if could have any superpower what would it be



This changes for me depending on when you ask but I would love the ability to read people’s fear and create it. Even to the point where I could create something that isn’t someones biggest fear just something that would scare them. Like I can change my appearance or my voice to what would scare a person the most.

The ability to talk with animals

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For some reason I would like to be able to turn into water. I would like to be able to cause it to rain and I would like to have super powers that have to do with water.

I’d be rich haha jk I’d want super speed like the Flash!

I would have fun with heat vision. I’d give all the annoying people in my life a hot foot. I would have tons of fun with this power in New York City traffic: Honk at me, I turn around and fry your ignition. Fail to signal. I blast your tires off their rims. Step off the curb while looking at your stupid phone–ZAP–you’re now holding sludge. And think about it: no more stoves, ovens, and microwaves when it comes preparing food.

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Simple, flying. Just the thought of soaring through the sky is very appealing

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The power of No You for example your doctor goes tells you you have cancer you just say No You and then he has cancer and you don’t


Time manipulation. It’s one of the most broken powers.


Animal magnetism.

My friends and I have had this debate for a long time and I have always come to the conclusion of teleportation at the speed of light. My suit would be something similar to a yellow version of Nightwing’s outfit (I’m not a fan of the color yellow but then my secret identity is more secure) and I look like a flash of light when I appear. My name would be Blink (I came up with that name before I heard of the X-Man). And I would teleportation criminals directly into jail cells, or the worst of the worst criminals and terrorists I would teleportation 10,000 feet up.

Either superspeed or telekinesis

I would absolutely love the power of healing. If not that, something nature related, like the ability to talk to animals.

Time travel would be fun but tampering with timelines sounds as complicated as figuring out the DC continuity so I may pass. Maybe Mind reading. I could be the best judge, lawyer, or psychiatrist. If I wanted to dominate then politics. But then again time manipulation would let me play games and read comics more. Hmm…

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Telekinesis, simply for the fact that I’d be able to move and do anything without moving a muscle. I’d be ten times as lazy as I already am, yet be able to do many more times the work load. It’s the ultimate lazy man’s dream, being able to move and do anything with your mind without getting off of your couch.

Now where did I put that television remote…



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A telekinetic telepath with immortality and shape-shifting abilities.

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What if you could walk into a crowded room or place and can tell exactly how many people are there just by taking a wiff of the air.

Like walk into a music club.
Sniffs “2,342”


:rofl:, but why?