I Need Some “Uplifting” Comic Suggestions!

I just wanted to raise a glass to khristian012’s excellent suggestions. He made some very excellent recommendations.

The Blue Beetle (2006) series culminated in one of the most under-rated giant DC moments I have ever read, when John Rogers concluded his run on the series. By my reckoning, that final story arc can hold its own and stand tall beside, and in some cases well above DC’s finest.

Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen is unquestionably my favorite DC comic being published right now and has made me laugh aloud many times. You guys really don’t want to get me started on that comic. I’ll drone on for too long.


I’m a bit late, but Gotham Academy is full of wholesomeness and fun!


Superman American Alien, hands down the best and funniest superman comic I’ve ever read. Another good one is Grayson, it follows Dick Grayson’s solo adventures infiltrating a covert spy organization which usually isn’t my speed (I’m a capes and tights kinda gal) however it’s one of my favorite comic series based almost entirely on how damn funny it is. 10/10 highly recommend.
I hope this helps at least a little bit, a good laugh always makes me feel better.


Very sorry to hear about your situation and am hoping for a positive outcome for your father.

Birds Of Prey #8 tells a solid heartwarming story of a date that (post Killing Joke tragedy) Barbara and Dick go on wherein Barbara’s spirit is emboldened by time spent with her longtime friend/BF.


Honestly, two DC Giants-- Titans and Beyond the Unknown were both quite delightful. I think both volumes are only in the Wal-Mart stage, though


My suggestion are:
The Legend of Wonder Woman
Batman Adventures
DC Comics: Bombshells


Prayers are with you and your family.

I would suggest the new young justice by bendis if you haven’t checked it out yet its very carefree feeling. only a handful of issues on here for it so far but its fun.


I heard Harley Quinn Breaking Glass is good. Don’t know if it’s uplifting though.


Maybe this might be considered more obscure, but how about Adventure Comics starting in #467? Each issue features two stories-- a more Star Wars-inspired Starman, and Plastic Man.


Im sorry to hear about your father. I’ll say a prayer for him.

As for comics, I’m not sure how many issues are up on DCU yet but reading Wonder Twins has consistently cheered me up. I think their message is pretty uplifting as well.



The humor in birds of prey comics tend to relax me. Nothing like Barbara and Canary having a conversation with each other while kicking butt


I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this. I know when I was going through a rough patch of my life, The Flash by Joshua Williamson and Superman by Peter J Tomasi & Patrick Gleason was a light that shined through the darkness. Especially issues like Superman #7 and #45 where I easily beamed from ear to ear.


It’s been a week since your original post. I hope things are going well and you’ve been able to cheer yourself up a bit. Hang in there!


For funny, my go to series will always be the Giffen/DeMatteis run on Justice League/International/America (1987-1991)
Highlights include
“One Punch!”
“Will you excuse me? I have to practice an ancient form of Martian Meditation…It’s called screaming!”
“And don’t worry…”
“Guy already put out the cat!..I did it again didn’t I?”


I have been reading a lot of these and I am so grateful to everyone’s well wishes and prayers! My dad is in the hospital right now sick but we got good news yesterday that his cancer has shrank. It not curable but chemo is kicking it’s butt!! We are looking at the possibility of YEARS left and not months…
:raised_hands:t2::pray: thank you all for your positivity it’s working :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Dcgoddessofmayhem So sorry to hear about your father. I would recommend “Superman: For all Seasons” It has helped me through some dark times.


I’ve been reading lots of comics you have all suggested thank you so much for all your recommendations they’re amazing! It’s definitely helpful to get lost in a fantasy world


I just read this thread and I’m glad things have improved. I’ll add DC’s 'Mazing Man written by DC’s original Answer Man Bob Rozakis and drawn by Stephen DeStefano. It’s been a while since I read it, but I remember it as being genuinely funny and positive. There’s a B:B&TB episode that also has the character, but I enjoyed the comic more

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Yes! I read his Flash a while ago when I was feeling depressed and it really helped cheer me up!


Dear @Dcgoddessofmayhem,

I hope you can see that we are all here for you in the DCU. I’m a bit late to this post but perhaps you’re ready for another dose of good reads. In addition to all of the amazing recommendations, I would like to suggest:

  • Birds of Prey (+1 @OracleB & @DC89)
    for its humor, action, and positivity

  • Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth
    will definitely transport you to another place

:sun_with_face: Sending so many warm thoughts and positive vibes your way, you’ll need sunglasses!

Stay strong! :heart: