if could have any superpower what would it be

Flying. Easily.


Not Being a Genius? or Rich? or a Powerful Buisness man?


Liquid Armor. Imagine the T1000 from T2 Judgement Day. Except instead of silver, Black like CARBON

Huh? get it? okay.

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Nope. Just flying. Why do you think Lex hates supes so much? He wants to be him.


In Blackest Night Lex actually says he wants to be Supes

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Ah… That’s why he likes Superboy (Young Justice)

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These days, I would take immunity to all bacteria and viruses :frowning:

Teleportation- I could get out of any situation, pop into the kitchen then be back on the couch, and I’d never have to drive again (my least favorite thing).

It’s useful in the everyday and in superheroics!

I would like to have either The Atom’s power or read minds. Instead of having friends complain about helping you move you could shrink everything you own into a shoebox. The same with my comic book collection. You could have the house you always dreamed of in a tiny apartment.

Sorta like Piper’s powers from Charmed (always wanted them since I was a little kid) and Marvel’s New Son/Sun IDK I’ve seen it both ways. Pretty much to control kinetic energy at a molecular level. Make molecules speed up to the point where they explode, cause beings and objects to like pause in place, and would also allow me to start fires and melt things, so for my secondary ability would be pyrokinesis (always wanted fire powers growing up too so I found a way to combine them). I would have to be heat/fireproof and can also speed up my own molecules and ignite fire throughout my entire body becoming a flaming person like Jack-Jack from The Incredibles. Yeah, I’ve given this a lot of thought…