Leviathan’s identity theories

Tim Drake because he’s mad about his new outfit?

Tim Drake because he’s mad about his new outfit?

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This mystery has me on the edge of my seat. :smiley: Honestly, I could see it being either Roy or Damian, but I do wonder if they aren’t red herrings. It feels just a little too easy for either of them to be behind everything.

I could be wrong, granted, and I think there’s just as much satisfaction in laying out breadcrumbs and maintaining motivations as there is in a shocking reveal. Either way, I can’t wait to see how it plays out!

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Okay,so we still don’t know. We do know that Waller will not be in charge of the Suicide Squad when Taylor relaunches in December. Is that because Waller is Leviathan?

Maxwell Lord. I don’t have any real reason, I just had a friend suggest it after issue 1 and it’s been a feeling I’ve had since.

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Okay Waller or Lord make sense so we can probably eliminate them

Insane theory coming

Paul kirk

I was going to suggest professional help, then looked up Paul Kirk and it makes complete sense including why Leviathan would attempt to besmirch Kate Spencer.

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