Moth's Toy World

@Vroom @Don-El

Oh, guys. It arrived today and I think it is cool and I think I really like it:

After looking at pricing for the old SP Hall of Justice, I decided to just build my own. I found these diorama building sets called Complex Base Building System for sale online. I was sold on them when I realized that I could set some of my Final Faction accessories up on the walls. I need more walls and furniture, but I’m into it! This is likely an ongoing project.


Oh my these supplies are at the craft stores my wife constantly leaves bags of gold at.


I also see Superman’s too cool to participate in the clubhouse, he’s just hanging out with his hot new car.


I like craft stores but the miniatures in the stores near me are pretty expensive and I’m a thrifty guy.

I think that’ll be the garage/hanger area.


I love it!

:laughing: :purple_heart:

Very cool @Don-El. :smiley: :+1:

Love this!

:eyes: :fire: :fire: :fire:

He’s pure trash. :frowning_face:

:smiley: :+1: :00_wonder_woman_gold:


Thank you, @DC89! :hugs: :purple_heart:


:hugs: :purple_heart:


Very nice! An armory area of sorts? Diana’s got her weapons, John his lantern, Bats has mechanical arms to help with his batsuit, and Flash is staring at… I don’t know what that block of ice is. I feel like I should know, but I’m drawing a blank.


If you look closer, it’s Starro. I was going for a fish tank effect.


Oh it is! I see the newly acquired prescription glasses don’t help with perception :joy:


No worries.




No no not at all. I was really referring just to myself anyway, my tiny figures I displayed earlier was what was in the montage of photos that were displayed.


I’ll definitely remove that comment. I did not mean any offense. I’m enjoying the thread and participating in it.


I’d appreciate it because it didn’t feel flattering. Apologies if I misinterpreted. Glad you’ve enjoyed the thread! Maybe I just need a break from the boards for a bit.


I think it’s about us all getting to know each other a little better as we chat on these threads, best ways to communicate with individuals etc.


Very cool DIY playset! It definitely has a great Kenner vibe.

I especially like how Flash is guarding the D&D-style gelatinous cube that’s holding Starro, while Superman is working on the Supermobile. :+1:t2:


Thanks and good eye! I used my D&D Gelatinous Cube miniature for the “starfish tank.”


Well, in the spirit of that, here’s what happened last night: When you made reference to that movie and I got to see a plot summary, I got put on edge. Not to get all sob story because everyone has their baggage, but I’ve been in similar situations where people were acting friendly on the surface but really laughing behind my back. The reference to the film made me consider the possibility that I was actually re-living that reality in this thread. But, I also reasoned, “Hey, it’s Don-El, maybe he really is just mentioning a movie he saw about the topic.” And I rolled with it. However, I was now considering the two possible realities.

When you made the joke, both realities still existed: Maybe it was a subtle poke at me or maybe you were just making a harmless jest about the activity in general. But now I had a second point of data for the bad reality, and, at this stage of my life, I’m very keyed in on keeping an eye out for that bad reality.

I would rather have someone post in this thread that what I’m doing here is stupid or even have someone walk up to me and hit me in the face than have someone pretend to be my friend while laughing behind my back. At least if someone punched me, that’s just one possible reality. It’s direct. There’s no open question or second guessing. The scenario that was illustrated in that movie is my worst case scenario: That I’m being treated like a fool and I just don’t know it. Because then I will always exist in those two very possible realities, and that’s worse than anything.

And because I’m now very sensitive to all that, I run the risk of getting on edge or taking offense when no offense was intended. And that is very likely what happened last night, so, again, if that was the case I’m sorry. But, sometimes it’s a risk I feel is worth taking because in the past, when it has happened, I’ve let it happen and I shouldn’t have.

Long story short: I’m sorry I got a bit touchy, but that’s why it happened.


Very sorry that you were made to feel that way from my comments.

For my part, I just haven’t run into the term “diorama” much before and I was frankly just focusing and drilling down on that. I honestly wasn’t thinking about you as a person at all in my comments and very sorry that it came off that way.

I for sure was ribbing about myself with some of my comments, and I have noted in the future not to say “we” when I should really only say “I” when I want indulge in a little self-ribbing.

You are a valued and respected member of this community. I don’t see you in any other light.