Music You Listen to While Reading Comics?

I don’t have kids, but I used to read by silence. But after some life events I noticed that I lose focus in absolute silence as my thoughts start to wander and I digress from the story being read. It can get frustrating when I’m a few pages in and realize I’ve been somewhere else mentally and everything I’ve read wasn’t absorbed. Music helps keep those digressing thoughts quiet. And it adds to the setting of the comic as i take them in like ongoing movies.

But I get wanting silence after dealing with children. They can be a bit overwhelming and a break is needed. I speak from experience with my nephews.


I like to listen to soundscapes and ambient sounds when I’m reading. Sometimes I’ll play a campfire on the tv or a rainforest scene…a stream, etc. It just helps my comprehension. I also listen to piano from time to time.

It’s not really what I listen to most of the time, either. When I’m working it’s classic rock, 90’s alternative, country, even some bluegrass. When I’m driving I like heavy metal or classic west coast rap. Prank calls and stand up comedy shorts.
The ambient sounds and relaxing music are great for reading comics and reading in general. If you can stay awake. :sleeping:. I guess sometimes that’s the best thing about reading if you have a lot on your mind and you’re trying to sleep


Always. Any genre, usually on the mellowish side, but almost always instrumental so I don’t get totally distracted.

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Okay i still don’t usually, but i made a special exception recently. Reading the final climatic battle of Ghost Rider: Heaven’s on Fire, which involves Johnny and Danny summoning every ghost rider there’s ever been to STOMP the guy who usurped God’s throne in a huge epic battle… all set to the german metal cover of Ghost Riders in the Sky by Die Apokalyptischen Reiter.



Absoluetly. If it’s available I’ll play the movie/TV soundtrack of said character. This soundtrack gets played ALOT:

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@blakkrambo That BvS soundtrack is part of my comic book reading master playlist. I love that soundtrack!

@WondyFan I haven’t read Ghost Rider since 2004 maybe beginning of 2005 and you just made it sound EPIC!

@c-m-woodworks For me it depends on the time of day. If Im reading late at night I will go with more mellow soundtracks just to keep the heart rate down.

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Heaven’s on Fire is a miniseries that caps off the 2006 run of Ghost Rider, which i very much enjoyed (except for some of the art, certain panels of human characters reminded me of 90s Liefeld). I read it on Marvel Unlimited.

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I don’t usually listen to music while I read. I tend to listen really actively to music, so it’s sort of the only thing I can do. I don’t really listen to music in the background.

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i tend to listen movie scores for dramatic effect


What is on your playlist while you’re reading? If listening to music while you read is your jam.

Siriusxm has a channel for every mood and genre. I’m canceling my Apple Music sub.

I don’t listen to music and read I got ADD to distracting

Gotta be instrumental to read to. Read most of Game of Thrones to Chris Thile’s ‘Not All Who Wander Are Lost’. Usually not listening with comics however

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All kinds of things. Sometimes I listen to the '60s and '70s stations on Sirius XM just because I like the music. Sometimes I’ll pull up songs on YouTube that dialogue in the comic reminds me of. Sometimes I’ll try to get a bit more “in the zone” with instrumental stuff, like reading Batman books to the '89 movie score or the Arkham City soundtrack.


Usually movie scores. Batman books to the Arkham soundtracks and Elfman, Zimmer and Junkie XL’s Batman soundtracks. Superman books to the Man of Steel/Batman v Superman score. And sometimes I just like reading in silence.

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what is your favorite music to listen when reading dc comics?