Is Supercorp Endgame?

Welcome, great first post!


:confetti_ball: Welcome to the boards @egkim904! :confetti_ball:



Kara and Lena not being a couple has absolutely nothing to do with them being women.

You can project as much ill will towards the people who made Supergirl as you want, but doing so only casts a negative spotlight back at you.

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@egkim904 Ignore this. Your post was great and made valid points.


I’ve only seen clips of the first season but,
Why would Lena Luthor care if she never appreciated the love of supergirl?

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Lena’s not even in the 1st season, so you’d need to watch the 2nd season and beyond to understand why this version of Lena is a lot different from how she is in the comics


I don’t read comics or see supergirl so I will have to take face value from what I’ve have read in the forums and seen on TV.

Resurrecting this thread to show off the beautiful Supercorp zine package I just got! For those who don’t know, this is the 5th year in a row a group of fans have put together a charity zine filled w/ Supercorp content to raise money for The Trevor Project, the Transgender Law Center and Futures Without Violence. Since Supergirl ended last year, this is now the final year they’re doing it and so I decided to go all in on the biggest package. Along w/ a 300-page book filled w/ fanfics and art, there’s also a couple sticker sheets, 10 postcards, 6 bookmarks, 3 keychains and a pin. It’s basically the ultimate collection of Supercorp merch and I’m so excited that it’s finally here! Kara and Lena may not have been endgame in the canon of the show, but I’m glad we can still celebrate their legacy and honor what should’ve been through amazing projects like these

El Mayarah :heart: :blue_heart:


Amazing art! :purple_heart:


As a big Supergirl fan how the heck am i just hearing about supercorp shipping now? lol


That’s pretty surprising, and I definitely couldn’t tell you. Supercorp has gotta be 1 of the most popular non-canon ships out there and was a big part of the fandom since season 2. It definitely takes on a different context now that the show’s over, but there’s still plenty to love and appreciate about them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I can tell now that I researched it and feel so dumb that I never knew it lol. They do look cute together though lol.


SuperCorp is canon in my headcanon and will be forever. :smiley:


The first canon mention of Supercorp in an official DC property…and it has nothing to do w/ Kara or Lena

After my initial shock and freakout over seeing the word Supercorp in a legit DC comic, I gotta say I’m not happy about this. I refuse to believe that between the entire creative and editorial team, nobody knew about this ship. It’s certainly had more than a big enough following to where plenty of people outside the fandom have at least heard of it, and even just a quick Google search will make it clear what Supercorp’s supposed to be about. But instead, they’re trying to reappropriate the name of this amazing wlw ship into a story focused on the men. But regardless of whatever this comic does, we all know the real Supercorp will never be erased :heart: :blue_heart:


I don’t know what “endgame” means, but they are in love.

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Well, eventually it’ll be real canon.

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In response to post #154 (I’m not replying to it because it doesn’t have a spoiler warning and I don’t know how recent that is), I think it was kind of on purpose in a good way, y’know? Coding is still very much a thing (see: Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Thor: Love and Thunder, anything featuring Wonder Woman) and I think whoever the writer is here is an Imperial Senator flashing a starbird ring, as it were. Y’know, “I just work here, I want you to know, I know that thing they did a couple years age wasn’t okay”. This has actually happened a couple of times at Disney: You’ve all seen my rant about The Owl House, but did you know other Disney Channel employees have hidden comments on it in other things: The Broken Karaoke music video “Ways We Feel Anxious” includes the line “… That you’re human, it’s okay to feel this” when the camera is focused on the instruments, including Libby’s guitar that has a bisexual Pride flag sticker, and the musical number “Where You Come From” in the Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur premiere includes the lines:
Just keep your light on,
Never hide your pride

And for those of you who don’t know a few dozen random words of Spanish, “light” es Español para “luz”. (And that’s not the only fun fact about the episode I know - try and find the other one in the article!) So really, this makes me more hopeful. As the prophets say,
Listen to the wind blow…

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If you’re referring to my last post, that is from the new Superman comic that came out today but an official DC account also tweeted about it so I’d hardly say it counts as a spoiler


Alright, alright. Cool.


I stand by everything I said.

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