Man films. Plus they have the pre 1984 MGM catalog which gives them The Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind and a zillion musicals, etc (and maybe the James Bond films up through Roger Moore). This app has a strong chance to be Old Movie Heaven if they want it to be.

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I just recently subbed to DC Universe. The comics are a nice plus, but I was hoping it would be the go to place for old and new DC content. I guess I just didn’t look deep enough into it. That being said, I’ll wait for HBO Max and if it provides more in video content, I’ll move over there. With the abundance of streaming services, the ones that offer more are better.

As far as comic book readers, this place is fantastic and hopefully that stays strong. Who knows, maybe the intention will be to have DC Universe be solely the go to place for comics/animation.


I am very excited for HBO MAX. I mean yeah I hope it doesn’t mean a couple years down the line or something DCU is gone (not saying I nessecarily think it will, but can’t fault people for wondering although I wish some would just enjoy what we have now and not freak out over something we have no control of six months away. But not hindering on that the service sounds amazing.

I mean a Green Lantern live action show would be enough for me to say “Shut up and take my money!” but aside from all the great DC Content that will clearly be on there, a lot of the archival movies and shows they confirm sound great, as does that Tokyo Vice show (I have always been interested in Japanese culture beyond just Anime), Looney Tunes shorts, Adult Swim cartoons, Jellystone, the list goes on and on and that is just what we know.

And I read somewhere that Warner has the largest TV and film archive of any studio, even with Disney owning Fox now. So plenty to pull from. I honestly an psyched for HBO MAX.

I am guessing but I assume when they say every HBO series and movies or All HBO content, they mean everything on HBO NOW/GO not every HBO movie and series ever made. But might be wrong.

(Rumor) Stargirl has been pushed back for Spring release DCU cancellation may be coming Doom Patrol already @ HBO Max. No announcement for Jan/February/March show. Has Doom Patrol started filming? Poor Geoff Johns : /

We aren’t at liberty to discuss right now is a non-answer. You might as well say…I dunno. As far as the Snyder cut or Ayer cut goes…there has been no official word on them either way. This nothing remotely close to asking Apple for specs on an iPhone 12. WB very publicly tampered with these films and it’s public knowledge. A simple “No we don’t plan on releasing it” wouldn’t be the answer we want but it would be an answer. They’ve said nothing. People are literally saying, hey we will pay to watch the footage you already have if you just release it.

Lastly the App is called DC Universe, not Some parts of the DC Universe. So if HBO max gets the DC universe shows and other shows from DC that we don’t get on here, what’s gonna happen to this app? I understand there are rights issues but very soon Netflix will no longer have CW rights. We know they are going to HBO max, are they coming here? Smallville coming here? If DC Universe isn’t THE place to go for DC content…what is?


HBO max and DC Universe are owned by the same people so why can’t DC Universe have the same content. It can’t be a licensing issue for WB against WB. Can it?


Not surprised at all, HBO Max starts in May, so why not have Stargirl debut here and on Max at the same time, like they’re doing with Doom Patrol??? As for the original delays to the show, I’ve read the show itself had problems related to John’s being in over his head as a show runner

can you link me this story? I think Geoff Can handle things he does a lot of stories.

I understand if we don’t get HBO Max produced DC content and I understand that we may not get Batman ‘66 or Gotham because those shows were produced by 20th Century Fox.

But it would be a real bummer if stuff like Batman live action movies and the CW shows aren’t added to DC Universe as this service deserves streaming rights to that content as much as HBO Max does.


The live action Batman movies have been on here before (Batman Begins and Dark Knight when the service launched and all four of the Burton movies were on here for a while before they got rotated out)