LIVE Q&A with Justin Halpern & Patrick Schumacker, HARLEY QUINN ANIMATED SERIES Showrunners! Mon 5/11 @5pm PT/8pm ET

Congratulations on reaching the sound mixing stage of the show finale Patrick and Justin! Happy Birthday to Patrick as well! :birthday: The Harley Quinn Animated Series is the brightest part of each week for many fans during this lockdown, and we will do our best to help get it renewed for more seasons! :smile:

My two questions are:

  1. What are your favorite Harley Quinn and/or Poison Ivy stories/issues from the comics and why?

  2. We absolutely adore Poison Ivy in this show, but she is very different from all previous versions of her character because she isn’t a femme fatale. If you can, could you please share a bit about how you came up with this new version of her for the show and what it was like pitching the changes to DC?

Thank you so much for being open to interacting with the fans and for taking our questions! Looking forward to reading your insights about working on this show later today! Sending all my best wishes for more seasons! :+1:

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Do you have any new series coming up?

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Thank you for taking time to respond to fans’ questions. I would like to ask what are the plans for season three? What new characters can we expect?

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Will Harley and Ivy get together, and why haven’t they yet?

Also, why Kiteman?

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Hello! :wave:
Just wanted to swing by real quick and say what a huge fan I am of this show. Truly. It’s irreverent and shrewd in the best way, and a bright spot for me every week, so thank you!
You earn HIGH marks from me on all fronts, but most of all, gotta say, for Ivy. :wilted_flower: Yes, I want Harley/Ivy…(Harvey??) to happen, but…Thanx for giving Ivy a voice/personality not dissimilar to the one in my head (warped pragmatics, but woman’s woman​:ok_hand:). Lake Bell is perfect! Please gush at her for me, repeatedly. And Ron Funches!
Now. Q: I stay far far away from spoilers, so I don’t know if this is a thing, but pleeeease tell me this is getting at least one more season…any plans?? Other shows perhaps? I’m addicted now—Don’t tease me! Whatcha got up your sleeves?
Thanx so much for being here w/ us!
Take care.:green_heart:

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What a wonderful surprise to see Barbara Gordon in season 2! And I love seeing how much she cares for and how supportive she is of her dad while his world has been collapsing around him!
Referencing the Burnside suit was a great choice for the origin of this Batgirl!
I was wondering- Might Barbara receive a gift of a super expensive, armored suit upgrade as she continues to prove herself worthy of the Bat symbol?


I love this show and am excited to hear the creators’ responses. Will we ever find out if any Legion of Doom members survived The Joker destroying their headquarters?

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Nice to have you two back! How did you guys get your start in show business? Any tips for all the aspiring creatives out there?

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Excellent show! Wife and I adore it.
I especially love your take on Kite Man. Any influence from the Tom King run on Batman?
Keep up the awesome work.

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I would love to see more of Superman or Robin in this series please tell me there will be more of these characters in this series. Also, I would love to see an origins show for each character of the Harley Gang? I ■■■■■■■ love this show.

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Tbh, I lowkey only interpreted that as a spoof of fan culture in general, nothing malicious.:man_shrugging: Yes, it was a broad one-dimensional strawman, but it was intended as comedy, so I still laughed it off. :kissing_heart: #RTSC

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Are you planning to introduce neo joker? Like the one from the white knight arc?


The sound overall is really impressive in this show, but the music in particular is outstanding! Can you tell us more about the composer and what ideas they brought to the table when creating the music for the series?


Thanks for answering questions tonight. What made you decide to pursue the Harley/Ivy romantic relationship this season? I’m so excited to see how it plays out!

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What made you decide to give kite man a relationship with ivy?


Hi, everyone! We’ll be getting started here in just a little bit, so grab your popped corn, your carbonated beverage, and settle in! :popcorn::tropical_drink:


Happy Birthday, Patrick.

Love MOM

PS. I don’t have any questions.


Happy Birthday Patrick!

Love George


Huge Harley fan here, LOVE the animated series. My question is, how long do you see the show going for?


Peer pressure! I think it was something that we were excited about and I ended up spilling the beans a bit because I wanted to give some folks real hope that something romantic would be happening between Harley and Ivy. Plus we’ve had these scripts written since late winter 2019 so it’s hard to keep it under wraps for so long!