Justice League Draft 2023

I’m good with that, actually. That would be much easier for me and would appreciate it.



1d2 will be rolled for one of the teams. The other team will be automatically assigned the remaining role. Unique to the rest of the events thus far, the Black Lantern team will whole heartedly play for the “bad guy”.

  • 1 = Blackest Night/Black Lanterns
  • 2 = Brightest Day/White Lanterns

Black Lanterns: Your entire League has been corrupted by Nekron and now serve him and his goals as Black Lanterns. Further, you are to recruit an additional three Black Lanterns from an eliminated team in your conference (East, West). All three Lanterns–of your choosing–must come from a single team, excluding the 2 “still alive” teams in the main final.

Black Lantern Ring, credit: DC Fandom
  • Black Energy Constructs: Black Lantern Rings can create constructs, but they are seldom created, except when the Black Lantern used to wield such abilities or certain weapons. Arnold Wesker created a construct of Scarface upon his receiving a ring, and the Black Lanterns created from former Lanterns of other colors also can use them in this fashion.

  • Flight: Black Lantern Rings can allow their users to fly.
    Reanimation: Upon latching onto a corpse, the Black Lantern ring will reanimate the body. The ring animating the person within downloads all the memories and superhuman abilities (if they had any) of their previous life, but not their souls. Instead, they are malevolent beings who seek to murder even those they considered friends. As demonstrated by Batman, a Black Lantern ring is also capable of resurrecting people other than the wielder.

  • Regeneration: Black Lantern Rings will regenerate destroyed limbs to complete the appearance of the corpse. It is possible for the rings to fully regenerate the host to the point that they appear alive, but the rings usually settle for a decayed appearance to terrify the target.

  • Emotional Reading: The Black Lantern rings are capable of scanning a being’s current emotional state and where it falls onto the Emotional Spectrum. They can then manipulate the emotions of their targets until they peak and allow the Black Lanterns to harvest their hearts for power. When facing beings with warped mental states, or otherwise addled minds (such as Bizarro), the correlation between the emotion detected and the actual color that the Black Lanterns see is inverted.

  • Heart Absorption: Once a victim’s emotional state is peaked, the Black Lanterns infuse their hands with Black Light energy, allowing them to rip the heart right out of their target’s chest and killing them instantly. The heart is then converted to Black Light energy while the deceased victim is reanimated into a new Black Lantern. A single heart equals 0.01% of the power needed to fully charge the Black Lantern battery, and this is apparently shared throughout the rings of the entire Black Lantern Corps.

  • Nekron Summoning: When the power levels of the Black Lantern Corps finally reached 100.00%, it enabled the Black Central Battery to teleport to Coast City and allow Nekron to move from his dimension into this plane of existence.

  • Life Extinguishing: The Black Lantern rings are capable of taking hold of a person who had been killed and resurrected, putting them under their control, effectively killing them again. This was shown when a group of resurrected heroes, including Superman, Superboy, Ice and Kid Flash, were possessed by the rings when they latched on and were commanded to “Die”. One of those affected, Superboy-Prime, is an interesting case

  • Emotional Spectrum Mimicry: Somehow, the Black Lantern rings can mimic the Emotional Spectrum of the other rings. This was shown when, upon taking a Black Lantern ring, Superboy-Prime attacked other Black Lanterns, lashing out with most of the spectrum, save Hope, which was used by Prime’s girlfriend.

  • Darkness Manipulation: Black rings can generate a light devouring field of depleted photons causing a massive black out effect which negates or greatly weakens the power of the Emotional Spectrum.

  • Spectrum Nullification: A black Lantern Ring can extinguish the light of the Emotional spectrum cutting off a ring wielders power rings connection to their specific empathic energy field.

  • Empathic Absorption: Black Lantern Rings can also be used to leech off the raw emotion spectrum energy of another ring, as was the case with Aquaman when he siphoned off Jessica’s Will Power energy from her ring. The siphoning effects works on all energy forms, not just the ones affiliated with the Emotional Spectrum, such as Superman’s Heat Vision.

White Lanterns: Your League will remain as they are, but you will similarly recruit three White Lanterns from a single, non-finalist team of your choosing–in your East or West conference. You should still utilize your non-Lanterns in your original team. You serve the Entity of the White Light of Creation

White Lantern Ring, credit: DC Fandom
  • Emotional Spectrum Dominance: The white light is the first light and in essence, all of the other colors of the emotional spectrum combined. As such, a user of a white ring can generate any color of the emotional spectrum and use the powers of each color. The white ring also allows the user to access the rings of any member of any of the other corps and observe these members.

  • Energy Blasts: They can fire energy blasts.

  • Force Field Generation: The white power ring can create various forcefields of various sizes and shapes to protect the user and others around him/her. These force fields protect him/her from the hazards of the void including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal should the space debris strike the ring wielder at high speeds. An atmosphere appropriate to the person’s biology is created inside the force-field, body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized. Theoretically, a white lantern could use the ring as his/her/its sole source of life support.

  • Energy Constructs: The white ring can form constructs of white energy. The primary function of the Power Ring is to provide a weapon capable of transforming the wearer’s thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer’s mastery of life and the entire emotional spectrum. A white lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the mastery of emotions necessary to will it into existence. The constructs are made out of white energy, which is a tangible form of pure life, and they exist only as long as a white lantern is fueling it with their mastery of life energy. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the force of emotions of the white lantern that created them.

  • Phasing: A white power ring allows the wielder to pass through certain solid objects, such as walls. Which objects that are not penetrable are not known, but it may depend upon the strength of the user and the density of the object’s molecular structure.

  • Environmental Playback: Upon their will, the white lantern can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks.

  • Invisibility & Light Refraction: A white lantern can render him/her/itself invisible by willing themselves to bend light waves around his/her/its form.

  • Energy Absorption: The white ring can absorb and store most other energies including the energy of the other colors in the emotional spectrum.

  • Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, they can fly at incredible speeds. In atmosphere, a white lantern has been known to fly as fast as Mach 10 in atmosphere by creating an aerodynamic envelope around his body. Towing others, usually within a bubble, his/her speed is limited to the twice the speed of sound or 1440 mph. In space,a white lantern speed can be significantly greater and has been known to approach 80% of lightspeed in normal space. Flight is possible at velocities exceeding light speed. In atmospheres, air friction is not a hindrance, since heat is either absorbed or reflected by the ring’s field.

  • Wormholes & Spatial Warps: Their power grants its wearer access to wormholes in space, enabling the them to rapidly cut time and distance needed for transport.

  • Healing: The white rings have the ability to heal almost any injury, initial complete cellular regeneration, and in some instances resurrect the dead.

  • Connection to Life: The white ring uses the energy of life and so is connected to all life. The ring can allow users to see the foot prints of life and see the past and present conditions of all life in a limited area around the user and even the “souls” or essence of those who have recently died.

life rise
Firestorm (Rusch/Stein) Black Adam
Doctor Fate (Strauss) Swamp Thing (Holland)
Zauriel Jarro


Nekron makes his triumphant return during the prophesized Blackest Night, who claims all owe their lives to him, and he has come to collect. As his influence spreads throughout the universe, the dead rise and return to take revenge on the living, building his power by literally devouring the hearts and emotions of all those who still breathe.

He plans to use his army to uncover a dark secret of the Guardians… and then return the universe to a state of quiet order. His true goal, to find and destroy the embodiment of life itself: the white Entity.


Deadman learns from the Entity that it is dying and needs to find the “chosen one” to take his place which is Deadman’s task.

The Entity explains that when Nekron attacked the Earth not only did it mortally wound the Entity, but it also heightened the contamination of the planet and that darkness and corruption will rise up in the form of another “dark avatar” who will try to destroy the Star City forest, the key to saving Earth’s soul and without the forest life on Earth would fade away and die.

Game Notes:

  • White Lanterns in most respects are more powerful than Black Lanterns, which is why the White/Entity team will only get 3 Lanterns, whereas the Black/Nekron team will get 9

  • The life or death alignment of your characters may contradict the original story. Do your best to make it work

  • Play your event e.g. Black Lanterns play Blackest Night

    • Option 1: Play the event as you normally would, independent of the other team
    • Option 2: Directly battle the other team in the poll. Reference their characters by name, whatever you want. But you know, be a good sport.
    • Option 3: Do both. Work the other team into your case/narrative
  • You know the rest. Have fun!

:white_heart: = White Lanterns
:skull: = Black Lanterns

EvilKat (The ThunderKats)

The ThunderKats

Battlecry: “ThunderKats, HOOOOOOO!!!”

  • Kent Nelson (Doctor Fate)
  • Barbara Gordon (Oracle)
  • Freddy Freeman (Shazam Jr)
  • Arthur Curry (Aquaman)
  • Guy Gardner (Green Lantern)
  • Orion

White Lantern Picks (The Justice League Society):

  • Firestorm (Rusch/Stein) :white_heart:
  • Doctor Fate (Strauss) :white_heart:
  • Zauriel :white_heart:


HubCityQuestion (The Major Arcana)

Battlecry: “Destiny Calls!”

  • Tora Olafsdotter (Ice) :skull:
  • Jamie Reyes (Blue Beetle) :skull:
  • Nimue Inwudu (Madame Xanadu) :skull:
  • Solis (Lightray) :skull:
  • Dawn Granger (Dove) :skull:
  • Grant Emerson (Damage) :skull:

Black Lantern Picks (Black, Blue, Green & Dead):

  • Jarro :skull:
  • Black Adam :skull:
  • Swamp Thing (Holland) :skull:

  • The ThunderKats
  • The Major Arcana

0 voters


Show them what the East is made of!


@Cradle2theGabe remind me whose bl and whose wl please


I think you should put the characters we drafted into the poll.


Fate had conspired to lead Madame Xanadu’s team to this point… but what she never even thought to expect was that the hand of Nekron had been guiding her this entire time. The world saved three times over by their heroism, the Major Arcana have gathered enough emotional investment from the world to harness humanity’s power as Black Lanterns.

Given three additional Lanterns, Xanadu, Nekron’s appointed sentinel, drafts three more champions from The Black, The Blue, The Green, and thre Dead. They are:

Swamp Thing, corrupting the world’s vegetation as a new avatar of The Rot, decaying the world he was charged to protect. When Earth dies, so too will The Entity.

Jarro, whose mind control abilities can trigger emotions for Black Lantern harvest the world over, guaranteeing an endless supply of power with little resistance.

And Black Adam, whose terrible godly might will provide a pre-emptive strike against the strongest mystic warriors of the White Lanterns who would oppose this dark army.

Damage can absorb any kind of energy you throw at him. And that should include the powers of the White Lantern. He’ll be with Black Adam on the offensive, to run interference against humanity’s last hope.

What Swamp Thing cannot rot away, Ice will freeze… including Firestorm of the new White Lanterns.

Armed with Khaji-Da, the Black Lantern Jaime Reyes is equipped with the natural enemy of the Green Lantern Corps, easily able to dispatch Corps members like Guy Gardner.

With Lightray on Nekron’s side, the emotional bond he once shared with Orion as his oldest and truest friend will be the New God of the ThunderKats’ undoing.

Dove, as a former Bird of Prey and Avatar of Peace, will be sent to emotionally manipulate the ThunderKats’ Oracle into mounting a rescue operation for her, convincing her based on the previous Blackest Night that she is immune to Nekron’s power — only to betray her when she lets her guard down.

And, of course, the clairvoyance of Madame Xanadu will allow her to see every possible plan of attack or defense by the White Lanterns far in advance. The Arcana are always prepared… and this time, they are prepared to bring about the downfall of life.

Death Calls.


Done. I also emphasized the deadness of your/our team :dizzy_face:


It’s also in the event notes


That’s a good angle for Jarro.

Swamp Thing, naturally!

As if Black Adam wasn’t intimidating enough :fearful:


Come on @EvilKat, let’s hear your case!


Yep, I’m holding my vote.


Indeed Fate had, as Nabu used two of his avatars, Kent Nelson and a White Lantern Linda Strauss, to sever Swamp Thing’s connection to the Green. Once that is done a magical bolt summoned by the cry of “SHAZAM!” from Captain Marvel Jr.strikes the Swamp Thing up like a Christmas Tree.

Aquaman is able to distract Jarro enough wih his telepathic abilities, due to a genetic similarity to Earth sea life.The momentary distraction is enough for Orion to make quick work of the creature.

Orion and Guy Gardner take down Lightray with minimal effort. Orion’s familiarity with him is key to the victory.

Ice is taken down by the combined might of Firestorm (Ronnie), who after years of fighting Killer Frost, is a pro at handling ice powered opponents. Guy Gardner distracts her, helping Firestorm take her out. He feels guilty, but he knows he did what he had to.

Madame Xanadu is no match for the combined might of two agents of Order.

Guy and Orion are both experienced in defeating the tech used by Blue Beetle and take the young hero out with minimal effort. Firestorm and Captain Marvel Jr. provide backup and assistance.

Dove is easily shut down by the combined might of two agents of Order, the two Dr. Fates. Her powers are cut from her and she is taken by Orion and Aquaman.

Damage is easily dealt with by Guy, Firestorm, and Orion.

Zauriel works to return the souls of the Black Lanterns to rest in the afterlife.

Battle plans and coordination efforts are overseen by Oracle.


Trinity Mini-Draft

@Detective7 @FelixLeiter

Below are the Trinity draftees. FelixLeiter will make first pick and each Captain will alternate creating their own trinity from these alternate mantle-bearers. You will also pick 3 from your original team for a modified 6 person league. See the DM thread for the full details of the Convergence event.

tri_bm tri_sm tri_ww
Thomas Wayne Jon Kent Nubia
Terry McGinnis (DD) Hank Henshaw Hippolyta
Dick Grayson Lex Luthor (HoJ) Yara Flor
Damian Wayne Captain Carrot Artemis
Jean-Paul Valley (HoJ) Salden Peng Deilan
Jim Gordon Kong Kenan Donna Troy (DD)
Wayne Williams Val-Zod Maria Mendoza
Jace Fox Calvin Ellis Yankee Poodle
Wang Baixi Allen Adam Lyta Trevor
Jiro Osamu Harvey Dent Bekka

Felix, whenever you’re ready kick us off! Please tag Detective7 in your pick.


Tag @Jurisdiction for any questions about the list!

For one, is the Damian Wayne the future version of Batman in “Generation Lost” or the “DCeased” version, or something else? Should we let the Captains determine the precise version they want?


@Jurisdiction, would Terry come with all the future benefits and technology and stuff? Food for thought! :face_with_monocle:


Congrats on the 3rd place win @HubCityQuestion. Both you and @EvilKat were amazing players!

I know we’d all love to see at least one more issue of ThunderKats!


Congratulations to @HubCityQuestion for taking 3rd place for the DCW! You played a good game, it was an honor.


Yes he would


Likewise! You didn’t make it easy, but I’m glad to have had you as an opponent.


Congratulations @HubCityQuestion! :partying_face: You did great @EvilKat!