[Lantern Corps] Brightest Day - Week 33 [6/21 - 6/28]

Greetings @LanternCorps!

We’re reading through Brightest Day. The plan is to read 3 or 4 issues a week. Please avoid spoiling anything from issues beyond this week. If you missed last week, you can check it out here

The issues for this week are:

Feel free to use any, all, or none of the questions below as discussion starters.

  1. Did you have a favorite issue this week?
  2. Was anything surprising to see?
  3. How do you like Aquawar?

#20 was my favorite this week. The Aquawar was interesting to me. I don’t know too much about those characters so I learned a lot.

I always forget that J’onn has eye beams too.

Oh, whoops. I answered that before. To repeat, I like it! It highlights all these characters that are stuck in the middle of these worlds. I have a soft spot for characters like that. :laughing:

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I think I’d go with #20. Mera controlling the whole coastline was pretty epic.

Did not expect Aquaman getting his hand cut off. Also, Martian Manhunter flying into the sun.

It felt kinda rushed. I hope there’s better explanation for the white ring causing it.