Introducing: DC Universe Infinite Ultra

It’s Sunday.


I’m on the fence. I am far from current with comics - but I love the option in case a certain storyline catches my eye.


I have an iPad Pro also. Been very happy reading comics on it.


This is going live tomorrow, right? Do we know what time?


I just saw someone talking about this on Tik-Tok and came here to see if it was even true (have been too busy to log on most of this week sadly). This is awesome news, especially for someone like me who can’t afford a big pull list any longer. I am completely on board for this.

And looks like around 5000 new books from Vertigo, Black Label and Collected editions. Sounds like I might get my wish of the Fables spin-off’s finally being on here. If not while not a huge reader of Black Label and Vertigo, the collected eidtions alone sound proising. And of course the only 1 month delay. Pretty sure that even beats out Marvel Unlimited’s delay and for around the same price.

I am on board with this completely. :slight_smile:


I’ve had similar issues with the MyDC tab. Though, it doesn’t freeze. It just takes ages and ages to load. It works fine once it does, but the initial load of that tab is glacial.


I’m pretty sure the issue is that it’s trying to load your entire reading history, so the more you read, the longer it takes.


Doesn’t seem like the update is available yet, wonder what time it’s coming today.


Also wondering this. I keep searching for Jurassic League in vain! :sweat_smile:


Same Here! I’ve been so confused as to how to upgrade. I tried to press "Manage Subscription in the App itself, but nothing happened! I hope the FAQ clears this up.


Does anyone know if the Killing Joke, Watchmen, and Three Jokers will be added?

I own Killing Joke and Three Jokers and read Watchmen digitally from my library.

But, I’d like to transition to all digital for DC with this service and I have been debating buying Watchmen physically forever. The digital reading experience was very poor from my library reader that was clearly designed for reading books; not comic books. I prefer to read digitally on my Android tablet because it’s backlit, easy to carry with me, and I can zoom into the pictures if I want more detail.

If those three are coming in general or with Ultra; I can sell my physical copies of the ones that I have and not have to buy Watchmen physically. That cost alone would more or less pay the difference for upgrading to Ultra for a year for me at this price point.

I know Killing Joke and Watchmen are basically the crown jewels of classic 1980’s DC comics. Will they come to this service at some point? (Maybe this has already happened and I have just not kept up to date?)

I’d love to read Watchmen all over again just to read it in the DCUI reader and have a better experience with it this time around. I enjoyed the book, but it was a real struggle on my library’s reader and I really would much rather read it on here than own it physically.


I don’t think we know any specific titles yet, beyond those that would have come to DCUI anyway but now will do so up to five months sooner. Personally I would think Ultra is the best venue to release the titles you mentioned if DCUI ever plans to release them, but we’ll just have to see!


Very misleading to market this as 5,000 new titles when it’s really 5,000 new issues.That would be a crazy amount of new titles. LOL.

Is it going to include everything ever published by Vertigo?


Considering nothing has happened yet, I assume we will have the info either 9 or 10 est or pst


Or maybe nothing until the weekly refresh on Tuesday? It seems weird to be doing a big drop today, followed by the smaller, pre-planned one tomorrow. (For Ultra members, Tuesday would be even smaller considering it would just be the archival titles – they’d already have access to everything else.)

But, that would make the effective launch date October 11 rather than 10… so, who knows?


It absolutely could be dependent on the model of the iPad too because different generations have different parts inside. Regardless it really sucks and I hope they discover whatever is causing it.


Man, if DC goes through with this Ultra update and Killing Joke and Watchmen (and Gotham by Gaslight) still aren’t on DCUI, I am going to laugh so, so hard.


How do I upgrade? When I go to manage subscriptions the drop down does nothing.


Any news on what time the upgrade to Ultra Tier will be made available?


The team likely will not be in until 9 am PST. Today is technically considered a holiday in the USA so may not even be today. I know a large chunk of people do not celebrate this holiday and do not get it off work anymore, so who knows? I would check back later this afternoon for those wondering when.