Let's Talk About Superman '78: The Metal Curtain

When the planet Krypton exploded, its last son was rocketed across the cosmos and came to settle in a small town in Kansas. But what else came with him, and what if a piece of his home landed somewhere we never knew about? As Superman has become a symbol of strength and pride for America, the Soviet Union looks to crush that image with a creation of their own, built by their own might and forged by their own power!


Super hyped for this.

That logo looks terrible.


Read #1 and loved it so much.

It really felt like we got part of a lost Superman movie. I can hear the actors speaking the dialogue and the art captured their body language perfectly. This is as close to a perfect comic as you can have these days.


Finally somebody is talking about it, thankyou. I can’t wait to read the comic when it comes on DC Universe Infinite, not sure who the main villain will be, looking forward to that as well. :smiley:


Wait until you read the issue my friend.

Then you’ll know. :wink:


I have not been able to read it yet, but I was finally able to buy it on google comics.


I am pumped for issue 2.


Thanks for reading, everyone.
We have plenty of good stuff in store and this is only the beginning.


Welcome to the Community!

Thank you for stopping by and I know I am super excited (pun on purpose) to see what happens next.


Anybody else think Metallo looks like Guy Gardner?


Fun read. Takes you right back into the Donner Superman Universe.
And Robert Venditti should be at the helm of one of the ongoing Superman books.


I read the first issue on DCUI this week and enjoyed the hell out of it! I love what Gavin Guidry is doing with the art. While I enjoyed Superman '78, I felt like Wilfredo Torres just traced over stills from the films; like you could see an image and instantly know what movie and what scene is was taken from. Here, Guidry takes the essence of the actors but gives them life. Looking forward to what’s coming next!


Issue #2 was awesome.

Doubling down on what I said earlier with this being a great, lost Superman movie that I wish we’d gotten instead of III and IV.


Really love issues 1 and 2, though for some reason issue 2’s ads were really difficult - two page spreads between each page, making it really hard to keep the flow of reading going. I have to say, I kind of like Guidry better than Torres, good as Torres was (I reread the first mini when the first issue came out).


I was planning the reread of the first series but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

And I agree completely about Guidry. I’m hoping he’ll come back if we get a third series but it seems like the series has gotten him more notice and it looks like he’s doing some work in Predator vs. Wolverine over at the distinguished competition.


Issue #3 was great. I could really hear the characters voices and mannerisms.

I’m really enjoying the series but pretty sure it’ll be even better when all 6 issues are in hand. Nevertheless, one of the best comics right now, period.


Issue 3 had a TON of really great character and humor - I really dug it! Got the Tom Reilly variant - very fun! And for some reason, it had the original cover underneath. I wonder if this is going to be a new thing?


The Marvelous competition can’t steal him! We need him for further installments of Superman '78, we does.

Anyhow, I’ve enjoyed the first two issues of Metal Curtain, per Ultra.

Like others have said, you can definitely hear the voices of actors from the Donnerverse as you read along.

I’m enjoying this take on Metallo too and I think it would have definitely looked fantastic on-screen in a duke-a-roo with Reeve’s Superman.

Also: I’m not the only one who thinks Highball in #2 was Hal Jordan am I?

It seems like a pretty obvious nod to Hal and maybe, just maybe he’ll aid Superman in his fight against Metallo?

It could just be a coincidence and something that goes nowhere, but as soon as I read “Highball”, I instantly pondered if that was Mr. Jordan.


I have enjoyed the first 3 (and 3 is so far the best).


It totally is.

I don’t know what the rules are about characters that can and can’t be used, and/or named, but them never calling him by name makes me think it’s Hal even more.