New Titans Live-Action Series; Not Good

i like it, Donna troy is one of my favorite characters, along with nightwing and Hawk & Dove.


It’s not perfect but it’s pretty solid


Titans has its good points and bad points to me. One one hand, I love the idea of a live action adaptation. On the other hand, they’ve aimed for super-gritty, which doesn’t do much for me.

Dick: I don’t think he’s a psycho - but he’s definitely not well adjusted. Hardly surprising, considering his background. The thing with the asylum struck me as pragmatic. These are people who will torture and kill, and are part of an organization of an unknown size and reach. Any time the ‘secret identity’ looks like it could be compromised, real-world practicality would suggest its probably best not to leave witnesses. I’d love to see what Dr. Adamson or the other cultists/researchers might have entered into their network though. Was the destruction of the asylum successful at stopping sensitive info from leaking? Hard to say.
It also seems to me to be quite likely that a lot of Dick’s problems are his fault, not Bruce’s fault - younger Dick certainly seemed to think that in his hallucination.

Writing quibble - they have covered a crap ton of miles in the 11 episodes, and probably about 10-14 days. Dick checked in with the police dept. last when he heard Amy was murdered by the Nuclear Family. Did he somehow arrange time off and the writers forgot to tell us? Did he just skip work? Who can say? Seems like they forgot about his job other than when it was convenient to have him pull out a badge.

Rachel: This isn’t the Raven we know from the comics, who grew up on Azarath, learned about her background and powers. This is a Rachel whose mom left her with a friend (as best we can tell) who knows nothing other than that something is horribly wrong with her, and is scared of it. Expecting her to act like the Raven we know from the comics or the TT series is unreasonable. Visually, her interpretation seems to be much like the 2016 Raven mini series.

Angela: someone up above asked why she did (anything) she did, if she was still on Trigon’s side? Who said she was willing? Perhaps she did leave Rachel with Melissa with the best of intentions, and ran… then got caught and…re-educated by Adamson. They escape, she’s building trust, telling a little of the story while still working on carrying out the mission. Or, maybe she was sort-of ok, until they got to her house. It is clear that Trigon had influence there, even without being physically there.

Starfire: Anna Diop is lovely - the hooker look isn’t good. if they have the guts to pull a ‘she wasn’t fully charged, not realizing how her powers worked, and that’s why she was only orange when she used them’ and she later ends up being fully charged and fully orange all the time, I can live with it. I’d complain about this whether it was a black or white actress - Starfire is an alien, and orange/gold in color. Some of the Teen Titans in the 80s comics call her ‘Goldie’ at times.

Beast Boy: It seems like his powers are coming in still. I suspect/hope we’ll see him shift to all-green, and with more animals. If not, its going to be really an unfortunate change. Perhaps the biting incident will shove him to explore other forms than just the thing that he said is his favorite?

Hawk and Dove: Visually, they’re perfect. Personality-wise, they’re pretty darn good. I can’t stand the non-avatar, non-powered backstory change though. Dove can fly. Hawk has super strength, etc. This turns them into more people who dress up in costumes. They weren’t at all necessary to the show (though they have some limited history with other Titans/Teen Titans properties), and certainly didn’t need two episodes.

Donna: Perfection.

Storywise, I’d really have liked to skip the origin story, and be dropped into a fully functioning, publicly acting version of the Teen Titans like what we see in the most recent animated movies. I’d like to have skipped all of the storylines that have already been done in some form or other, and moved on to telling new stories. No Trigon, No judas contract. New stuff. If I want to see old stuff, I can read the comics or watch the animated versions.

I hate flashbacks with a passion. If it isn’t worth showing in chronological order in snippet form, or as mini-eps, it isn’t worth showing. If they’d have given us all of the flashbacks in chronological order, before the first episode we saw, great. If it wasn’t worth doing that, then bring out whatever you need via dialog (but have it written first, and stick to it).

Focus wise, they spent way too much time with the Dick Grayson Show, and not nearly enough on the other characters. Starfire and Beast Boy really got the shaft.


Better than GO lol


I’d have to agree that there are aspects of the show that need some work. However, considering some of the other revivals DC has done for entertainment like the Justice League film and Suicide Squad, it definitely ups their game a little. We’ve seen a lot of garbage come out trying to compete with Marvel and the DC universe exclusive content has been the best so far (in my opinion). Plus for someone like me who grew up on the cartoon, seeing the characters adapted into something darker and more violent is much more entertaining as an adult than sticking with the “family friendly” model being forced down my throat by studios like Marvel/Disney.


We also have to take into consideration first seasons are always the build up and background stories so sometimes adjusting the back stories to fit the motive of the bigger picture you’re trying to create rather it’s just a small change, can make a big difference

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I like Beast Boy the way he is, I wouldn’t want to see him all-green full-time, once and a while may be OK. The actor is very easy on the eyes, he is cute and funny, and the actor’s culture, entertaining funny jokes and his chemistry with Rachel is believable. I don’t think it needs to be fixed. More powers of would be cool. The actors on Doom patrol are very easy on the eyes. Even Rita as a blob, we don’t see her as that very much. The super heroes on Titans, I think should be very attractive, comic book hot, that should be the primary focus. Everything else is secondary.

Mr. Nobody

It’s because they are using the New 52 versions as their foundation. Raven and Beast Boy are still teens in that version. Basically “the New Teen Titans” were retconned out. Even Cyborg was put as a founding member of the Justice League instead of the Titans. From my feel of the show, I think the original Titans may have existed. Robin, Wonder Girl, possibly Speedy and Aqualad. But I think they disbanded. Robin later partnered up with Hawk & Dove a bit, but nothing permanent. Now the “new” team is being built, even though Dick didn’t really want it to at first. But he’s finding something he didn’t have with Batman with this group.

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Please stop smoking crack. This show so far is amazing.


The show fails as a teen titans show. Took out the teen part.

Thats why it’s called titans and not teen titans


Titans is a half-new concept. It’s loosely based off of The New Teen Titans, but aimed towards a more mature audience. Just think of Teen Titans but from Young Animal.

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I didn’t like the show all that much. It’s kinda slow burn and Dick would not still be using the robin uniform as an adult. It’s like the knock off shows that are just corny and sometimes have good action sequences. I do love the theme song and how Dick just absolutely can’t give a fuck anymore though

As a Batman Fan, I think The Titans Show Is Pretty Gritty, and Fun. Chill Out, n Enjoy!!!


Overall I just can’t bring myself to like the show. I’m just not given any reason to care for the characters at all, except for maybe Beast Boy and Raven. I get that the show is aiming for a more mature audience, but making the entire group out as killers seriously takes away from what I’ve loved from the characters in all other incarnations. Blood, cussing, and sex doesn’t make a show more mature inherently, good character development does, and it simply isn’t here. At least not what I would consider it. Robin is completely unlikable, he hates Batman for being too violent, but then leaves and is still way more violent. Starfire has amnesia almost all season, completely negating any alien related story until the end, which honestly feels like a cop-out and a bit lazy from a storytelling perspective. Raven is a little better, but I had hoped that she would be able to resist her demonic heritage a little better. Beast Boy was probably my favorite until the scene with the cage and scientist. The highlights were definitely the characters not in the group, the doom patrol, Donna Troy, and Hawk and Dove, who all had way better personalities. Dialogue was clunky and overly dark. It just felt like the main cast was involved in too much carnage to justify the title of Heroes. If I wanted to watch a show about Anti-heroes I would gladly go watch a show based on the Red Hood or Jonah Hex, or even villains like the suicide squad or secret six. Those types of shows would be great with the blood and gore, the violence and cussing, the sex and depravity. Titans? Not so much.

Is it just me or does Thwaite kill as Robin but is too wooden as a detective? I have to agree with the screenjunkies guy: this is just about the most unintentionally hilarious thing I’ve ever seen.

Those that think its based on the 03 cartoon are likely in for a disappointment as the series primarily draws from THE NEW TEEN TITANS comic by wolfman and Perez from the 1980s. i love the animated show dearly but its got little to do with TITANS

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